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Guides - Front-end: Create user

Front-end: Create user

Under 'Create user' you can change settings that affect how visitors on your webpage can create themselves as users. The settings are changed by ticking (the feature is activated) or unticking (the feature is disabled) the box opposite the setting you want to change. Afterwards, press ‘Update' located at the bottom of the page.

You have the following options:

  • Social security number, date of birth, gender, clientno., address, email and telephone / mobile: You can choose which spaces should be shown to visitors on your webpage when they try to create themselves as users. You can also choose which spaces MUST be filled out in order for the creation to take place. By default, the name must be filled out (This cannot be changed) and the box 'The customer must enter either a mobile number or a telephone number' is ticked. You can change this, however, we recommend that you keep this default setting. Whether the other spaces should be activated depends on what line of business you are in. For instance, a social security number might be required in some industries.
  • Show 'Newsletter – Yes, please' tick box: If you have purchased the Marketing Add-On, you can determine whether customers should be allowed to choose whether or not to receive newsletters on both e-mail and SMS. The choice is made when the customer creates him/herself as a new user of the booking system. You also have the option of determining whether the box should be ticked by default, i.e. the customer must actively choose not to receive newsletters. If you only tick this box, you will say "Yes, please" to newsletters on both e-mail and SMS. If you activate 'Show 'newsletter SMS, yes please', this feature will only be active for e-mail.
  • Allow duplicates: You can determine whether multiple users with the same e-mail address is allowed – The users are assigned different passwords and created as separate customers in the customer database. By default, this is allowed. In case the box ‘Social security number' is ticked, you can choose to uncheck ‘Allow duplicates'. In this case the system will check for duplicates with the same social security number, but who e.g. have different e-mails, meaning that a user is only allowed one profile.
  • Auto login: If this box is ticked, customers will automatically be logged in when they create themselves as new users – they do not need to wait until they have received their password by e-mail or by SMS.
  • Auto move customer group: If this box is ticked, automatic move of a customer to a different customer group is allowed if the customer via an insertion code with a predetermined service chooses to book a service in a different customer group.

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!


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