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Guides - Create templates

Create templates

Under 'Templates' you can create templates that you will be able to choose on the customer profile under your existing Record groups.

At the bottom you can enter the name of the template you wish to create. If you have several templates you can determine priorities that determine the order in which the templates appear - both here in the overview and on the customer profile. The higher the priority of a template, the lower on the list it is shown. Which numbers are chosen as priorities are not important, as the booking system only cares about the priorities' relationship to each other. By default, all templates are created with a priority of 100. The template is created by pressing ‘Create'.

At the top you will see an overview of all created templates. You have the option to deactivate a template by removing the check mark under 'Active' and press 'Update Templates'. You can also choose to completely delete a template by check marking 'Delete' and press 'Update Templates'. To edit an existing template, press 'Edit'.


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