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Guides - Settings


You can change the settings of each customer group separately by ticking (the feature is activated) or unticking (the feature is disabled) the box at the setting you want to change. Afterwards, click on ‘Update' located at the bottom of the page.
Please note that many of the settings are only relevant if you use multiple customer groups for corporate customer agreements. Settings that are relevant for corporate customer agreements only will be elaborated on in the  corporate customer agreements guide. The corporate customer agreement settings should not be changed unless corporate customer agreements are used!

By opening the different tabs, you can see and change all customer group settings in the chosen category.

Please note! Under the settings of a customer group you have the option of deleting it. By deleting a customer group, you will delete all bookings, customers, statistics etc., belonging to this group. Deleting a customer group is permanent and cannot be undone.


Under 'General', you have the possibility to change the following general customer group settings:

  • Name of customer group.
  • Active: This is active by default. If you remove the tick here you will make the specific customer group inactive. The customers in this group will then no longer receive e.g. newsletters and reminders and you will not be able to search after them in your system. NB! You can NOT inactivate your primary customer group. Read here for more information about what else will be affected if you make a customer group inactive.   
  • Description: Enter a description of the customer group that can be inserted in e-mails by using the code [CUSTOMERGROUPDESCRIPTION].
  • Customer group “Create password”: Only relevant for corporate customer agreements.
  • Online booking - Page 1 - Customer group selector: Determine which customer groups the customers in this customer group should have access to in the customer group selector. You can choose to allow customers access to all customer groups or selected customer groups only. Please note that this requires that you have activated the customer group selector (see Front-end. Page 1 - Logged in for more information).
  • Working hours, services, and extra spaces: Determine whether the customer group should have unique working hours, services, and extra spaces or whether these should similar to those of another customer group. By default, the customer group has unique working hours, services, and extra spaces.
  • Sender's name and sender's e-mail: Enter a sender's name and a sender's e-mail that your customers will see, when they receive e-mails from you.
  • Own time settings: Determine whether the customer group should have its own time settings for days forwards, plus days, cancel days and edit time. When you have activated the feature, more spaces appear in which you can change the time settings. This is normally only relevant for corporate customer agreements.
  • Cash register: If you select a specific cash register here, there will automatically be switched to this cash register, when you go to the checkout from either a specific booking or the customer card, and when the customer belongs to this customer group. If you do not choose a specific cash register here, you will just be transferred to the cash register used most recently.

Remember to click on 'Update' to save any changes!

If you choose to inactivate a customer group as described above, it will have consequences different places in the system. First, it means that the following will no longer be send to a customer who is connected to an inactive customer group:

  • Emails and SMS reminders 
  • Marketing triggers 
  • News letters 
  • Recalls 

Furthermore, automatic withdrawals will no longer be completed for a customer who is in an inactive customer group. 

Second, there will also be changes for the customer group list and the customer information. If you inactivate a customer group, this group will have its own list under the list with the active customer groups. 

On the customer information it will be indicated if the customer group that this customer belongs to is inactive. It will be indicated with the word 'Inactive'. 

Third, customers who are part of an inactive group will have limited login options. They will no longer be able to log in anymore. 

Customer booking:

Under 'Customer booking', you can change the following settings for customer booking:

  • Maximum number of bookings: Determine the number of active reservations a customer is allowed to have. Activate the feature by ticking ‘Maximum number of booking' and entering the maximum number of active bookings a customer is allowed to have. You can also enter the text that is shown to customers when the chosen number is reached.
  • Maximum number of bookings per day: Determine the number of active reservations a customer is allowed to have per day. Activate the feature by ticking ‘Maximum number of booking per day' and entering the maximum number of active bookings a customer is allowed to have on the same day. E.g. you can decide that the customers are only allowed book one appointment per day. 
  • Show time and duration: Choose whether to show the price and duration of services and service additions to your customers. Even though these settings can be changed regardless of whether you have corporate customer agreements or not, it is recommended that you only change these settings if you have corporate customer agreements.
  • Existing bookings: Choose which information the customer can see about his/her existing bookings when (s)he is logged in, and whether (s)he is allowed to edit filled out three-part forms. Please note that the use of forms requires that the questionnaire add-on has been purchased.
  • Past reservations: Choose whether customers can see past reservations when he/she is logged in.
  • Show all bookings to customer group: Only relevant for corporate customer agreements.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes.

Waiting list:

Under 'Waiting list', you can select the information the customer should enter, when signing up for the waiting list. You can activate that the customer must enter a period and a time interval that (s)he wants the treatment to be within. Additionally, you can enable the customer to leave a comment, as well as activate that the customer must confirm the sign-up.

  • Automatic waiting list: By activating automatic waiting list, the system will automatically send out an e-mail/SMS to customers on the waiting list, when another customer deletes a booking that matches the time.

Customer group login:

Under 'Customer group login', you can change the following settings that allow you to use a customer group login:

  • E-mail + password: Only relevant for corporate customer agreements.

Remember to click on 'Update' to save any changes.

Customer group counter:

Under 'Customer group counter', you can change the following settings that allow you to use a customer group counter. Please note that this feature is used mainly for corporate customer agreements.

  • Activate customer group counter: Activate the use of a customer group counter, which means that all customers in the customer group are assigned a certain number of bookings, and when this number has been used, the customer is normally not allowed to book additional appointments. One booking will automatically be deducted for each booked service regardless of which service is booked.
  • Default number of bookings: Enter the number of booking each customer is assigned.
  • Reset all customers to default: Reset the number of bookings after which all accounts will be refilled.
  • Book if exceeded: Determine whether the customer is allowed to book appointments even though (s)he has no bookings left. If this feature has been activated, the number of bookings will go negative if (s)he continues to book after all bookings have been used.
  • Exceeded text: Enter the text that is shown to the customer when (s)he has no bookings left. The text can e.g. explain that the customer is not allowed to book additional services or that future bookings will be paid by the customer him/herself.
  • Customer group bookings left: See the combined number of remaining bookings for all customers in the customer group. You can always view the number of remaining bookings for a particular customer on the customer's profile.
    If a booking is cancelled - in both back-end (deleted the same day) and front end (within the allowed time for cancelling bookings), the customer will be given his/her number of bookings back. If the booking is not cancelled the same day, the customer will NOT get the number of bookings back. This has to be activated manually on the customer profile.

Remember to click on 'Update' to save any changes.

Online payment:

Under 'Online payment', you have the following options:

  • Activate online payment: If you have purchased the online payment add-on, you can activate online payment for this customer group.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes.

Mass edit customers:

Under 'Move all customers to' you have the opportunity to move all customers from a specific customer group to another customer group. 

Another option is to tag all customers in a customer group with a specific 'Customer tags'. You do this by choosing the desired tag in the drop-down menu. If you do not want them to keep their tag in the new group, you can choose 'Unmark all'. 

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save the changes.

Please note! You can only choose one of the above-mentioned options. This means, that you EITHER choose to move all customers to another customer group OR move all customers to another customer group on the basis of their customer tags. 


Under the last tab you have the following options:

First, by putting a tick in 'Activate documents' you can allow your customers to see the documents you have created. You create theses via 'Settings' -> Documents'. Second, you can choose the 'Person of interest type'. This refers to the contact person that should have access to make changes in a document. Additionally, you can autocreate documents that will be automatically created once a day. You should choose a document in the drop down menu, determine if the document should be autocreated once or repeatedly and then add it. At the bottom of the page, you will be able to see the documents you have added to the specific customer group. 


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