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Guides - Import customers

Import customers

You can import customers to GECKO Booking from another system's customer database. Thereby, you avoid having to enter all customers manually if you already have an electronic customer database.

You import customers by clicking on ‘Go to import' on the customer group overview at the customer group you want to import the customer database to. The file, containing the customer database, must be in .CSV-format (can be made in e.g. Microsoft Excel). All information does not need to be filled out in the file. For instance, if you do not have all customers' phone numbers, these spaces simply remain empty. No difference is made between upper-case and lower-case letters, m123 and M123 are therefore perceived as being the same customer.

Select the space that uniquely identifies each customer:

  • If you choose 'E-mail', customers with an e-mail address, already present in the system are updated during the import. Everyone else is created as new customers.
  • If you select 'Employee number', employees with a number already present in the system will be updated, whereas all others will be created as new customers.
    Employee number refers to the fact that customer groups are often used in corporate customer agreements. In these agreements, the customer to be imported will have an employee number in the company with which you have an agreement. However, the number space can be used to refer to any number (see customer information for more information). 
  • If you choose 'All are new', the system will not try to match customers, meaning that everyone is imported as new customers. The password space is only used when new customers are created. If the space is empty, the system automatically creates a password for the customer.

By ticking ‘Auto book appointment' and entering the required information, it is possible to book appointments for a list of customers automatically. However, it is a prerequisite that there is room for the chosen service in the chosen calendar within the chosen period. Customers are NOT informed about their assigned appointment; This must be done manually e.g. by creating a statistics export in GECKO Booking and subsequently using the mail merging feature in Microsoft Word.

By ticking 'Auto create form' and select the desired form, it is possible to upload a customer file and attach a form without making any bookings.


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