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Guides - Edit specific voucher

Edit specific voucher

By pressing 'Go to' opposite a voucher on the voucher overview, you can see all information about the chosen voucher.

Just below you can view all information about the chosen voucher:

  • ID, code, status, balance (or passes), name, and created: These spaces indicate the same as on the voucher overview (See Overview of vouchers for more information).
  • Greeting to receiver: You can see the greeting the customer wrote to the recipient of the voucher. Please note that this feature must be activated under the general voucher settings (See General settings for more information).
  • Valid from: You can see when the voucher is valid from. For more information about voucher validity periods see Edit voucher.
  • Valid to: You can see when the voucher is valid to. For more information about voucher validity periods see Edit voucher.
  • Online order?: You can see whether the voucher has been created by a customer in the online shop or in online booking or by employees via the Gift Voucher Add-On or via the cash register system.
  • Ordered by: You can see who ordered the voucher. If the voucher has been purchased by a customer, you can see the customer here.
  • Self-print?: If the voucher has not been purchased as a self-print voucher, you can activate the self-print feature for this particular voucher only. After activating this feature, more spaces appear as shown in the screenshot. You now have the option of being transferred to the voucher, e.g. if you want to print the voucher for the customer. You also have the option of sending an e-mail with a link to the voucher. Please note that this requires that the ‘Ordered by' information has been filled out. For more information about self-print vouchers see General settings.
  • Print voucher receipt: You can print the receipt of the voucher.
  • Remarks: You can see any remarks the customer added when (s)he purchased the voucher.

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!  

At the bottom of the page you can see which order was originally made, i.e. you can see which voucher the customer purchased. You can also see information about this type of voucher generally, however, you cannot change this information here.

At the top of the side of the page, you can see whether this voucher type is restricted to one or multiple items. This specific voucher can therefore only be used for paying for this item/these items (See Edit voucher for more information).

Under 'Transactions' you can see all transactions made with the voucher in question. If the voucher has been used to make a payment, you can see when and how much was paid. You also have the option of withdrawing an amount or a number of passes from the voucher. This feature can be used if you want to depreciate the value of the voucher, e.g. because it has expired or because you handle payments in another system than GECKO Booking.

Please note! If you have purchased the Cash Register Add-On, you cannot use this feature to make a purchase, as the withdrawal is not registered in the cash register system.

If the voucher is a MultiPass voucher, you will also have the option of adding passes to the voucher if this feature has been activated under the general voucher settings (See General settings for more information). You determine the number of passes to be added and the combined value of these passes. Please note that the adding of passes is not registrered as a purchase in the cash register system.

It is currently not possible to delete a voucher.


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