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Guides - Extract bookings

Extract bookings

In GECKO Booking, you can view extracts of the bookings. Thus, you can easily survey all bookings within a certain period, the number of no-show customers, as well as what services are booked the most. The extracts can be made by clicking on 'Bookings at the customer group in question on the customer group overview, and subsequently choosing a set of the below criteria.

Mandatory criteria:

  • Choose which customer group you want to make extracts for. By choosing 'All customer groups' you can view extracts across all customer groups. However, please note that you will not be able to see which customer group a particular booking belongs to.
  • Choose which calendar you want to make extracts for. Here, you can view extracts for all calendars simultaneously, as well as being able to see which calendar a booking belongs to.
  • Choose the period you want to see extracts for. Moreover, you need to choose whether the period for extract apply to completion of booking or date for creation of booking.

Click on 'Update view'. You can now view a list of all bookings made in the chosen period divided into active, past, and deleted bookings.

Optional criteria:

  • By ticking 'Show only customers with tag', you will be able to see a list of bookings made by customers with a specific customer tag. Read the guide here, for more information about 'Customer tags'.  
  • By ticking 'Show ”no-show” only', you will be able to see a list of bookings where the customer did not show up for his/her appointment within the chosen period (see specific booking for more information). This feature could be used e.g. to see whether it has an effect on the number of no-show customers if SMS reminders were sent.
  • By ticking 'Include customers without bookings (export only)', you can include all customers in the extract – even customers without bookings within the chosen period. However, please note that this option only applies when you export the extract to a .CSV or a .XML format and not when you are viewing the extract online.
  • By ticking 'Show calendar / service statistics', you can view a list of the amount of bookings of each service. If ‘All calendars' has been chosen, the list is divided into calendars too. Hereby, you can see what services are booked most often and what calendars these are booked in.

Additional options:

  • If you have activated the booking status feature, you can make extracts of each status. By default, statuses are not included in the search, however, you can choose which status you want to see an extract for in the drop-down list.
  • If you make use of record notes, you can make extracts based on whether or not these have been filled out on the day. Likewise you can make extracts of costumers with or without an image uploaded on their record.
  • In case you use booking extra spaces, you can make an extract over a specific extra space by choosing the desired one in the drop-down list.

In addition to viewing the extract online, you can export the extract to a .CSV or a .XML format (formats that can be read e.g. by Microsoft Excel). You can also preview a print-friendly version of the extract. Tick the desired and click on ‘Update view'.
Remember to click on 'Update view' when you make any changes!


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