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Guides - Sending out marketing material

Sending out marketing material

With the Marketing Add-On, you have the opportunity to send out marketing material to your customers. The marketing material could be e.g. newsletters or special offers targeted particular customer groups. You can access the add-on on the customer group overview that appears when you press the menu item ‘Customers'.

Marketing material is issued to one customer group at a time. You must therefore choose which customer group the material should be issued to. This is done by pressing ‘Write' opposite the desired customer group.

​At the top right corner of the page you can press 'Templates' after which there will be opened a new tab. Here you can press the blue 'Create template' by which you can create one or more templates that can be used as your own standard e-mails. You can save the templates and afterwards retrieve and send them whenever you want. This could be used if you often send the same type of e-mail to your customers, e.g. if you each month send an e-mail to customers who have a birthday in the following month. In this scenario, the birthday e-mail could be created as a template and be retrieved easily each time you want to send the e-mail.  In order to create a template, enter the name of the template, choose if the type of template should be email or SMS and finally choose if you wish to create a blank template or a copy of another template. Press 'Update template' and the template has been created. 

On the following page you will be able to write the content of the email. You do that opposite 'Email content'. In addition, you can state the subject of the email opposite 'Email subject'. 

The picture above shows an email template. As previously mentioned, you can also create SMS templates if you wish to send out small news or offers via SMS. In this case, the picture above will look be a bit different. But you still have to name the template and write the content of the SMS in a small text space. 

You can retrieve, edit and delete a template at any time. You do this by choosing the template on the list under 'Marketing templates' and e.g. make changes in the text space and then press the button with the desired action.

When you have composed your newsletter/news SMS, you can send out a test email - e.g. to your own email address - to see how the newsletter/news SMS look. We recommend that you always send out a test email before sending it to your customers, since you in this way will be able to avoid annoying mistakes. 

Now you need to find the customers who should receive the marketing material. You have two options: Issue the material to all of your customers or issue the material to customers who meet certain criteria only.

If you want to issue the marketing material to all customers, the box 'Find all customers' is ticked. On the other hand, the box ‘Filter customers' should be ticked if you want to issue the material to customers who meet certain criteria only. Afterwards, tick the search criteria the customer should meet in order to receive the marketing material.

The filters are divided into different groups; 'Customer information', 'Bookings', Cash register' and 'Forms'. The possible search criteria are as follows:

Customer information:

  • Customer tags: Here, you can search for customers who have specific customer tags, meaning that they are given an extra status and with it arranged in a certain way. An example of a tag could be 'Pays every time'. When you tick off this option, you will be able to see a drop down menu where you can filter these customer tags futher, when you search for customers, who HAVE these tags. You can choose that all or just one of the shown tags must be ticked on a customer. Therefore, you can either choose 'All must be ticked on the customer' or 'Just one must be ticked on the customer'. 
  • Doesn't have customer tags: Here you can search for customers who have not been given an extra status and are thereby not necessarily arranged in a certain way. Here you can also choose to filter the customer tags. You can here choose between 'All must be unticked on the customer' and 'Just one must be unticked on the customer' and thereby search for customers who DON'T have these/this customer tag(s).
  • Social security number: You can search for customers with a social security number or customers without. Please note that the use of social security number must be activated under 'Advanced settings'. 
  • Search by age: You can search for customers of a certain age. Enter the age the customer should minimum be of and the age the customer maximum should be of. Please note that the use of date of birth must be activated under ‘Advanced settings'.
  • Born in even/odd years: You can search for customers who were born in either even or odd years. Please note that the use of date of birth must be activated under ‘Advanced settings'.
  • Birthday in the period: You can search for customers who have a birthday in a particular period. Remember to enter the desired period as the system by default searches today's date only. Please note that the use of date of birth must be activated under ‘Advanced settings'.
  • Customer has mobile: You can search for customers who have a mobile number listed on their profiles.
  • Customer has e-mail: You can search for customers who have an e-mail address listed on their profiles.
  • Customer has logged in: You can search for customers who have logged in to your booking system. If you also search trough the criteria - Customer has NOT booked an appointment for, under 'Bookings', you are able to see which customers who have logged in to your bookingsystem, but who have not booked an appointment.
  • Has not accepted terms: You can search for customers who have NOT accepted the terms, which you created in the Record Add-On. When you tick off the box, you will be able to see the different terms you have created. In the drop down menu, you can filter your search further by choosing either 'All must be unticked on the customer' or 'Just one must be unticked on the customer'. This means that either all or just one of the 'terms' must be unticked on the customer, if he/she is to appear in your search. 


  • Customer has booked an appointment for: You can search for customers who have booked an appointment for any service or for a particular service in a particular period. Remember to enter the desired period as the system by default searches today's date only.
  • Customer has NOT booked an appointment for: You can search for customers who have NOT booked an appointment for either an unspecified service or a particular service in a certain period. Remember to enter the desired period as the system by default searches today's date only. You can search for customers regardless of which customer group he/she belongs to by choosing 'Any service'. 
  • Customer has booked an appointment in the calendar: You can search for customers who have booked an appointment in a particular calendar.
  • Customer has booked at least one appointment: You can search for customers who have booked at least one appointment.
  • Customer has never booked an appointment: You can search for customers who have never booked an appointment.

Cash register:

  • Customer has purchased: You can search for customers who have purchased at least one item from a particular item group in a particular period. Remember to enter the desired period as the system by default searches today's date only.


  • Customer has filled out form: You can search for customers who have filled out a certain form in a particular period. You can find your forms in the drop down menu and choose the form you want to use as a search criteria. Remember to enter the desired period as the system by default searches today's date only.
  • Customer has NOT filled out form: You can search for customers who have NOT filled out a certain form in a particular period. You can find your forms in the drop down menu and choose the form you want to use as a search criteria. Remember to enter the desired period as the system by default searches today's date only.


  • Customer has active rebooking: Here you can search for customers who have a specific rebooking activated. If you choose a specific rebooking template in the dropdown, you will only search for customers who have this specfic rebooking. 
  • Customer has NOT active rebooking: You can search for customers who do NOT have rebooking activated. If you choose a specific rebooking template in the dropdown, you will only search for customers who do NOT have this specfic rebooking. 

Regardless of whether you choose to search for all customers or to filter the customers, you have the option of determining whether the ‘newsletter - yes, please' and 'news SMS - yes, please' spaces should be respected.  By default, it is chosen that the space should be respected, i.e. if the customer has chosen not to receive marketing material, no marketing material will be sent to the customer in question. However, you can choose to send to all customers regardless of their newsletter choice. As a rule, it is recommended that the newsletter and news SMS spaces are respected as it is normally illegal to send sales material to customers who have chosen not to receive this. However, in some cases it may be legal to send to all customers. This is the case when the issued material is not related to sales but to operational issues, e.g. if you had a fire/burglary/flood and therefore are forced to close your shop for a certain period. However, laws and regulations concerning marketing materials vary from country to country so please check with the relevant authorities for information about what applies in your country.

Please note! If you cannot choose whether to respect the 'newsletter - yes, please' space, it is due to the fact that you have not activated the feature that allows customers to choose whether or not to receive newsletters. It is recommended that this feature is activated so that customers understand and accept that they will receive marketing material. The ‘newsletter – yes, please' and the 'news SMS - yes, please' spaces can be activated under the advanced settings. The space can be activated at three different spots: When the customers create him/herself as a new user (‘Front-end' -> ‘Create user'), when the customer is logged in (‘Front-end' -> Page 1 - Logged in), and when you create the customer via quick book (‘Back-end' -> ‘Quick book'). If you have activated at least one of the features, you can see and change the customer's newsletter status on the customer's profile.

By default, the newsletter/news SMS space is created so that the customer must actively choose to receive newsletters or a news SMS. This is done by ticking a box. This means that if the customer does not make a decision as to whether to receive newsletters, this non-decision will be registered as a ‘No, thanks'. 

If you have activated the Marketing Add-On after customers have been created, you have the option of using a one-off feature that updates all customers' newsletter status to either 'yes, please' or 'no, thanks'. This is done under the advanced settings (‘Back-end' -> General'). See the guide Main guide for more information about the advanced settings.

When you have chosen the desired search criteria, press 'Search / Filter'.

At the bottom left, you will now see a list of the customers who meet the chosen search criteria. If any of the customers on the list should not receive the marketing material, you can deselect the customer(s) by removing the tick. If you have many customers (500+) who meet the criteria, you will not be able to see a list of all customers. If so, press ‘Export ticked' after which you will be shown a list of all recipients in an Excel document.

At the top you can retrieve an already existing template by choosing the desired template under 'Choose template' and press 'Retrieve'. If you do not retrieve a template you have to enter the subject of the e-mail as well as the content of the e-mail. The content is entered in the text space. 

It is recommended that you insert a link in all of your marketing e-mails that will allow your customers to unsubscribe from your newsletters. The link is insterted at e.g. the bottom of the e-mail.

The link you need to insert is: [UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK]

When you insert the link, it is replaced with the text 'Unsubscribe newsletters'. When the customer presses this link, he/she is able to unsubscribe.

If you enter the content of the e-mail in Microsoft Word as opposed to directly in the text editor, certain precautions must be taken. When you copy directly from Word, the text editor will include ‘Word codes' that can make the content illegible. Instead of inserting the text directly, you must press the space named ‘Insert as non-formatted text' shown in the screenshot to the right. This way all ‘Word codes' are deleted easily. However, this will also delete all formatting (e.g. font sizes and colours) so the formatting must be done again, this time directly in the text editor.

Inden du sender marketingsemailen, kan det være en god idé at sende en testmail til din egen e-mailadresse. På den måde kan du se, hvordan mailen ser ud for modtager, og du har mulighed for at rette eventuelle fejl. 

Når mailen er som ønsket, kan du sende marketingsemailen til de markerede modtagere ved at trykke på 'Send til alle' nedenunder 'Send til markerede modtagere'.


Please note! You have the option of receiving an e-mail for each marketing e-mail you send. This feature can be activated under ‘Advanced settings' -> ‘Back-end' -> ‘Marketing'. However, please note that you will receive the same number of e-mails as you send. If you send 1000 e-mails, you will receive 1000 e-mails (See the guide Main guide for more information).


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