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Guides - Copy services to another customer group

Copy services to another customer group

If you have multiple customer groups and want to offer the same services in more of these, you can copy services from one customer group to another.

At the top of the service overview you need to choose which customer group you want to copy the services from, and at the bottom of the page you need to choose which customer group you want to copy the services to. Click on ‘Copy services' and the services have now been copied to the chosen customer group!

If you have already (before the copying) created services in the customer group to which you copy, these services will remain unaffected. If you copy a service that has the same name as a service already in the group, you will now have two services with the same name.

Please note! When you have copied services from one customer group to another, the copied service will not be affected by changes in the original service. For example, if you change the price of the original service, the price of the copy will not likewise be changed. In order to transfer the changes, you must delete the copied service(s) and then copy the services again.


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