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Guides - Edit voucher

Edit voucher

By clicking the cog wheel icon opposite a voucher under 'Define voucher', you can edit additional voucher settings. If you have chosen to edit a normal item (i.e. not a voucher), you have almost the same options as when a voucher is chosen. Where differences exist, these will be explained.

All information registered about the chosen voucher is listed here. By clicking the arrow in the grey bar, you can see all information in the chosen category.

Under 'General settings', you can change the following general voucher settings:

  • ID: See the ID of the voucher.
  • Date created: See the date on which the voucher was created.
  • Date updated: See the date on which the voucher was last changed.
  • Active: Determine here, whether the voucher should be active, i.e. whether purchase of this voucher is possible.
  • Type: Choose here, which type the voucher should be. If you choose 'Normal' or 'Normal (always exempt from VAT)', the voucher is transformed into a regular item and is thus no longer a voucher. If you have chosen to edit a normal item (i.e. not a voucher), the same applies: if you choose a voucher type, the item is transformed into a voucher. This is rarely the intention, and the type should therefore seldom be changed from a voucher type to a normal type or from a normal type to a voucher type.
  • Exempt from VAT: Here, you can make the voucher exempt from VAT. You have two options:You can choose that an item should always be exempt from VAT or that this exemption only applies if the employee is likewise exempt from VAT. This means that if this feature has been activated, the same voucher will have different VAT statuses, depending on whether the employee is exempt from VAT (see the Cash Register Add-On for more information).
  • Name: Change the name of the voucher here.
  • Item number: Change the item number of the voucher here.
  • Price: Change the price of the voucher here.
  • Cost price, barcode, item group, and supplier: These settings are only relevant if you have purchased the Cash Register Add-On (see the Cash Register Add-On for more information).
  • Require customer: If ticked, every purchase in the cash register requires a customer.
  • Move customer group: Choose to have the customer moved to a different customer group, when using this card.
  • Long description: Enter a long description of the voucher to provide your customers more information about the content of the voucher.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes!

In most cases, Linked services are only relevant if the chosen item is a normal item, i.e. not a voucher. 

If you have purchased the Cash Register Add-On, you can change the stock settings for the chosen item. In most cases, stock settings are only relevant if the chosen item is a normal item, i.e. not a voucher. Please note that the use of a stock requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.

Remember to click on 'Update' to save any changes!

Under 'Gift voucher / Online shop item', you can change the following settings, which are specific for vouchers:

  • Show the item online: Determine here, whether the voucher should be shown in the online shop. Please note that if the voucher is inactive, it will not be shown online.
  • Voucher description: Edit the voucher description, you entered when you created the voucher. The description can be inserted on your vouchers with the substitution code [VOUCHERDESCRIPTION].
  • Long voucher description: Enter a long description of the voucher. The description can be inserted on your vouchers with the substituion code [VOUCHERDESCRIPTIONLONG].
  • Value (shown if the voucher is a discount voucher): State the value of the discount voucher. The value is normally higher than the price.
  • Amount of passes (shown if the voucher is a MultiPass voucher): State the amount of passes, the MultiPass voucher consists of.
  • Voucher validity period: State the validity period of the voucher. You can choose between using the standard period, i.e. the validity period that is set under the general settings, to define the period, which will result in a unique validity period, or to define a fixed period, which means that the voucher will be valid in a particular period regardless of the time of purchase.
  • Can choose "valid from date" at purchase in cashregister: If ticked, you can determine when the voucher should be valid from, when selling the voucher via the cash register. Additionally, you can choose either ‘Valid from date of purchase' or ‘Valid from expire date of previous card, else date of purchase'. By choosing the latter, the new voucher will be valid from the expiration date of the previous card. For example, if you have defined that vouchers should be valid for one month and your customer's existing voucher expires on the 19th of September, the new voucher will be valid from the 20th of September and one month forth to the 19th of October.
  • Can choose "Valid from" at purchase: If ticked, the customer can determine when the voucher should be valid from. This could be used e.g. for subscriptions, if the customer can determine when the subscription becomes effective.
  • The voucher is personal and can be used by the owner only: If ticked, the voucher will be personal, i.e. only its owner can use it to make a payment. If the voucher has been purchased by a particular customer (e.g. via the cash register), the voucher will become locked to this customer. If the voucher has not been purchased by a particular customer (e.g. via the online shop), the voucher will become locked to the first customer who uses the voucher to make a payment. Personal vouchers can be used, e.g., for subscriptions when only one customer (and not his/her entire family) should be allowed to use the subscription. In addition, you can choose that More users can be attached to same voucher. Hence, despite the voucher being personal, it does not have to be limited to one specific customer, but can be limited to more customers simultanously. The selected customers can hereby use the same voucher.
  • Restrict voucher to the items/item groups listed below: You or your customers can restrict the voucher to one or more items or item groups. Please note that this requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On, as there otherwise wont be any items or item groups to restrict the voucher to. Can customer select specific item for voucher (shown if the voucher is a gift voucher): If ticked, your customers can determine, which item the gift voucher should be restricted to. In addition, you can set Voucher limited to customer selected item only. Choose an item or an item group and click on ‘Add item' or ‘Add item group'. The voucher has now been restricted to the chosen item or item group. Add the desired number of items and/or item groups by following the same procedure. This feature could be used if the voucher is e.g. a MultiPass voucher for 10 massages, wherefore the voucher should be restricted to the item ‘Massage'. The feature can also be used if you want to create a gift voucher for a certain service. In this scenario, you restrict the gift voucher to the desired service, i.e. the item number of the service. If you have sold copies of this voucher before making the item restrictions, you can copy the restrictions to these sold vouchers by pressing the button 'Update limitations on already issued vouchers'. Subsequently, you will be transferred to a list of the specific vouchers sold of this type, where you can choose the vouchers on which the item restriction should be implemented.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes!

Please note! When you make changes to a voucher, it only has an effect prospectively. This means that vouchers already sold are not affected by the change. However, as previously mentioned, you can copy item restrictions to vouchers already sold, but this does not happen automatically. Consequently, you have to click on 'Update limitations on already issued vouchers'.

Please note! If you wish to make use of automatic withdrawals from your customer's credit cards, contact GECKO Booking.

  • Activate automatic withdrawal from the customer's credit card: Tick this to enable automatic withdrawal from your customers' credit cards.
  • Period for withdrawal: Here you have two options: choose that the period of automatic withdrawal should follow the period defined under ‘Gift voucher /Online shop item', or define a new period for the automatic withdrawal.
  • Number of days before the end of the period, where the payment should be withdrawn from the customer's credit card: Specify the number of days, before the end of the period, where the payment should be withdrawn from the customer's credit card. Note, that the number of days cannot be higher than the number of days for the term of notice (see below) to ensure that you do not withdraw money for a new period, if the customer has canceled his/her subscription.
  • Error in automatic withdrawal of the credit card: In case the withdrawal fails, you have three options: 1) the voucher always should be renewed, 2) the renewal of the voucher should be rejected, or 3) the renewal of the voucher should happen within the contract period. If withdrawal is unsuccessful, you will, at the top of your site, be able to see that you are missing payment.
  • Customers may create bookings in future periods: Enable your customers to book into future periods here, as well as specify how many days into the new period they are allowed to book. If this is not activated, your customers will not be able to see future times outside the current period. Here, you can also activate that bookings in future periods are automatically deleted, in case of resignation of subscription.
  • Voucher contract period for X number of periods: State how many periods the contract period should consist of.
  • Term of notice X number of days before the end of the period: State how many days before the end of the period, your customers may cancel their subscriptions. Note that this must be higher than the number of days for the withdrawal period. E.g. if the automatic withdrawal is 3 days before the end of the period, the term of notice cannot be 1 day before the end of the period, but should occur before the withdrawal, e.g. five days before the end of the period. This way, you avoid the risk of withdrawing payment for the next period, if the customer has cancelled his/hers subscription.
  • The voucher expires after X number of periods: State the number of periods, after which the voucher should expire. E.g. if you offer half price for the first month, and the voucher should expire hereafter. You can also enable the transition to a new voucher by choosing which voucher to switch to at the expiration of the first voucher.
  • Conditions: Add a description of your terms of conditions. Please note! The conditions must be filled out in order to get the automatic withdrawal approved by NETS.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes!

If you sell a voucher with automatic withdrawal via the cash register, you can enter the customer's payment information for future withdrawals when completing the purchase. Your customer, thereby, avoid having to update it at a later time. You do, however, also have the opportunity to skip this and let the customer enter the information at a later time.

BEMÆRK! Denne funktion kræver en udvidelse af online betalingsmodulet på DKK 249. Derudover skal du også ændre din aftale med NETS til også at kunne håndtere automatiske trækninger på betalingskort.

Under 'Import vouchers' you can import vouchers to GECKO Booking. If you have sold vouchers through another system, you can therefore easily import them to GECKO Booking. Vouchers are imported separately for each voucher type. If you have sold gift vouchers e.g. for 30 minutes of massage, you must therefore first define a voucher in GECKO Booking with the desired settings (see Define voucher). Subsequently, you can import the gift vouchers sold to customers through the other system. These gift vouchers will have the same settings as the voucher type to which you have imported. In order to import the vouchers, you must have a .csv file, containing the vouchers in the correct format. This .csv file can normally be extracted from your old system.

You can only import to vouchers of the type MultiPass voucher and gift voucher.

You can also upload csv-files under cash register and customers.

If you have created a reward program, you will be able to add the voucher to the program. Please note that the use of reward programs requires that the Cash Register Add-On has been purchased.

Under 'Postings' you can see purchases made of this voucher in the online shop, in online booking and in the cash register system. Please note that this requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On plus the activation of the stock feature.


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