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Guides - Create document

Create document

The Document add-on allows you to create different electronic documents that you can send between various persons of interest. It could be an agreement that you have to enter into with your customers. 

To be able to create these documents you have to complete different steps. The steps determines the laoyut of the document as well as which spaces that must be filled out. 

These steps will be explained in more detail below. 

The set up of your documents will happen in co-operation with GECKO Booking. Therefore, it is important that you send an exact plan of the documents you want. The set up will then take the plan you have send as its starting point and the price will be determined thereafter. 

To create a new document go to 'Settings' -> 'Documents'.

On the first page you can press the blue button 'Create document' at the top right corner. To create the document you need to enter the name of the document. This could e.g. be a referral from a dentist. Then you need to choose if the document should be created as a subdocument. To create the document as a subdocument means that the document you are about to create needs information from another document. The subdocument can only be created if a main document has already been created. When you have made these decisions, press 'Create' and the document will then appear on the list under 'Documents'. 

At the bottom of the page you can choose to be notified by SMS and/or email whenever something new happens regarding documents. If you wish to enter more phone numbers or emails, just put a comma between then. If you have an epad you can activate ePad-ink, which opens up the possibility to make an electronic signature on the document that you create. Next to this feature you can 'Activate quick signature'. This means that if you later create "spaces" of the type "signature", you will be able to allow that quick signature can be used to sign this space. 

Finally, you should press 'Update'. Then press 'Edit' opposite a document in order to be able ti edit it and proceed to the next 'step'. 


On the next 'step' you will be able to create a new version of a document if you e.g. wish to edit or add someting to an already existing document. 

If you edit a new document you should choose 'Create a new version' and 'No copy, create blank'. If you, on the other hand, wish to edit or add something to an existing document, you should choose 'Create new version' and the decide if the new version should be a copy of an earlier version. With this option you save a lot of time since you avoid having to set a whole new document up once again. Finally, put a tick under 'Published' opposite the new version and this version will then be the valid version. 

At the bottom of the page under 'Persons of interest' you have the possibility to choose who should be able to create the document can and thereby initiate the process. Here you have more options:

  • Webform: If you put a tick here, the document can be used as e.g. a contact form on a website and then be connected to a customer afterwards.
  • Contact person: By putting a tick here, you can choose a contact person. 
  • Back-end/administration: You can put a tick here if you wish to be able to create and fill out the information before the customer. 
  • Distributor: This only applies if you have a distributor set up. 
  • Customer: If the customer should be able to fill out the information before you, you should put a tick here. 

By putting a tick in 'Sequential number for document' you can activate automatic numbering of your documents. The system will automatically keep track of the numbers and in the space you can enter the number of the next document. You can use the substitution code [sequentialNo] in order to get the number on e.g. a PDF version of the document. 

When everything has been set, then press 'Update' and the versions you have created will appear on a list under 'Versions'. Opposite each version you can choose 'Edit' and thereby proceed to the next 'step'. Here you have the option of creating different groups of spaces that should be filled out in the document. 


The next 'step' allows you to create different groups. These groups are groups of spaces that should be filled out in the document. You might create groups called 'Referral' or 'Answer'. You create these groups by pressing 'Create group in the top right corner of the page.

By entering numbers under 'Priority' you can decide in which order the spaces in  the groups must be filled out. In this example, the spaces in the group 'Referral' must be filled out before the spaces in 'Answer' can be filled out. 

At the bottom of the page you will see three different text fields:

  • Template HTML: The template for the screen version of the document can be created here. This will be where the text fields must be filled out. 
  • Template PDF: The template for the PDF version of the document can be created here. 
  • Webform - Text after PDF: You can write text here, if the document is an open web form that can be initiated and filled out by a customter visiting your website. 

NB! The GECKO Booking support team will help you set up these templates. 


By pressing on 'Edit' opposite a group, you will proceed to the final 'step' at which you can create each space that needs to be filled out in each group. 

Choose 'Create space' and enter the name of the space and the type. The spaces of the group 'Referral' could be the following; name, address, civil registration number and a note to the referral. The type is chosen in the drop dowm menu and determines how the spaces can be answered. Here you have more options:

  • Checkbox: Choose this if the space must be answered by putting a tick in a box.  
  • CPR-Nr.: This can be used whenever a civil registration number must be stated in the space. 
  • Dato: If this is chosen, a date can be entered into the space. 
  • Drop-down: This gives the opportunity to choose an answer in a drop down menu.
  • Filupload: If you choose this as type, it will be possible to upload a file together with the document. 
  • Tal: Please note that this refers to whole numbers. If you want to write numbers with commas, please choose the type Text or Text - Regex
  • Text: If this one is chosen, the answer can be written in a longer text. 
  • Text - Regex (regular expression): If you choose this it will be possible to define the content of the text box. Follow this link to learn more about regular expressions -
  • Text -Stor: If this option is chosen, the answer can be given in a longer text.
  • Signature: When you choose this, a signature space will be shown in the document. Thereby the document can be signed digitally on your screen or iPad. 

Press 'Update'. 

On the same page you can choose a person of interest, which is the person who can fill out the spaces in the documents. Choose between: 

  • Webform: If you put a tick here, the document can be used as e.g. a contact form on a website and then be connected to a customer afterwards.
  • Contact person: By putting a tick here, you can choose a contact person. 
  • Back-end/administration: You can put a tick here if you wish to be able to create and fill out the information before the customer. 
  • Distributor: This only applies if you have a distributor set up. 
  • Customer: If the customer should be able to fill out the information before you, you should put a tick here. 

Edit space:

Each space can be further edited by pressing 'Edit' opposite it. Then you can edit four different things:

  • Space name: Here you can edit the name of the space. 
  • Space required: Here you can decide if the space should be required and thereby MUST be filled out. You can also choose whether or not a warning should be send, if this space is required and NOT filled out. 
  • Default value: The space is filled out by default with the text you write here. The default value can also replaced by substitution codes that insert information about the customer - see the guide 'Substitution codes
  • CSS style: CSS formatting of the space. 
  • Quick signature: This option is only available if you have ticked off "Activate quick signature" back at the document overview and allowed that quick signature can be used to sign this space. 


Next, you can then choose to create a customer group that refers to a contact person group in your system and this group will then have access to the documents, e.g. dentists. You can add the dentists to this customer group and thereby give then access to making e.g. referrals in a document.

You create the customer group categories by searching for a specific customer. On the customer profile you can choose the tab 'Contacts'. Enter the category name e.g. dentists and press 'Create category'.  

You can to activate the option of creating contacts. You do this via 'Settings' -> 'Advanced settings' -> 'Back-end' -> 'Customer'. Here you have to put a tick in 'Activate contacts'. 


Finally, you need to give your customers permission to see the documents you have created online. This is done by going to 'Customers' -> 'Settings / Edit' -> 'Documents' and put a tick in 'Activate documents'. 

Now it is also possible to choose the type 'Contactperson' and which contact person category this person is a part of e.g. dentists. 


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