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Guides - Back-end: Bookings - Show/Extract

Back-end: Bookings - Show/Extract

Extract bookings, show list functions: 

  • Update booking status: If you have activated booking status, you have the opportunity to add booking status under extract /show bookings, by ticking this box.
  • Take bookings to cash register:  By ticking this box you will be able to take bookings from 'extract / show bookings', to the cash register.
  • Update booking status and take bookings to cash register: By ticking this box, you will get a button that is a combination of the two above mentioned features. This will make it possible to carryout both simultaneously.

Limit maximum length of booking text during export:

Maximum number of characters allowed on the booking text: Here you can state the maximum number of characters you wish to be able to enter in the booking text when you make an extract. Enter the number of characters in to the small box. If you don't want any limits to the number of characters, then write 0 in the box here. 

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!


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