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Guides - Back-end: Invoice

Back-end: Invoice

Under 'Invoice' you can change settings that affect the invoice feature. Please note that the use of invoices requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On (See the guide Cash Register Add-On for more information). The settings are changed by ticking (the feature is activated) or unticking (the feature is disabled) the box opposite the setting you want to change. Afterwards, press ‘Update' located at the bottom of the page.

You have the following options:

  • Invoice payment: You can activate the use of invoices. By default, invoice payment is not activated.
  • Set next invoice number:: You can determine which invoice number should be used for the next invoice. GECKO Booking automatically assigns invoice numbers to your invoices, however, you can choose to set your own numbers. This could be used if you switch to using GECKO Booking after having used a different system and you want to continue using the same sequence of invoice numbers. The information in the brackets shows the current invoice numbers.
  • Invoice line, extra text: Here you can insert substitution codes, which are linked to a specific booking. This function will pull the information onto every invoice line. See more about substitution codes and the specific booking here.
  • Hide VAT on invoices: You can tick this box if you wish to hide the VAT on your invoices. 
  • Next reminder no.: Here you can determine which reminder number that should be used for the next reminder. GECKO Booking automatically assigns numbers to your reminders, however, you can also choose to set your own reminder numbers. The information in the brackets shows the current reminder numbers.

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!


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