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Guides - Overview of vouchers

Overview of vouchers

If you press the menu item 'Vouchers', you will be transferred to a list of all sold vouchers.

At the top of the page you can search for a specific voucher. In the drop-down list you can choose to search for this voucher in all spaces, in the space voucher code, or in the space name of recipient. For instance, you could write the code of the voucher and choose to search in the space voucher code. If you choose to do so, you will be shown the voucher with this code only. By default, the system searches for all vouchers sold in the chosen period, i.e. the space 'Search for' is empty.

You also have the option of choosing which type(s) of vouchers should be shown. By default, all types are shown, i.e. gift vouchers, MultiPass vouchers, discount vouchers, and subscriptions.  In addition, you also have the option of searching for vouchers created/sold in a certain period. By ticking the box ‘Search by date', you can choose a period in which the voucher should be created in order to be included in the list. If the box is not ticked, all vouchers are shown regardless of when they were created.

Furthermore, you can choose to show vouchers with a particular status only. By default, vouchers of all statuses are shown (show all is chosen), however, you can choose to show vouchers with the status payment pending, active, cancelled, or used up. How the statuses work will be explained below. After having entered the desired search criteria, press ‘Search for voucher'. The overview has now been updated!

Finally, you have the opportunity of creating and naming a status that you need. You create it to the right opposite 'Own status', e.g. 'Invoiced'. When you later need to update a voucher status ypu will be able to choose this status to the left opposite 'Own status'. You can easily change the status of a voucher - check the item 'Status' in the overview below. 
At the bottom of the page you can see a list of all created vouchers divided between the voucher types you have chosen to view an overview of. By default, gift vouchers, discount vouchers, and MultiPass vouchers are shown. You can see the following information about each voucher:

  • ID: You can see the ID of the voucher. The ID can be used for paying with the voucher in the cash register system.
  • Code: You can see the code of the voucher. The code can be used for paying with the voucher in the cash register system.
  • Status: You can see the status of the voucher. All vouchers purchased in the cash register system or created via the Gift Voucher Add-On will automatically be assigned the status 'Active'. Vouchers purchased via online booking or via the online shop are assigned the status 'Payment pending' until the payment is completed. The status will then automatically be changed to 'Active'. If payment is not completed within the available 30 minutes, the status will remain 'Payment pending'. You can change the status of e.g. unpaid vouchers to 'Cancelled', spent vouchers to 'Used up' or invoiced vouchers to your own status 'Invoiced'. Put a tick in the boxes opposite the vouchers that you want to change the status on and press 'Edit status'. The status of the voucher has now been changed. You can also change the status on the specific voucher (See Edit specific voucher for more information).
  • Date created: You can see which date the voucher was created. This is the date searched for when you search for vouchers in a particular period.
  • Date of expiry: You can see which date the voucher expires. This is the date searched for when you search for vouchers in a particular period. 
  • Last transaction: You can see when the voucher was last used to make a payment. If the voucher has yet to be used, this space will remain empty.
  • To name: You can see the name of the recipient of the voucher, i.e. the name you or the customer entered when the voucher was purchased. Please note that the name of the recipient is not necessarily the name of the customer that purchased the voucher. If you want to know which customer purchased a particular voucher, you need to go to the specific voucher (See below for more information).
  • Sale value: You can see the value of the voucher at the time of purchase. If the voucher has expired, the voucher's 'value', 'balance' and 'as of date' columns will be crossed out and marked with red. Furthermore, at the bottom of the overview, the value of the voucher will be summarised seperately (opposite 'Active', 'Cancelled' or 'Used up' (Expired)). This makes it easier to see the value of both expired and not expired vouchers. The total will still be of both the expired and the non expired (active) vouchers.
  • Balance or passes: You can see the current balance of the voucher, i.e. the balance on today's date. If the voucher is of the type MultiPass voucher, you can see the number of remaining passes out of the number of passes at the time of purchase (Today's date / time of purchase). If the voucher has expired, this column will be crossed out and marked with red - read above. 
  • As of date: You can see the value/balance of the voucher on the date you have chosen to end the search at. This means that if you have chosen to search for vouchers in the period from August 1st to August 31st, this space will contain the value of the voucher on the 31st of August – Even if the voucher has been used after this date. If the voucher is of the type MultiPass voucher, you can see the number of remaining passes out of the number of passes at the time of purchase (As of date / time of purchase). If the voucher has expired, this column will be crossed out and marked with red. 
  • Valid from (subscriptions): You can see when the voucher is valid from.
  • Valid to (subscriptions): You can see when the voucher is valid to.
  • Created via: You can see how the voucher was created. The voucher can have been created via the cash register (the voucher has been purchased in the cash register system), via the online shop (the voucher has been purchased in the online shop), via online booking (the voucher has been purchased in online booking), or via voucher (the voucher has been created using the Gift Voucher Add-On). See Create voucher for more information about creating vouchers. If you have purchased the voucher in the cash register, the name of the specific cash register will appear in brackets here. 
  • Print: You can print the receipt of the voucher or view the self-print version of the voucher if this feature has been activated. The self-print feature is activated under ‘General settings' (See General settings for more information).
  • Edit voucher: By pressing 'Go to' under the column 'Edit voucher', you can see further information about the voucher and it is possible to make changes. See Edit specific voucher for more information.

Below each voucher overview, you will see a summation of the value of all active, cancelled and expired vouchers as well as vouchers that are payment pending. Please note that the illustration below only shows an example of active, expired and cancelled vouchers. The list will also show the column 'Payment pending' if your customers have not completed a purchase for some reason. This might be due to an incorrect card number or that he/she has simply regretted the purchase. 


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