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Guides - Create fixed customer spaces

Create fixed customer spaces

The Record Add-On enables you to create fixed customer spaces that the customer must fill out, e.g. when (s)he creates him/herself as a user. You can thereby obtain further information about the customer that is relevant for your industry/business. This could be used if you want to know e.g. whether the customers takes medicine daily, has a back injury, or the like. Fixed customer spaces will be listed on the customer's profile wherefore they only need to be filled out once. Customer spaces are therefore different from the extra spaces that are linked to a customer group as these must be filled out each time a booking is made. However, even though customer spaces need to be filled out only once, the customer's answer can always be changed if this is necessary. In addition to using the fixed customer spaces to obtain further information about the customer, the fixed customer spaces can be used in the booking statistics where they can be included as search criteria (See Filtering of statistics by customer spaces for more information). You can create an unlimited amount of customer spaces.

The Record Add-On can be accessed under the menu item 'Settings' ('Settings' -> 'Record'). At the top part of the page you have the option of viewing existing and creating new customer spaces.

At the bottom of 'Fixed customer spaces' you can create a new customer space. In order to create a new space, you must enter the name of the space. The name functions as the question that must be answered by the customer, e.g. ‘Do you take medicine daily?'. Afterwards, you must choose which type the space should be. You have the following options:

  • Small text (1 line): The customer must answer the question by writing a text. The text can be of one line only.
  • Large text (several lines): The customer must answer the question by writing a text. The text can be of multiple lines.
  • Numbers: The customer must answer the question by writing a number.
  • Yes / No (Radio buttons): The customer must answer the question by pressing a button named 'Yes' or 'No'.
  • Yes / No / Don't know (Radio buttons): The customer must answer the question by pressing a button named 'Yes', 'No', or 'Don't know'.
  • Yes (Checkbox): The customer must approve by ticking a box.
  • Upload file: The customer must upload a file from his/her computer.

Finally, you need to determine the priority of the space. If you have created multiple spaces, the priorities determine the order in which the spaces are shown – both in the overview and when the spaces are shown to your customers. The higher the priority of a space, the lower on the list it is shown. Which numbers are chosen as priorities are not important, as the booking system only cares about the priorities' relationship to each other. By default, all customer spaces are created with a priority of 10. The space is created by pressing ‘Create fixed space'.

Please note! When a new space has been created, you must remember to change the settings of the space. The space is created by default so that it is only shown on the customer's profile, i.e. only you can fill it out. If you want to enable your customers to fill it out, you must activate this option under the settings of the space (See Settings for more information).

At the top of the page you can see a list of all existing customer spaces. You have the following options:

  • ID: You can see the ID of the space. The IDs are used by GECKO Booking in order to separate the spaces in our system.
  • Name of space / headline: You can see and change the name of the space.
  • Space type: You can see the type of the space. Please note that it is not possible to change the type. If the type is wrong, a new space must be created after which the original can be deleted.
  • Show create?: You can see whether the space is shown to the customer when (s)he creates him/herself as a new user. Whether the space is shown here is determined under the settings of the space (See Settings for more information).
  • Show your info?: You can see whether the space is shown under 'Your information' (when the customer is logged in). Whether the space is shown here is determined under the settings of the space (See Settings for more information).
  • Settings: You can change the settings of the space (See Settings for more information).
  • Priority: You can change the priority of the space.
  • Delete space: You can delete the space.

Remember to press 'Update' in order to save any changes!


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