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Guides - Search for document

Search for document

If you need to search for and see all your documents on a complete list you can do this by choosing 'Documents' in the menu. Here you will be able to get an overview of all the documents. 

Under 'Search documents' you have the following search options:

  • Type: Here you can choose what type of document you wish to search for. In the drop down menu you will see the names of the documents you have already created. This could e.g. be 'Referral' or 'Contract'. You can also choose to search for all the types of documents that you have by choosing 'Show all documents'. 
  • Created date: Here you can choose to search for documents that has been created within a specific time period. 
  • Last edit date: You can search for documents that has been edited within a specific time period. 
  • Awaiting status: Here you can search for documents that are awaiting a certain status. 
  • Completed: Here you can further specify your search. By putting a tick in 'Show not completed' completed documents will NOT be shown on the list. If you choose 'Show only completed' all completed documents WILL be shown on the list. 'Show both -/ and' both types of documents will be shown. 
  • Deleted: By putting a tick in 'Show not deleted' deleted documents will NOT be shown on the list. If you choose 'Show only deleted' all deleted documents WILL be shown on the list. 'Show both -/ and' both types of documents will be shown. 
  • Contact: Here you can search for a contact person that you have created. You will then only get documents on your list that are valid for this specific contact. 
  • Customer: Documents are always connected to a customer. Therefore, you will be able to search for a customer in this search field. You will then only see documents on your list that are connected to this specific customer. 


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