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Guides - Settings


You can change the settings of each customer space.

You have the following options:

  • Name of space: You can change the name of the space.
  • Type: You can see the type of the space. Please note that it is not possible to change the type. If the type is wrong, a new space must be created after which the original can be deleted.
  • If not filled out - alert: You can enter the text that will be shown to the customer if (s)he attempts to continue without having filled out a required space.
  • Customer groups: This space will be ticked by default. This means that this space will be shown in all customer groups. If you, on the other hand, want this space to only be shown in specific groups, you can remove the tick. Then your existing customer groups will appear below and you will be able to tick off the ones in which the space should be shown. 
  • Show – Create customer: If the box is ticked, the space is shown to the customer when (s)he creates him/herself as a new user. Please note that if you create the space after customers have been created as users, these customers will not be able to fill out the space. You must therefore either fill out the space on the customer's profile or show the space under ‘Your information' too (see below) so that existing customers can fill out the space here.
  • Show – Your information: If the box is ticked, the space is shown under 'Your information' when a customer is logged in.
  • Required space: You can determine whether the space is required, i.e. whether the space must be filled out before the customer can continue with whatever (s)he was doing. Please note that this setting only affects the space when it is shown to the customer, i.e. when the space is shown under 'Create customer' and 'Your information'. The space is not required when it is shown in the administration part of the booking system.
  • Show - Quick create customer: If the box is ticked, the space is shown when you create a new customer via Quick book. In addition, you can determine whether the space should be required, i.e. whether the space must be filled out before the customer can be created.
  • Show - Specific booking: If the box is ticked, the space is shown on the specific booking.
  • Show - Cash register: If the box is ticked, the space is shown in the cash register.

Remember to press 'Update' in order to save any changes!

If you have made a space of the type 'Accept terms' you will have more spaces available that can be edited under the settings of each space. 

In addition to the above, the field type 'Accept conditions' has the following options:

  • Can withdraw consent: Putting a tick in this space, you allow your customers to withdraw their accept of your terms, if the he/she wishes to. This means that the customer can untick the space of consent under 'Your information', even though this space is required. 
  • Require on login: If this box is ticked, your customers must accept different terms when they log in, before they can proceed and can not go to online booking without accepting the terms. Opposite this box you can press the 'Edit text top'. By doing so, you will get to a new page where you can edit the text that appears in connection with the approval of the different terms. It will typically be something like "Dear customer. Please read and accept the terms below in order to proceed". 
  • Show alert icon: If the this box is ticked, there will be a so-called 'Customer alert' on the customer page. This alert is an icon that indicates that the customer has not accepted the required terms. 

Please note! The space will always be shown on the customer's profile.


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