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Guides - What are vouchers?

What are vouchers?

The GECKO Booking Gift Voucher Add-On enables you to create and sell different types of voucher to your customers. At the time of writing you can create four types of vouchers:

  1. Gift vouchers: You can create gift vouchers restricted to the purchase of a particular service or item, gift vouchers with a predetermined value, and gift vouchers with a customer-determined value.
  2. MultiPass vouchers: You can create MultiPass vouchers and determine the amount of passes on each voucher. You also have the option of restricting MultiPass vouchers to the purchase of a particular service or item.
  3. Discount vouchers: You can create discount vouchers with a value that is higher than the price the customer pays for it. This way, the customer gets a discount on his/her purchases. For instance, a discount voucher with a price of £50 but a value of £75 could be created. You also have the option of restricting discount vouchers to the purchase of a particular service or item.
  4. Subscriptions: You can create subscriptions that work as the subscriptions you know from e.g. fitness centers: The customer purchases a subscription that is valid for a predetermined period (that you determine), and when the subscription has been purchased, the customer can book one or more of your services (maybe all) an unlimited number of times in the validity period. In addition, it is possible to determine that a service can be booked only if the customer has a valid subscription (See the guide Main guide for more information).

You define which and how many vouchers of these types you want to offer to your customers. You could create e.g. a gift voucher for hair colouring, a MultiPass voucher for 10 massages for the price of 8, a discount voucher with a price of £50 but a value of £75, or a subscription valid for 6 months. Vouchers are defined under the menu item ‘Settings' (See Define voucher for more information).

The Gift Voucher Add-On can be purchased as an independent add-on, however, online payment is often purchased in combination with this add-on, as this will enable your customers to pay for vouchers online (See the guide Online Payment Add-On for more information). If online payment has been purchased, your customers can purchase vouchers online and shortly hereafter receive an e-mail with a link to the voucher. Furthermore, the Gift Voucher Add-On is often purchased in combination with the Cash Register Add-On which enables the use of vouchers as a type of payment in the cash register system (See the guide Cash Register Add-On for more information).

Depending on which add-ons you have purchased, vouchers can be created/sold in four different ways: Via the Gift Voucher Add-On itself, via the cash register system, via online booking or via an online shop (See Create voucher for more information). Please note that vouchers purchased online are not registered in the cash register system.

If the Cash Register Add-On has been purchased, vouchers can be used to pay for items and services in the cash register system (See the guide Cash Register Add-On for more information), and if the Online Payment Add-On has been purchased, vouchers can be used to pay online (See the guide g117: Online Payment Add-On for more information).

Included in the Gift Voucher Add-On is the online shop that enables you to sell vouchers online. If desired, you also have the option of selling regular items in this shop. However, this guide focuses mainly on the vouchers themselves, but sale of other items via the online shop is explained when this is relevant. Please note that GECKO Booking is suited mainly for an online shop with a limited number of items.

Remember always to press 'Update' in order to save a change in GECKO Booking!


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