Guides - Edit voucher
Edit voucher
By clicking the cog wheel icon opposite a voucher under 'Define voucher', you can edit additional voucher settings. If you have chosen to edit a normal item (i.e. not a voucher), you have almost the same options as when a voucher is chosen. Where differences exist, these will be explained. All information registered about the chosen voucher is listed here. By clicking the arrow in the grey bar, you can see all information in the chosen category. |
Under 'General settings', you can change the following general voucher settings:
Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes! |
If you have purchased the Cash Register Add-On, you can change the stock settings for the chosen item. In most cases, stock settings are only relevant if the chosen item is a normal item, i.e. not a voucher. Please note that the use of a stock requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On. |
Under 'Gift voucher / Online shop item', you can change the following settings, which are specific for vouchers:
Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes! |
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Please note! When you make changes to a voucher, it only has an effect prospectively. This means that vouchers already sold are not affected by the change. However, as previously mentioned, you can copy item restrictions to vouchers already sold, but this does not happen automatically. Consequently, you have to click on 'Update limitations on already issued vouchers'. |
Please note! If you wish to make use of automatic withdrawals from your customer's credit cards, contact GECKO Booking.
Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes! If you sell a voucher with automatic withdrawal via the cash register, you can enter the customer's payment information for future withdrawals when completing the purchase. Your customer, thereby, avoid having to update it at a later time. You do, however, also have the opportunity to skip this and let the customer enter the information at a later time. |
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BEMÆRK! Denne funktion kræver en udvidelse af online betalingsmodulet på DKK 249. Derudover skal du også ændre din aftale med NETS til også at kunne håndtere automatiske trækninger på betalingskort. |
Under 'Import vouchers' you can import vouchers to GECKO Booking. If you have sold vouchers through another system, you can therefore easily import them to GECKO Booking. Vouchers are imported separately for each voucher type. If you have sold gift vouchers e.g. for 30 minutes of massage, you must therefore first define a voucher in GECKO Booking with the desired settings (see Define voucher). Subsequently, you can import the gift vouchers sold to customers through the other system. These gift vouchers will have the same settings as the voucher type to which you have imported. In order to import the vouchers, you must have a .csv file, containing the vouchers in the correct format. This .csv file can normally be extracted from your old system. You can also upload csv-files under cash register and customers. |
If you have created a reward program, you will be able to add the voucher to the program. Please note that the use of reward programs requires that the Cash Register Add-On has been purchased. |
Under 'Postings' you can see purchases made of this voucher in the online shop, in online booking and in the cash register system. Please note that this requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On plus the activation of the stock feature. |