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Guides - Statistics


GECKO Booking enables you to view statistics from your booking system easily. You can view statistics of the number of bookings, how much each employee has sold for, how many bookings each customer has made, which services are booked the most, which items are bought the most and much more. Depending on which add-ons you have purchased, your options will differ. It will be noted when the statistics require the purchase of a particular add-on. You can access the statistics under the menu item ‘Settings' -> ‘Statistics'.

At the top left corner you have the option of choosing a template. You can choose between a standard template made by GECKO Booking or your own template which is a template created by you. Templates consist of statistics you view often and therefore want to be able to view quickly without having to enter everything multiple times. For instance, if you view statistics of your employees' sales each month in order to calculate their commission, you can save this statistics as a template. You will then be able to choose this template each month and quickly view the statistics of your employees' sales. You can create a new template by choosing the statistics you want to view (this is described below) and then pressing ‘Add template' located at the bottom right corner. You can delete a template by choosing the template at the top left corner and then pressing the red minus icon.

Before you choose the statistics you want to view, you must start by choosing which period you want to view statistics from. This is done at the top right corner. You can choose as long a period as you like. You then need to choose how you want to show the statistics where you can choose between showing the statistics per full period (i.e. the entire chosen period), hour, day, week, month, year, or day of week. If you want to view statistics of your sales and choose to show it e.g. per week, you will be shown statistics of your sales in the chosen period divided between the individual weeks.

You then need to choose what you want to view statistics of. This is done in three easy steps.

You first need to choose your data basis. Your data basis determines how your statistics are shown, i.e. what the statistics are shown divided between, e.g. your individual employees. You have the following options:

  • General: If you choose general as your data basis, the statistics will be shown generally, i.e. not divided between anything. If you choose to view statistics of e.g. your sales, you will be able to see your total sales in the chosen period.
  • Employee: If you choose employees as your data basis, the statistics will be shown divided between your individual employees. If you choose to view statistics of e.g. your sales, you will in addition to the total sales be able to see what each employee has sold for. If you choose employees as your data basis, you will be able to choose between viewing the statistics for all employees, viewing the statistics for your active employees only (inactive employees will not be included in the statistics), or viewing the statistics for a specific employee of your choosing. Please note that the use of employees as your data basis requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.
  • Customers: If you choose customers as your data basis, the statistics will be shown divided between your individual customers. If you choose to view statistics of e.g. your sales, you will in addition to the total sales be able to see the sales divided between the individual customers, i.e. you will be able to see the amount each customer has purchased items for. If you choose customers as your data basis, four restriction options will appear: You will be able to choose between viewing the statistics for all customers, to restrict the statistics to customers of a particular gender and/or customers belonging to a particular customer group, to view the statistics for a specific customer, or to view the statistics for customers who have purchased item to item/item group, i.e. customers who have purchased a particular item or an item from a particular item group. Remember to press ‘Add item' or ‘Add item group' when you have chosen the desired item/item group. You can add an unlimited number of items and/or item groups.
  • Services: If you choose services as your data basis, the statistics will be shown divided between the individual services. If you choose to view statistics of e.g. your sales, you will in addition to the total sales be able to see the sales divided between the individual services.
  • Items: If you choose items as your data basis, the statistics will be shown divided between the individual items. If you choose to view statistics of e.g. your sales, you will in addition to the total sales be able to see the sales divided between the individual items. If you choose items as your data basis, two restriction options will appear: You will be able to choose between viewing the statistics for all items or to restrict the statistics to particular items or item groups. Remember to press ‘Add item' or ‘Add item group' when you have chosen the desired item/item group. You can add an unlimited number of items and/or item groups. Please note that the use of items as your data basis requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

You then need to choose at least one data set, i.e. what you want to view statistics of. When you have chosen a data set, you must always remember to press ‘Add' in order to add the data set. You can add an unlimited number of data sets, i.e. you can view many different types of statistics at the same time. However, the more data sets you add, the more complicated the statistics become. You can always remove a data set by pressing ‘Remove'.

When you have added a data set, you have the option of entering your own description of the data set. This description will be listed on the statistics. For instance, if you use sales shown divided between your employees to calculate their commission, you can give the data set the description ‘commission'.

Please note! You will be able to choose different data sets depending on which data basis have been chosen, i.e. depending on whether you have chosen to view the statistics generally or divided between employees, customers, services, or items. You can choose data sets from one data basis at a time only, i.e. you will be able to view all data sets under 'General' at the same time, but not data sets belonging to 'General' and 'Customers' at the same time.

The different data sets will be described below. Some data sets can be chosen for multiple data bases. They will therefore be described multiple times.

If you have chosen to view the statistics generally, you will be able to choose the following data sets:

  • Sales (via cash register): You can choose to view statistics of your sales (recorded in the cash register system). If you choose this data set, you will be able to determine whether to include sale of vouchers, whether to view the statistics inclusive or exclusive of VAT, and whether the value of used MultiPass vouchers should be included. If the value of used MultiPass vouchers is included, the value of used passes will be calculated and included, e.g. a pass from a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes sold for £100 will have a value of £10. Finally, you can determine whether you want to view the statistics combined for all your cash registers, whether you want to view the statistics for a specific cash register, or whether you want to view the statistics for ad hoc purchases made on the customer's profile. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Sales (via cash register) - item /item group: You can choose to view statistics of your sales (recorded in the cash register system). If you do not restrict the data set, you will see your total sales. However, if you choose this data set, you will be able to restrict the data set to a number of items and/or item groups. If you choose to restrict the statistics, only sales based on sale of these items/item groups will be included in the statistics. You also have the option of determining whether sale of vouchers should be included, whether to view the statistics inclusive or exclusive of VAT, and whether the value of used MultiPass vouchers should be included. If the value of used MultiPass vouchers is included, the value of used passes will be calculated and included, e.g. a pass from a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes sold for £100 will have a value of £10. Finally, you can determine whether you want to view the statistics combined for all your cash registers, whether you want to view the statistics for a specific cash register, or whether you want to view the statistics for ad hoc purchases made on the customer's profile. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Sales (via cash register) – Services: You can choose to view statistics of your sales (recorded in the cash register system). Only sales based on the sale of booked services will be included. A sale is therefore only included if you have gone from a specific booking to the cash register system where the booked service has been paid for. If you choose this data set, you will be able to determine whether to view the statistics inclusive or exclusive of VAT and whether the value of used MultiPass vouchers should be included. If the value of used MultiPass vouchers is included, the value of used passes will be calculated and included, e.g. a pass from a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes sold for £100 will have a value of £10. Finally, you can determine whether you want to view the statistics combined for all your cash registers, whether you want to view the statistics for a specific cash register, or whether you want to view the statistics for ad hoc purchases made on the customer's profile. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Sales (d.d. price) – Services: You can choose to view statistics of your sales based on booked services. The statistic is calculated by calculating the potential sales of all booked services based on the price of the service on today's date. This data set is therefore your potential sales rather than your actual sales. For instance, if a booking has been cancelled without the booking having been deleted, this booked (but cancelled) service will also be included in the statistics. Sales are inclusive of VAT.

  • Sales (online sales): You can choose to view statistics of your online sales. Sales are inclusive of VAT. If you choose this data set, you will be able to determine whether to include sale of vouchers. You will also have the option of determining whether only online orders with a particular order status should be included. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Online Payment Add-On.

  • Number of bookings: You can choose to view statistics of the number of bookings. If you choose this data set, you will be able to restrict the statistics in two ways: You can restrict on presence where you can choose to include all bookings in the statistics, only to include bookings where the customer showed up, or only to include bookings where the customer was a no-show. Please note that the use of presence requires that you remember to note on the specific booking if a customer did not show up for his/her appointment (See Specific booking for more information). You also have the option of restricting the statistics based on where the booking was made where you can choose to include all bookings in the statistics, only to include online bookings (i.e. bookings made by customers), or only to include internal bookings (i.e. bookings made by employees, e.g. via quick book). You also have the opportunity to restrict the statistics to specific services.

  • Number of re-bookings: You can choose to view statistics of the bookings which result in re-bookings. If you choose this data set you can restrict it to specific services. This works by selecting one or more services that must be booked in the selected period. Under 'Plus days' you must select how many days from the bookings you wish to search for re-bookings. If you choose 0, it equals to the specific day. You can choose to have the statistics shown as percentage of bookings that result in re-bookings, or the number of bookings that result in rebooking. As with the data set 'Number of bookings' above, you also the possibility to restrict the statistics after presence, as well as where the booking was made.

  • Occupancy rate: You can choose to view statistics of your employees' occupancy rate. The occupancy rate is the percentage of working hours that have been booked by customers (See Statistics for more information). In order to be accurate, the occupancy rate requires that you use work types. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On. If you put a tick in 'Overtime', possible overtime, as a result of a booking, will also be included.

  • Occupancy rate for work types: You can choose to view statistics of your employees' occupancy rate where you can determine which working hours should be used to calculate the rate. The occupancy rate is here the percentage of working hours with the chosen work type(s) that have been booked by customers. Please note that this requires that you use work types and have purchased the Cash Register Add-On. If you put a tick in 'Overtime', possible overtime, as a result of a booking, will also be included.

Remember to press 'Add' when you have chosen the desired data set!

If you have chosen to view the statistics divided between employees, you will be able to choose the following data sets:

  • Sales (via cash register): You can choose to view statistics of your sales (recorded in the cash register system). The statistics will be shown divided between your employees. If you choose this data set, you will be able to determine whether to include sale of vouchers, whether to view the statistics inclusive or exclusive of VAT, and whether the value of used MultiPass vouchers should be included. If the value of used MultiPass vouchers is included, the value of used passes will be calculated and included, e.g. a pass from a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes sold for £100 will have a value of £10. Finally, you can determine whether you want to view the statistics combined for all your cash registers, whether you want to view the statistics for a specific cash register, or whether you want to view the statistics for ad hoc purchases made on the customer's profile. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Sales (via cash register) - Item / item group: You can choose to view statistics of your sales (recorded in the cash register system). Sales are inclusive of VAT. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees. If you do not restrict the data set, you will see your total sales. However, if you choose this data set, you will be able to restrict the data set to a number of items and/or item groups. If you choose to restrict the statistics, only sales based on sale of these items/item groups will be included in the statistics. You also have the option of determining whether sale of vouchers should be included, whether to view the statistics inclusive or exclusive of VAT, and whether the value of used MultiPass vouchers should be included. If the value of used MultiPass vouchers is included, the value of used passes will be calculated and included, e.g. a pass from a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes sold for £100 will have a value of £10. Finally, you can determine whether you want to view the statistics combined for all your cash registers, whether you want to view the statistics for a specific cash register, or whether you want to view the statistics for ad hoc purchases made on the customer's profile. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Sales (via cash register) – Services: You can choose to view statistics of your sales (recorded in the cash register system). Only sales based on the sale of booked services are included. A sale is therefore only included if you have gone from a specific booking to the cash register system where the booked service has been paid for. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees. If you choose this data set, you will be able to determine whether to view the statistics inclusive or exclusive of VAT and whether the value of used MultiPass vouchers should be included. If the value of used MultiPass vouchers is included, the value of used passes will be calculated and included, e.g. a pass from a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes sold for £100 will have a value of £10. Finally, you can determine whether you want to view the statistics combined for all your cash registers, whether you want to view the statistics for a specific cash register, or whether you want to view the statistics for ad hoc purchases made on the customer's profile. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Sales (d.d. price) – Services: You can choose to view statistics of your sales based on booked services. The statistic is calculated by calculating the potential sales for all booked services based on the price of the service on today's date. This data set is therefore your potential sales rather than your actual sales. For instance, if a booking has been cancelled without the booking having been deleted, this booked (but cancelled) service will also be included in the statistics. Sales are inclusive of VAT. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees.

  • Number of sold – Item / item group: You can choose to view statistics of the number of sold items. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees. If you do not restrict the data set, you will see your total number of sold items. However, if you choose this data set, you will be able to restrict the data set to a number of items and/or item groups. If you choose to restrict the statistics, only these items/item groups will count towards the number of sold items. You also have the option of determining whether sale of vouchers should be included. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Number of bookings: You can choose to view statistics of the number of bookings. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees. If you choose this data set, you will be able to restrict the statistics in two ways: You can restrict on presence where you can choose to include all bookings in the statistics, only to include bookings where the customer showed up, or only to include bookings where the customer was a no-show. Please note that the use of presence requires that you remember to note on the specific booking if a customer did not show up for his/her appointment (See Specific booking for more information). You also have the option of restricting the statistics based on where the booking was made where you can choose to include all bookings in the statistics, only to include online bookings (i.e. bookings made by customers), or only to include internal bookings (i.e. bookings made by employees, e.g. via quick book). You also have the opportunity to restrict the statistics to specific services.

  • Number of bookings (via cash register): You can choose to view statistics of the number of bookings that have been paid for via the cash register system. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees. If you choose this data set, you will be able to restrict the statistics in two ways: You can restrict on presence where you can choose to include all bookings in the statistics, only to include bookings where the customer showed up, or only to include bookings where the customer was a no-show. Please note that the use of presence requires that you remember to note on the specific booking if a customer did not show up for his/her appointment (See Specific booking for more information). You also have the option of restricting the statistics based on where the booking was made where you can choose to include all bookings in the statistics, only to include online bookings (i.e. bookings made by customers), or only to include internal bookings (i.e. bookings made by employees, e.g. via quick book). You also have the opportunity to restrict the statistics to specific services. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Number of re-bookings: You can choose to view statistics of the bookings which result in re-bookings. If you choose this data set you can restrict it to specific services. This works by selecting one or more services that must be booked in the selected period. Under 'Plus days' you must select how many days from the bookings you wish to search for re-bookings. If you choose 0, it equals to the specific day. You can choose to have the statistics shown as percentage of bookings that result in re-bookings, or the number of bookings that result in rebooking. As with the data set 'Number of bookings' above, you also the possibility to restrict the statistics after presence, as well as where the booking was made.

  • Bookable working hours: You can choose to view statistics of your employees' bookable working hours, i.e. how many hours bookable working hours have been created in. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Working hours: You can choose to view statistics of you employees' working hours, i.e. how many hours working hours have been created in. All working hours with a work type set to ‘Calculate salary' will be included in the statistics, i.e. both bookable and non-bookable working hours. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On. If you put a tick in 'Overtime', possible overtime, as a result of a booking, will also be included.

  • Working hours for work types: You can choose to view statistics of those of your employees' working hours that have a particular work type, i.e. how many hours working hours of a particular work type have been created in. If you choose this data set, you will be able to determine which work types the statistics should include. This requires that you use work types (See Work types for more information). Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On. If you put a tick in 'Overtime', possible overtime, as a result of a booking, will also be included.

  • Occupancy rate: You can choose to view statistics of your employees' occupancy rate. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees. The occupancy rate is the percentage of working hours that have been booked by customers (See Statistics for more information). In order to be accurate, the occupancy rate requires that you use work types. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On. If you put a tick in 'Overtime', possible overtime, as a result of a booking, will also be included.

  • Occupancy hours: You can choose to view statistics of your employees' occupancy hours. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees. The number of occupancy hours is determined by how many hours customers have booked in the calendar to which the employee is linked. This means that internal bookings without a customer do not count towards the number of occupancy hours. In order to be accurate, the occupancy hours require that you use work types. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On. If you put a tick in 'Overtime', possible overtime, as a result of a booking, will also be included.

  • Occupancy rate for work types: You can choose to view statistics of your employees' occupancy rate where you can determine which working hours should be used to calculate the rate. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees. The occupancy rate is here the percentage of working hours with the chosen work type(s) that have been booked by customers.  Please note that this requires that you use work types and have purchased the Cash Register Add-On. If you put a tick in 'Overtime', possible overtime, as a result of a booking, will also be included.

  • Number of services: You can choose to view statistics of the number of booked services. If you use service additions, each booking can contain multiple services, and the number of booked services can therefore be higher than the number of bookings. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees. If you choose this data set, you will be able to restrict the statistics in two ways: You can restrict on presence where you can choose to include all bookings in the statistics, only to include bookings where the customer showed up, or only to include bookings where the customer was a no-show. Please note that the use of presence requires that you remember to note on the specific booking if a customer did not show up for his/her appointment (See Specific booking for more information). You also have the option of restricting the statistics based on where the booking was made where you can choose to include all bookings in the statistics, only to include online bookings (i.e. bookings made by customers), or only to include internal bookings (i.e. bookings made by employees, e.g. via quick book). Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On. You also have the opportunity to restrict the statistics to specific services.

  • Avg. services per booking: You can choose to view statistics of the average number of services per booking. If you use service additions, each booking can contain multiple services. You also have the opportunity to restrict the statistics to specific services. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees.

  • Avg. sales services per booking: You can choose to view statistics of the average sales per booking (recorded in the cash register system). Only sales based on the sale of booked services are included. When you go from a specific booking to the cash register system, sales based on the service(s) will be included in the statistics but not any other items that are purchased on the same receipt. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees. If you choose this data set, you will be able to determine whether to view the statistics inclusive or exclusive of VAT and whether the value of used MultiPass vouchers should be included. If the value of used MultiPass vouchers is included, the value of used passes will be calculated and included, e.g. a pass from a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes sold for £100 will have a value of £10. Finally, you can determine whether you want to view the statistics combined for all your cash registers, whether you want to view the statistics for a specific cash register, or whether you want to view the statistics for ad hoc purchases made on the customer's profile. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Avg. sales per booking (via cash register): You can choose to view statistics of the average sales per booking (recorded in the cash register system). When you go from a specific booking to the cash register system, sales based on services and any other items purchased on the same receipt will be included in the statistics. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees. If you choose this data set, you will be able to determine whether to include sale of vouchers, whether to view the statistics inclusive or exclusive of VAT, and whether the value of used MultiPass vouchers should be included. If the value of used MultiPass vouchers is included, the value of used passes will be calculated and included, e.g. a pass from a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes sold for £100 will have a value of £10. Finally, you can determine whether you want to view the statistics combined for all your cash registers, whether you want to view the statistics for a specific cash register, or whether you want to view the statistics for ad hoc purchases made on the customer's profile. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Avg. sales, item/item group per hour: You can choose to view statistics of the average sales per working hour. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees. If you choose this data set, you will have the option of restricting the data set to a number of items and/or item groups. If you choose to restrict the statistics, only sales based on sale of these items/item groups will be included in the statistics. You also have the option of determining whether sale of vouchers should be included, whether to view the statistics inclusive or exclusive of VAT, and whether the value of used MultiPass vouchers should be included. If the value of used MultiPass vouchers is included, the value of used passes will be calculated and included, e.g. a pass from a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes sold for £100 will have a value of £10. In addition, you can restrict the statistics to include only select working hours in the calculation of hours. You can restrict the statistics to Bookable working hours (only bookable working hours are included), Actual working hours (only working hours of a type set to 'Include salary' are included), or Choose work type(s) (you determine which working hours should be included). Finally, you can determine whether you want to view the statistics combined for all your cash registers, whether you want to view the statistics for a specific cash register, or whether you want to view the statistics for ad hoc purchases made on the customer's profile. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Avg. sales per service: You can choose to view statistics of the average sales per service. This is calculated by comparing the employee's total sales with the number of times the employee has been chosen on at least one item line in the cash register system. The employee does not need to be chosen as the shop assistant. The statistics will be shown divided between your employees. If you choose this data set, you will have the option of restricting the data set to a number of items and/or item groups. If you choose to restrict the statistics, only sales based on sale of these items/item groups will be included in the statistics. You also have the option of determining whether sale of vouchers should be included, whether to view the statistics inclusive or exclusive of VAT, and whether the value of used MultiPass vouchers should be included. If the value of used MultiPass vouchers is included, the value of used passes will be calculated and included, e.g. a pass from a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes sold for £100 will have a value of £10. Finally, you can determine whether you want to view the statistics combined for all your cash registers, whether you want to view the statistics for a specific cash register, or whether you want to view the statistics for ad hoc purchases made on the customer's profile. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

Remember to press 'Add' when you have chosen the desired data set!

If you have chosen to view the statistics divided between customers, you will be able to choose the following data sets:

  • Sales (via cash register): You can choose to view statistics of your sales (recorded in the cash register system). The statistics will be shown divided between your customers. If you choose this data set, you will be able to determine whether to include sale of vouchers, whether to view the statistics inclusive or exclusive of VAT, and whether the value of used MultiPass vouchers should be included. If the value of used MultiPass vouchers is included, the value of used passes will be calculated and included, e.g. a pass from a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes sold for £100 will have a value of £10. Finally, you can determine whether you want to view the statistics combined for all your cash registers, whether you want to view the statistics for a specific cash register, or whether you want to view the statistics for ad hoc purchases made on the customer's profile. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Sales (via cash register) – Item / item group: You can choose to view statistics of your sales (recorded in the cash register system). The statistics will be shown divided between your customers. If you do not restrict the data set, you will see your total sales. However, if you choose this data set, you will be able to restrict the data set to a number of items and/or item groups. If you choose to restrict the statistics, only sales based on sale of these items/item groups will be included in the statistics. You also have the option of determining whether sale of vouchers should be included, whether to view the statistics inclusive or exclusive of VAT, and whether the value of used MultiPass vouchers should be included. If the value of used MultiPass vouchers is included, the value of used passes will be calculated and included, e.g. a pass from a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes sold for £100 will have a value of £10. Finally, you can determine whether you want to view the statistics combined for all your cash registers, whether you want to view the statistics for a specific cash register, or whether you want to view the statistics for ad hoc purchases made on the customer's profile. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Sales (via cash register) – Services: You can choose to view statistics of your sales (recorded in the cash register system). Only sales based on the sale of booked services are included. A sale is therefore only included if you have gone from a specific booking to the cash register system where the booked service has been paid for. The statistics will be shown divided between your customers. If you choose this data set, you will be able to determine whether to view the statistics inclusive or exclusive of VAT and whether the value of used MultiPass vouchers should be included. If the value of used MultiPass vouchers is included, the value of used passes will be calculated and included, e.g. a pass from a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes sold for £100 will have a value of £10. Finally, you can determine whether you want to view the statistics combined for all your cash registers, whether you want to view the statistics for a specific cash register, or whether you want to view the statistics for ad hoc purchases made on the customer's profile. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Sales (d.d. price) – Services: You can choose to view statistics of your sales based on booked services. The statistic is calculated by calculating the potential sales for all booked services based on the price of the service on today's date. This data set is therefore your potential sales rather than your actual sales. For instance, if a booking has been cancelled without the booking having been deleted, this booked (but cancelled) service will also be included in the statistics. Sales are inclusive of VAT. The statistics will be shown divided between your customers.

  • Number of bookings: You can choose to view statistics of the number of bookings. The statistics will be shown divided between your customers. If you choose this data set, you will be able to restrict the statistics in two ways: You can restrict on presence where you can choose to include all bookings in the statistics, only to include bookings where the customer showed up, or only to include bookings where the customer was a no-show. Please note that the use of presence requires that you remember to note on the specific booking if a customer did not show up for his/her appointment (See Specific booking for more information). You also have the option of restricting the statistics based on where the booking was made where you can choose to include all bookings in the statistics, only to include online bookings (i.e. bookings made by customers), or only to include internal bookings (i.e. bookings made by employees, e.g. via quick book). You also have the opportunity to restrict the statistics to specific services.

  • Booking interval: You can choose to view statistics of the customer's booking interval, i.e. how many days there are between a customer's bookings on average. In order for the booking interval to be meaningful, it is recommended that you choose a longer period and choose to show the statistics for the full period. If you choose this data set, you will be able to restrict the statistics in two ways: You can restrict on presence where you can choose to include all bookings in the statistics, only to include bookings where the customer showed up, or only to include bookings where the customer was a no-show. Please note that the use of presence requires that you remember to note on the specific booking if a customer did not show up for his/her appointment (See Specific booking for more information). You also have the option of restricting the statistics based on where the booking was made where you can choose to include all bookings in the statistics, only to include online bookings (i.e. bookings made by customers), or only to include internal bookings (i.e. bookings made by employees, e.g. via quick book).

  • Number of sold – Item / item group: You can choose to view statistics of the number of sold items. The statistics will be shown divided between your customers. If you do not restrict the data set, you will be shown the total number of sold items. However, if you choose this data set, you will be able to restrict the data set to a number of items and/or item groups. If you choose to restrict the statistics, only these items/item groups will count towards the number of sold items. You also have the option of determining whether sale of vouchers should be included. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

Remember to press 'Add' when you have chosen the desired data set!

If you have chosen to view the statistics divided between services, you will be able to choose the following data sets:

  • Number of bookings: You can choose to view statistics of the number of bookings. The statistics will be shown divided between your services. If you choose this data set, you will be able to restrict the statistics in two ways: You can restrict on presence where you can choose to include all bookings in the statistics, only to include bookings where the customer showed up, or only to include bookings where the customer was a no-show. Please note that the use of presence requires that you remember to note on the specific booking if a customer did not show up for his/her appointment (See Specific booking for more information). You also have the option of restricting the statistics based on where the booking was made where you can choose to include all bookings in the statistics, only to include online bookings (i.e. bookings made by customers), or only to include internal bookings (i.e. bookings made by employees, e.g. via quick book).

  • Number of bookings (employee): You can choose to view statistics of the number of bookings booked in a calendar belonging to an employee. In order to be meaningful, this data set therefore requires that your calendars are linked to your employees (See Settings for more information). The statistics will be shown divided between your services. If you choose this data set, you will be able to restrict the statistics in three ways: You can restrict on presence where you can choose to include all bookings in the statistics, only to include bookings where the customer showed up, or only to include bookings where the customer was a no-show. Please note that the use of presence requires that you remember to note on the specific booking if a customer did not show up for his/her appointment (See Specific booking for more information). You also have the option of restricting the statistics based on where the booking was made where you can choose to include all bookings in the statistics, only to include online bookings (i.e. bookings made by customers), or only to include internal bookings (i.e. bookings made by employees, e.g. via quick book). Finally, you can choose to restrict on employee where you can choose to include bookings belonging to all employees, only to include bookings belonging to active employees, or only to include bookings belonging to one or more specific employees of your choosing. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Sales (via cash register): You can choose to view statistics of your sales (recorded in the cash register system). The statistics will be shown divided between your services. If you choose this data set, you will be able to determine whether to include sale of vouchers, whether to view the statistics inclusive or exclusive of VAT, and whether the value of used MultiPass vouchers should be included. If the value of used MultiPass vouchers is included, the value of used passes will be calculated and included, e.g. a pass from a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes sold for £100 will have a value of £10. Finally, you can determine whether you want to view the statistics combined for all your cash registers, whether you want to view the statistics for a specific cash register, or whether you want to view the statistics for ad hoc purchases made on the customer's profile. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Sales (d.d. price): You can choose to view statistics of your sales based on booked services. Sales are inclusive of VAT. The statistics will be shown divided between your services. The statistic is calculated by calculating the potential sales for all booked services based on the price of the service on today's date. This data set is therefore your potential sales rather than your actual sales. For instance, if a booking has been cancelled without the booking having been deleted, this booked (but cancelled) service will also be included in the statistics.

Remember to press 'Add' when you have chosen the desired data set!

If you have chosen to view the statistics divided between items, you will be able to choose the following data sets

  • Sales (via cash register): You can choose to view statistics of your sales (recorded in the cash register system). The statistics will be shown divided between your items. If you choose this data set, you will be able to determine whether to include sale of vouchers, whether to view the statistics inclusive or exclusive of VAT, and whether the value of used MultiPass vouchers should be included. If the value of used MultiPass vouchers is included, the value of used passes will be calculated and included, e.g. a pass from a MultiPass voucher with 10 passes sold for £100 will have a value of £10. Finally, you can determine whether you want to view the statistics combined for all your cash registers, whether you want to view the statistics for a specific cash register, or whether you want to view the statistics for ad hoc purchases made on the customer's profile. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

  • Number sold: You can choose to view statistics of the number of sold items. The statistics will be shown divided between your items. If  you choose this data set, you will be able to determine whether to include sale of vouchers. Please note that this data set requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

Remember to press 'Add' when you have chosen the desired data set!

When you have chosen a data basis and a data set, you need to choose a type of view, i.e. how you want the statistics to be shown. You can choose between viewing the statistics on your screen (i.e. in the same window), as a CSV file that can be read by e.g. Microsoft Excel, or to view the statistics as a graph. Please note that the graph is not suitable for all types of statistics; the more complicated the statistics, the more complicated the graph will be. If you have chosen 'Customers' as your data basis, you can also choose marketing as your type of view. If you choose this type of view, you will be transferred to the Marketing Add-On (See the guide Marketing Add-On for more information). With 'Customers' as the data basis, and if the Cash register Add-On is active, you also have the option to choose discount group as the type of view. Here you will have the opportunity to choose a discount group to which the selected customers should be moved. When you press ‘Show statistics', you will be taken to the discount group, along with the list of customers (see the separate guide Discount groups for more information).

In addition, you can determine how the statistics should be sorted, i.e. which order the statistics should be shown in. Opposite Sort the result column you can choose which column to sort by and you can choose whether you want to view the statistics in ascending order or in descending order. Moreover, you will sometimes have the option of choosing which period to sort by. For instance, if you have chosen to view statistics of the number of sold items (with the data basis ‘items'), you will be able to sort the statistics by the column 'items' or by the column 'number of sold'. If you choose ‘items', the statistics will be shown in alphabetical order, but if you choose 'number of sold', the statistics will be sorted by which items have been sold the most (if you have chosen 'descending order') or by which items have been sold the least (if you have chosen 'ascending order'). In addition, you will be able to choose which period to sort by. For instance, if you at the top right corner have chosen to show the statistics per month, you will be able to choose which month to sort by. If you choose 'December 2012', the statistics will be sorted by which items have sold the most in December 2012 regardless of how many items have been sold in other months. Finally, you can determine how many rows you maximum want to be shown. The number of rows is determined by your data basis. If you have chosen e.g. 'Customers' as your data basis, you will only be shown statistics for the number of customers that corresponds to the number of rows you have chosen as a maximum. If you have a greater number of customers than your maximum number of rows, the entire statistics will not be shown.

When you have chosen a data basis, a data set, and a type of view, press 'Show statistics'. The chosen statistics will now be shown.

Please note! Depending on the chosen statistics, it may take a couple of minutes to retrieve the desired statistics.

At the bottom right corner you have the option of saving the chosen statistics as a template. If you choose to do so, you will be able to recreate the statistics easily without having to choose data basis, data sets etc. again. For instance, if you view statistics of your employees' sales in order to calculate their commission each month, you can save this statistics as the template ‘Commission'. You will then be able to choose this template each month and quickly view the statistics of your employees' sales. If you want to save the statistics as a template, press ‘Add template'. By pressing ‘Update template' you can save changes made in an existing template. You can retrieve a saved template at the top left corner.


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