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Guides - Automatic SMS messages

Automatic SMS messages

The SMS Add-On enables you to send different kinds of automatic e-mails / SMS messages to your customers, e.g. e-mails / SMS messages that remind the customers of their bookings. In addition, you can receive automatic e-mails / SMS messages yourself, e.g. when a customer makes a booking.
The sending of automatic e-mails / SMS messages to your customers is managed under the menu item ‘Settings' > ‘Booking' > 'Booking settings' > 'Notifications'.

You have the following options:

  • E-mail reminder 1: You can send a reminder by e-mail to your customers about their appointments X hours before the appointment. The reminder feature is activated by ticking the box and setting how many hours before the appointment the SMS should be sent.
  • E-mail reminder 2: You can send one more reminder by e-mail to your customers about their appointments X hours before the appointment. The reminder feature is activated by ticking the box and setting how many hours before the appointment the SMS should be sent.
  • Daily overview: You have the option of receiving an e-mail with an overview of the bookings made on the following day. 
  • SMS reminder 1: You can send a reminder by SMS to your customers about their appointments X hours before the appointment. The reminder feature is activated by ticking the box and setting how many hours before the appointment the SMS should be sent.
  • SMS reminder 2: You can send one more reminder by SMS to your customers about their appointments X hours before the appointment. The reminder feature is activated by ticking the box and setting how many hours before the appointment the SMS should be sent.
  • Limit SMS reminders: Specify whether you want to send to all customer groups, as well as how the customer should receive more SMS reminders in case of multiple bookings. 
  • SMS confirmation: You have the option to send the customer and confirmation of booking. 

Remember to press 'Update' in order to save any changes!

Regaring automatic SMS, there is the possibility of some general settings. Go to 'General settings' > 'Notifications'. 



  • SMS sender: You can enter a mobile number or a name that the SMS messages sent via GECKO Booking will have as sender information. It could be the name of the company. 
  • Send password: You can allow your customers to receive their password by SMS. In addition, you can choose whether the password should be sent by both SMS and e-mail or whether the customer can choose whether to receive a SMS or an e-mail with the password.
  • SMS queue: You can set a time interval in which SMS reminders are not sent to your customers. The interval could be from e.g. 23:00 to 6:30. When the time interval is over, the system will automatically send the SMS messages that have been queued, i.e. the SMS messages that should have been sent in the entered interval. This feature can be used to ensure that your customers do not receive SMS messages in the middle of the night.

The sending of automatic E-mails / SMS messages to yourself is managed under the settings of each calendar. You have the option of receiving an automatic E-mail / SMS when a customer books an appointment and/or when a customer cancels an appointment. In order to use these SMS features, you must remember to enter a mobile number.

Go to 'Calendars' > 'Calendar overview' > 'Settings'. 


You have the following options related to the SMS Add-On:

  • New booking - E-mail: You have the option of receiving a notification by SMS when a customer books an appointment in this calendar. Please note that this does not apply to quick bookings. 
  • New comment - E-mail: You have the option of receiving 
  • New booking - SMS: You have the option of receiving a notification by SMS when a customer books an appointment in this calendar. Please note that this does not apply to quick bookings. 
    Go to texts makes you jump 'Booking - Confirmation SMS - Own copy' under text 
  • Booking cancelled - E-mail: You have the option of receiving a notification by E-mail when a customer cancels an appointment in this calendar. Please note that this does not apply to cancellations by staff.
  • Booking cancelled - SMS: You have the option of receiving a notification by SMS when a customer cancels an appointment in this calendar. Please note that this does not apply to cancellations by staff.

'Go to texts' makes you jump direktly to 'Booking - Confirmation SMS - Booking cancelled - Own copy' under text. Here you can change the texts that are automatically sent by E-mail and SMS. 

Remember to press 'Update' in order to save any changes!

All sent SMSmessages are archived in a SMS log that can be accessed by pressing 'Show SMS log' (See SMS log for more information). Via this log you can keep track of the number of sent SMS messages.


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