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Guides - Customer information

Customer information

Under ‘Customer information' you can view all information registered about a customer. This includes the customer's contact information, as well as all bookings and purchases made by the customer. The customer information represents the customer's profile.
You can access this page from several places within the booking system - e.g. from the customer database.

At the top right corner you have the following options:

  • Quick login: Get transferred to the customer's frontend, i.e. online booking, and make a booking for the customer. Please note! Per default, only the super administrator has access to 'Quick login', but it is possible to provide other administrators access. You do this at Login Settings.
  • To the cash register: Get transferred to the cash register, where the customer can make a payment. Please note that this requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.
  • To Quick Book: Get transferred to Quick Book, where you can book an appointment for the customer.
  • Send e-mail / SMS: Contact the customer via e-mail or SMS.
  • Edit customer services: Edit the price and duration of services for this customer only.
  • Find duplicates: Search for duplicates of this customer, i.e. whether the customer has multiple profiles.

Depending on which add-ons you have purchased, your options on this page will vary. The screenshots shown in this guide show a booking system where the Questionnaire Add-On, the Cash Register Add-On and the Gift Voucher Add-On have been purchased. By opening the different tabs, you can see the information registered about a customer in the chosen category.


Under 'Documents' you can create documents directly via the customer profile. To make use of documents, the purchase of the Document add-on is required. Furthermore, you will need to have some documents created in order to retreive them here. Therefore, read the guide 'Create document' first. 

In order to create documents via the customer profile, choose the document you wish to create in the drop down menu. Next, press the button 'Create'. You will then see a page where you will be able to act on the document so to speak. At the top you can see the status of the document, showing who is supposed to act on the document, e.g. to confirm the document. In the example below, you will see a referral that has 'Back-end/administration' as the initiator and the one allowed to fill out the document, which is why the status says 'Awaiting Back-end/administration'.

NB! How this page looks like and the documents that are shown, depends on how you have created these and the persons of interest that you have marked, meaning those who can create and/or initiate as well as fill out the document. If you have created another kind of document, the status can also be 'Awaiting customer' or 'Awaiting contact person'. 

The documents will appear on the customer profile as the example below. If the document is finished, it will be evident under 'Status' of the specific document. If the status is 'Awaiting' an action from another part, you will still be able to edit the document by pressing 'Edit' opposite it. On the tab 'Documents' it will also be evident if the specific customer has documents that are unfinished.  

Customer forms:

Under ‘Customer forms' you can see all forms that the customer has filled out. To make use of forms, the purchase of the Questionnaire Add-On is required. Also see the guide 'What are forms' or 'Customer forms' for more information. 

Active reservations:

Under ‘Active reservations' you can see bookings made by the customer that are not yet completed. You cannot change the bookings here, however, you can click on 'Go to specific booking' to be transferred to a page, where changes can be made. If you have activated ‘Extra spaces', you can see the extra information that the customer has filled out by hovering the pointer over the magnifying glass. You can also print a list of all active reservations. 

To the right under the reservations you can press three different buttons:

Mail merge: If you press here you can retrieve different mail templates and merge them with a specific customer. In order to retrive these templates you have to have created them - read how you do this in the . 

SMS appointment card: If you press here, you can send an appointment card to a customer by SMS. The appointment card include all of the customer's active reservations. You can insert the information you want about the customer's bookings by using these Substitution codes. You can insert the codes and edit the SMS text via 'Settings' -> Texts'. Then choose the tab 'Online booking - SMS/Email' and press 'Booking - Appointment card - SMS'.  In the SMS appointment card you can e.g. insert the following meaning that everything from 'Begin' to 'End' is repeated per booking:


When you have pressed the button as well as confirmed that you wish to send the appointment card, the button will then show 'Sent' along with a check mark. If a mobile number is missing you will be alerted about this. 

Print: If you press here, you are able to print the customer's active reservations. 


If you have activated the 'Rebooking' feature, you can sign up the customer for automatic rebooking reminders. You can also read the guide 'Back-end describing how you activate rebooking and start the actual rebooking process. 

Customer information:

Under 'Customer information' you can see and edit the information that has been entered about the chosen customer. Under ‘Advanced settings' you can change the information you can see here (see Back-end. Customer for more information).

Besides the basics, you have the following options:

  • No.: Can be used as a reference to the customer in another system - e.g. in connection with a corporate customer agreement, where the customer also has an employee number in the given corporation.
  • Language: Set the language in which the customer should view online booking. The customer can choose a language in online booking him-/herself, however, if you set up the customer, you can set the language right away, so that the customer from the beginning only views online booking in the correct language, as well as receives the correct e-mail reminders, etc.
  • Reminders: Note whether the customer wants SMS and/or e-mail reminders.
  • Text/Note: Attach a note to the customer - e.g. if you are a hairdresser, you can note what haircolour the customer is normally dyed with.
  • Important note: Create a note, containing important information about the customer. If an important note has been added, you will see an 'Important information'-icon on the customer's bookings in the calender, next to the customer's name in the cash register, and next to the customer's name on specific bookings.
  • Right to insight: You can activate the 'Right to insight' link on the customer, which means that the link will be visible for the customer, when he/she logs in. The 'Right to insight' is a result of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and gives your customers the right to gain insigt into the data stored on them. Therefore, they can download a file with all the information that you have registered about them. By ticking this box, you activate the 'right' on the specific customer. You can also activate the link for all customers, when they log in. Also, read this for more information. 

 In addition, it is shown when the customer was created, was last online, and from which IP-address this took place. 



If you have purchased the cash register add-on you have the additional options:

  • If you have created customer tags, you will be able to see which tags that have been attatched to this specific customer. 
  • If you have activated discount groups, you can sign the customer up for a discount group.
  • View the customer's point balance in your reward programs, and see how many points the customer has already used.

​If you have purchased the encrypted line/record add-on you can also write a record entry about the customer.

Furthermore, you will be able to see whether the customer is linked to an existing debtor. From here, you can access the debtor account or choose to remove the link.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes!

Please note! An orange exclamation mark next to the customer's e-mail address indicates that the last time the system attempted to send an e-mail to this address it failed. This is most often due to an incorrect e-mail address. The system will not attempt to send e-mails to this address again until it has been corrected.


Under ‘Record' you are able to create record entries about customers. To make use of record entries, the purchase of the RecordAdd-On is required. Also see the guide 'Create record entry about customer' or 'Create fixed customer spaces' for more information. 


If you have activated the use of contacts, you can add one or multiple contact persons to the customer.

Debtor postings:

Under the tab 'Debtor postings' you can get a complete overview of the customers debtor postings. If a debtor has been attatched to the customer, the customers debtor postings will appear here. You can then press the + to the left side of the page to see futher information about each posting and can also see the invoices as pdf. 

Please note! You can only see the postings if the customer has been attatched to a debotr. If the customer is not attatched to a debtor or if the customer is attatched to a debtor that has several customers attatched, it is not possible to find any postings here.

You can read much more about debtors and debtor lists in the guide Debtor overview

Ad hoc purchases:

Under 'Ad hoc purchases' you can add a purchase to the customer that (s)he has made in another system. Ad hoc purchases can, for instance, be used if you have an online shop that does not use GECKO Booking, and you want to transfer the purchases from this online shop to GECKO Booking in order to get a better overview. Ad hoc purchases do not appear on the cash register statistics and do not affect the status of the stock. However, the customer will still be able to earn points if the ad hoc purchase is of an item that are part of a reward program, which allows the customer to earn points for ad hoc purchases.

Please note that ad hoc purchases require the purchase of the cash register add-on.

Voucher purchases:

Under 'Voucher purchases' you can see a list of all the voucher purchases the customer has made. By clicking on ‘Go to/show' you get transferred to the chosen voucher.

Please note that this requires the purchase of the gift voucher add-on.

Subscriptions with autowithdraw:

Under 'Subscriptions with autowithdraw' you can view autowithdraw information on the customer, including both active and inactive subscriptions, as well as creditcard changes.

Communication log:

Under 'Communication log' you can view a list of all the communication that has been sent to the customer. By substitution codes, specific booking you will be able to see further information, such as the specific service(s) the customer has received a e-mail confirmation or reminder about.

Show log:

Under 'Show log' you can see which changes have been made for the customer, as well as who made these changes.


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