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Guides - Statistics of issued marketing material

Statistics of issued marketing material

You can keep track of all issued marketing material by pressing 'Statistics' located at the top right corner of the Marketing Add-On.

You can see a list of all marketing e-mails you have sent. You can see the date on which the e-mail was issued, the subject of the e-mail, the number of sent e-mails, the numbed of bounced e-mails (i.e. where the e-mail was not received, e.g. due to errors in the e-mail address), and finally how many e-mails have been read (i.e. how many of the e-mails have been opened).

If you want to keep track of the number of sent SMSes, this can be done in the SMS log that can be accessed under ‘General settings' (See the guide Main guide for more information).

You have the opportunity to follow the posted marketing material by clicking on "Statistics" in the upper right corner of the marketing module.

Please note! In order to be able to see the statistics, the cash-register module is required.

In the top left corner you will be able to see the name of the specific marketing subject for these statistics. 

  • Sales based on sales completed through the cashier: Here you can determine whether the statistics should be based on ‘Sent date', ‘Open date' or ‘Click date'. For all it is required that the date the mail was sent, is included in the chosen distribution period.
    Sales is generated from the customers who have received the mail.
  • Sent date: This option is connected to the distribution period in the top. E.g. if you have a distribution period from the 26/10 to the 26/4, the sales will be based on everything that has been sold in the distribution period. If you have chosen plus days, the sales of these days will also be included in the statistics (see more on plus days below).
  • Open date: By choosing this option, the sales will be based on when the mails has been opened. This means that if you e.g. send a mail the 16/14, but the customer does not open it until the 25/4, the sales statistics will be valid from the day the mail is opened and the entered plus days forward.
  • Click date: By choosing this option, the sales will be based on the first overall click. This means that if you e.g. send a mail the 16/4, but the customer does not click any link until the 25/4, the sales statistics will be valid from the day the customer first clicks a link, as well as the entered plus days forward.
  • Plus days: Plus days are connected to the sales and what it is based on. You can here enter a number of extra days that should be included in the statistics for the sales.
    The plus days for ‘Sent date' shows the general sales, but does not show any statistics of when the mail was opened or any possible clicks. In other words, plus days for sent date only show the general sales for the distribution period plus e.g. 7 days.
    Plus days for ‘Open date' show the sales from when the mail is first opened and the entered plus days forward.
    Plus days for ‘Click date' show the sales from first click and the entered plus days forward.
  • View type: Here you can choose how to view the statistics. Either on the screen or in a CSV file.


  • Number: This column shows the number of mails in connection with the different rows. E.g. the number of mails sent by e-mail.
  • Sales: This column shows the general sales in the chosen distribution period incl. any plus days that may be entered.


  • Sent e-mail/SMS: In these rows you will be able to see the number of sent e-mails/SMSes in the period. You will also be able to see the general sales, as well as the sales of the selected item(s)/item group(s), for customers who have received the mail. Please note that the general sales does not take into account whether the mail has been opened/read. This is merely based on what has been sent out.
  • Read: This row shows the same as the rows above, but the statistics in this row is based on those mails that have been read. The general and selected sales will therefore only be based on those customers, who have read the mail.
  • Bounce/Have not received the mail: The first row shows the statistics for mails that have bounced, while the latter shows statistics for customers, who have not received the mail. In both rows you can see general sales for these customers, independently of the mail.
  • Click: In case you have links in your mail, you will be able to see the total number of clicks, as well as the number of clicks on the specific links. The specific links will be shown in additional rows below. You will also be able to see the sales for the customers who have pressed the different links. If a customer has clicked more links, the statistics will be included in the statistics for all links.  



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