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Guides - Front-end: Start booking

Front-end: Start booking

Under 'Start booking' you can change settings that affect the look of the first page the customer sees after having logged in. The settings are changed by ticking (the feature is activated) or unticking (the feature is disabled) the box opposite the setting you want to change. Afterwards, press ‘Update' located at the bottom of the page.

You have the following options:

  • Customer group selector: You can determine whether your customers should be allowed to choose which customer group to make a booking in. The feature can be activated if you offer services at multiple locations, and the customer should be able to choose which location the service should be performed at.
    Please note! If you have corporate customer agreements, it can be problematic to activate this feature, as all customers can book appointments, using this corporate customer agreement – including customers who do not work in the given company. 

  • Show calendar selector: You can determine whether your customers should be allowed to choose which calendar to make a booking in. By default, this feature is activated, and it is often advisable to keep the feature activated. This way, customers can choose who they want to be treated by. If a calendar represents something other than an employee, e.g. a premise, this feature should often stay activated. The feature can be disabled if your calendars represent employees only and you do not want your customers to be able to choose who to be treated by.
  • Show select time range: You can determine whether your customers should be allowed to choose a time period in which they want to view available appointments. If the customer chooses a time period, (s)he will only be shown available appointments on those days that have available appointments in this time period.
  • Show 'Your information': You can choose whether the customer can see the information that is registered about him/her. Here you have the opportunity to choose whether the information should be shown on this page or as a link to an independent site, that will then contain these information. In addition, you can choose what information should be shown. When information is shown, the customer can edit the information, which can be useful in case the customer changes information, e.g. if (s)he get a new mobile number, s(he) can update this information her/himself. By ticking customer group selector, the customer can switch between customer groups and thereby move from one customer database to another. The feature can be activated if you offer services at multiple locations and the customer should be able to choose which location the service should be performed at.
    Please note! If you have corporate customer agreements, it can be problematic to activate this feature, as all customers can book appointments using this corporate customer agreement – including customers who do not work in the company in question. 
  • If only one service, show text: If you offer one kind of service only (e.g. therapy), you can tick this space and the service selector is removed from the page. You have the option of writing a text instead, e.g. ”Book a new appointment for therapy'.
  • 'Show ”Newsletter – Yes, please' tick box: If you have purchased the Marketing Add-On, you can determine whether customers should be allowed to choose whether or not to receive newsletters on both e-mail and SMS. The choice is made when the customer creates him/herself as a new user of the booking system. You also have the option of determining whether the box should be ticked by default, i.e. the customer must actively choose not to receive newsletters. If you only tick this box, you will say "Yes, please" to newsletters on both e-mail and SMS. If you activate 'Show 'newsletter SMS, yes please', this feature will only be active for e-mail.
  • Show my subscriptions: If this box is ticked, the customer will be able to see a list of his/her subscriptions and vouchers. Please note that in order for a voucher to be included on the list, the voucher must be personal. This feature requires the Gift Voucher Add-On (See Gift Voucher Add-On for more information).
  • Show advanced service selector: Here you can choose to activate an advanced service selector and choose between 3 options: box view, list view, and list view with foldabla groups:

  1. Box view shows name, time and price of the service, as well as highlights a chosen service with green.
  2. List view shows checkboxes, name, time and price of the service. By clicking the entire box the checkbox is activated and the service is chosen.
  3. Liest view with foldable groups shows the services grouped into service groups. The list shows checkboxes, name, time and price of the service. This type of advanced service selector makes sense if you have many services and servicegroups, since it becomes more manageable because the customer can fold the service groups in and out.
  • Show log out button: If you untick this box, the button will not be shown when the customers are logged in. This can be useful when using token-login.
  • Show the right to insight: Here you have the opportunity to activate the 'Right to insight', which means that this link will be shown to your customers, when they have logged in. This 'right' is a result of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and give your customers the right to gain insight into the data stored on them. Therefore, they have the opportunity to download a zip file with the information you have registered about them. Read more in this on how to download the data. By ticking this box, you activate the 'right' for all customers. You can also 'just' activate it for each customer individually.

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!


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