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Guides - Edit online order

Edit online order

By pressing 'Edit' opposite an order on the list of orders, you can edit the order in question. It is under 'Edit' that money for orders paid with credit cards can be withdrawn and money from an account transfer can be listed as received.

You have the following options:

  • Order ID: You can see the ID of the order.
  • Order status: You can see and change the status of the order. By default, all orders will be listed as unprocessed, i.e. the order has not been processed by you. If you have processed the order, e.g. withdrawn the money and shipped the item, you can change the status of the order to processed. If the order is cancelled, you can change the status of the order to cancelled. If you make use of the status feature, you can therefore easily see which orders have been processed and which have not.
  • Payment type: You can see which payment type the customer used and, if desired, change the payment type.
  • Paid: You can see whether the order has been paid. Please note that the fact that an order is listed as paid does not necessarily mean that you have received any money. It only means that the customer has completed his/her part of the payment. If the order was paid using a credit card, a ‘No' means that the order was not completed, e.g. because an error occurred or because the customer abandoned the purchase. However, if the order was paid via an account transfer or another agreement, the order will always be listed as ‘No'. You must change the payment status to ‘Yes' when you have registered that the money has entered into your account. When paid via a credit card, the order will automatically be listed as ‘Yes' if no error occurred. However, as previously mentioned, a ‘Yes' does not necessarily mean that you have received any money. You must manually withdraw the money (see below) unless the system is set to automatically withdraw the money (See Online order for more information).
  • Order date: You can see when the order was completed.
  • Order link: By pressing 'Click here – opens in new window' you can see the customer's order confirmation.
  • Internal remarks: You can write a remark for the order.
  • Payment status: If the order was paid via a credit card, you can see the payment status of the order. If the money has yet to be withdrawn, it will be listed how many £ are reserved, i.e. the amount of £ that should be withdrawn. You have the following options: You can tick the box opposite ‘Withdraw payment' if the entire reserved amount of money should be withdrawn. By pressing ‘Depreciate amount', you can write a different amount (lower than the one reserved) that should be withdrawn instead. Finally, by ticking 'Cancel withdrawal', you can cancel the withdrawal, e.g. if the customer has contacted you in order to cancel the order. On the order hand, if the money has already been withdrawn, you can see the amount withdrawn and by ticking ‘Refund' and entering the amount that should be refunded to the customer, you can refund the customer's payment.

Please note! Unless your system is set to automatically withdraw the money for orders paid with credit cards (See Online order for more information), you must remember to withdraw the money here. If this is not done, you will not receive any money. However, please note that different rules and regulations apply for when money can be withdrawn depending on which item the customer has purchased. If the customer has purchased a voucher, the money can be withdrawn immediately. However, if the item is a regular product, the money must not be withdrawn until the item is ready for shipping. If a service, the money must not be withdrawn until the service has been performed. However, there are many exceptions to these rules, and the payment for some items/services can be withdrawn immediately. If in doubt, please contact GECKO Booking or your accountant.

  • Create invoice for order: By pressing the button 'Create invoice for order' you can create an invoice for this order, e.g. if you never received the money from an account transfer.

Remember to press 'Update order' in order to save any changes!

You can see the content of the customer's order as well as voucher information if the item purchased was a voucher. In addition, you can see the invoicing and delivery information that the customer entered. If you make any changes in this information, you must remember to press ‘Update order'.


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