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Guides - Divide signup spaces

Divide signup spaces

If you make use of many sign up spaces in your events, it may be a good idea to divide the spaces into several steps. It makes the sign-up process easier for your customers. 

To create the steps your sign up spaces are to be divided into, click on 'Create space', like when you create a regular sign up space. Choose the type 'Insert step' and name the space and name the space, for example 'Personlige oplysninger' (Personal information). Continue until you have the number of steps you need. 

Subsequently, you must specify the priority of your spaces so that your sign up spaces appear under your newly created steps. For example, it may be as illustrated in the screenshot where 'Personlige informationer' (Personal information), which is of the type Insert step, has priority 1, followed by 'Adresse' (Address), which has priority 2, 'Postnr' (postal code) priority 3, and so on. 

Remember to click on 'Update'!

By dividing it in this way, the sign up spaces for the event will look as shown below:

Step 1:

Step 2:


Step 3: 





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