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Guides - Rebooking


You can activate the rebooking of your customers. The Activate rebooking of customers feature makes it possible to activate automatic rebooking of customers for a specific treatment on a regular basis. You decide how often they should be sent out and for how long. 

Under 'Rebooking' you can set the following:


Rebooking: Put a tick in 'Activate rebooking of customer' to activate 'Rebooking'. 

Show icon on customer, if no active rebook: You can put a tick here, if you want there to be an icon next to the customers who do not have rebooking activated. In that case, it will be the red icon in the brackets that appears. 

Run offset: It is possible to get the system to check the 'Rebooking' X number of days before the stated date. This means that if you have set rebooking to e.g. 20/5 then the system can check and find the customers who have been rebooked for 20/5 e.g. ten days before this date. In this way, there will be time to send out letters and to check the list before the rebooking. So the number of days you enter in the box, will be how many days prior to the rebooking date that you want the system to make this check.


Creation of templates:

Under 'Recall templates' you can create templates by clicking on 'Create template'. You will then be directed to this page:

Under 'Edit rebook template' you have to set the following:

Template name: Enter the name of the template here.

Booking check - Tolerance days back in time: State here how many days back in the time you tolerate that the customer has been to the service that you want to rebook. Ex. if you enter 90 days, the system will look at whether the customer has been to Check up (Treatment 2) within 90 days. If this is the case, the system will automatically remove the customer from the list so that the customer does not get a rebook.

Service: State here which service is to be rebooked. E.g. if you only wish to make a rebooking for the service 'Check up' and not all the other services that the customer has booked. 

Frequency (choose one): State here when the next rebooking by default should start. E.g. if you wish to make a rebooking every half year, the system will automatically set the date six months ahead. 

Continue (choose one): State here for how long you wish to send out rebookings. Choose between 'Once', 'Forever' or choose a specific number of times with 'Total x times'. Could be a duration of five years.

Once you have created a template, it will appear on the list under 'Recall templates'. Here you will always be able to edit or delete it.


Creation of steps:

Every time you create a rebook template you need to create 'Steps'. The steps are connected to the specific template.

To the right of the template settings, you can create these 'Steps'. By creating them, you decide the number of steps in a rebooking process and what to do at each step. When selecting 'Create step', a window will appear in which you can state when the first step should take place.

This will take you to the page 'Edit rebook template step'. Now check the box saying 'Choose action based on the customer's booking'.

Here you can define which criteria should apply when, and how the customer receives notifications of rebooking.


Define when the customer should / should not have a rebooking:

Completed booking: The system checks whether the customer already has a completed booking for the specific service that you want to rebook.

Future booking: The system checks whether the customer already has a future booking for the exact service that you want to rebook.

No show - booking: The service checks whether the customer did not show up to the specific service that you want to rebook.

Deleted booking: The service checks whether the customer has deleted a booking of the specific service that you want to rebook.

No booking: The service checks whether the customer has no bookings of the specific service that you want to rebook.

Define how the customer should be notified of the rebooking:

Choose action based on the customers bookings: If you put a tick here, you can choose what the next step in the rebooking process should be, based on the customer's actions. To get an elaboration of which actions the customer can make, look here

Autobook time for customer (searching 30 days ahead): If you put a tick here, the system will book an appointment for the customer. The system searchs for available time in the calendar starting from the rebooking date and 30 days ahead. Here you can also choose what should be done if an autobooking fails. Then you can put a tick in either 'Send email', 'Send SMS', 'Send letter' or 'Transfer to reminder list'. 

Send email: You can choose to send an email to the customer. To do this you need to create email templates. You can create these via 'Customers' > 'Marketing/Write' > 'Templates'. You can read how to create the email templates here. When the templates have been created, you will be able to choose a specific email template here and choose if it should be sent out automatically. 

Send SMS: You can choose to send an SMS to the customer. To do this you need to create SMS templates. You can create these via 'Customers' -> 'Marketing/Write' -> 'Templates'. You can read how to create the SMS templates here. When the templates have been created, you will be able to choose a specific SMS template here and choose if it should be sent out automatically. 

Send letter: Here you can choose to send out a letter to your customers. You can create letter templates yourself, see here

Transfer to reminder list: You can put a tick here, if you wish to transfer the customer to a reminder list. Here you can also attach a tag to the customer. This tag is a sort of extra status that will follow the customer and appear on the list. 

End steps: Here you can simply choose to end a rebooking process. 

Remember to click on update when you are done. Now you can repeat the process if you want to create more steps for your rebook template. 


Cash register move date

You have the option of associating the item number(s) of the service(s) with the template. If the item number(s) are sold at the cash register, the customer's recall will automatically be moved in order to fit the date the item was sold. 

Rebook via the customer profile

Once the rebook template has been created, it is now time to activate it at the customer. This is done via the customer's profile (Customer information), under the tab 'Rebooking'. 

Now click on 'Create recall', and enter the desired template and the date of the next recall.

Click in 'Update customer' and the customer will now be recalled on the selected date.


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