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Guides - General settings

General settings

Under 'General settings' you can change a number of general settings of the booking system. The settings are changed by ticking (the feature is activated) or unticking (the feature is disabled) the box opposite the setting you want to change. Afterwards, click on ‘Update' located at the bottom of the page. 

By pressing the arrow in the grey bar, you can see and change all settings in the chosen category.

Under 'Company information' all information about your company is listed and you have the option of changing this information. You also have the option of subscribing to GECKO Booking's newsletter in which you will receive the latest information about newly developed features. By default, the space ‘I want to receive GECKO Booking's newsletter' is ticked, however, if you do not want to receive the newsletter, you can remove the tick. You can also choose whether you want to receive the newsletter on your company e-mail address or whether you want to receive the newsletter on another e-mail address, e.g. your private e-mail address.

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!

Under 'General system settings' you can change the following system settings:

  • Days forward: Determine how many days ahead bookings can be made. The first space determines how many days ahead, customers can book via online booking. The second space determines how many days ahead, staff can book via quick book. By default, the system is set to 31 days forward, but it is often necessary to change this – especially in regards to quick book.
  • Plus days: Determine how close to today's date bookings can be made. The first space determines how close to today's date customers are allowed to book online, whereas the second space determines how close to today's date bookings can be made via quick book.
    • Enter '0' if your customers are allowed to book an appointment, happening on today's date. Click on 'Update' and tick the now shown box 'Allowed to book on today's date?'.
    • Enter '1' if your customers today are only allowed to book appointments that are happening tomorrow - i.e. bookings happening in 1 day.
    • Enter '2' or more if your customers today are only allowed to book appointments, happening in 2 or more days.
  • Cancel days: Determine how close to today's date customers are allowed to cancel their appointments online. Enter the number of days before an appointment in which you do not want your customers to be able to cancel online.
    • Enter '0' if there should be no restrictions for cancellation. Click on 'Update' and a minute space will appear. Here, you can set, down to the very last minute, how close to the booking the customer are allowed to cancel.
    • Enter '1' if customers cannot cancel the booking on the very day of the appointment, but need to cancel the day before.
    • Enter '2' or more to determine the number of days before the appointment in which the appointment cannot be cancelled.
  • Edit time: Determine whether customers can change the date/time of their bookings online. If you tick this box, more spaces will appear in which you can determine how many days or minutes before the booking the customer is allowed to make changes. Please note that the customer cannot make changes to the booked service, but only to the date/time of the booking.

Please note! Days indicate a full day from 00-24, whereas minutes indicate minutes up to the booking. That is, if the booking is at 15.00 on a Thursday, and cancel days/edit time is set to be 1 day, then the customer is allowed to cancel/edit the booking on Wednesday before 23.59. However, if cancel days/edit time is set to 24 hours converted into minutes - that is, 1440 minutes - the customer is only allowed to cancel/edit the booking up to and including 14.59 on Wednesday, since the change of day does not influence minutes.
Therefore, we always advice our customers to set according to minutes, since it allows time for filling e.g. a early morning appointment, as this cannot be deleted late the evening before - this way, you avoid showing up for a cancelled appointment.

  • Show login in top on all pages: By ticking this box, customers will always be able to see their login at the top of the page.
  • Customer login with username/code: Here you can offer your customers login options using usernames and codes. The customers can use different kinds of usernames; e-mail, mobile number, SSN or customer number. 

Please note! When you have chosen which login options that should be available for your customers, then go to 'Settings' -> 'Texts' and press 'Edit small texts etc.'. If you e.g. have chosen e-mail, SSN and mobile, enter those in the space opposite 'E-mail' under 'Login'. When the customer logs in, the text says 'E-mail/SSN/Mobile' indicating that all three username options can be used to log in.  

  • Customer login with …: Offer your customers more login options. If you e.g. activate Facebook login, your customers will be able to login with their profile and avoid having to remember multiple passwords.
    Please note! Only public organisations can offer login with Nem-ID. Contact GECKO Booking if you wish to enable your customers to login with Nem-ID. By ticking 'Customer must have NEM-ID', you force your customers to log in with NEM-ID.
  • Login before booking start: If this box is ticked, your customers will have to log in in order to create a booking. In that connection you have the following options:
    • Visitors can sign up as users: Determine whether visitors can sign up as users by ordering a password. If you only want customers, you have created in the system to be able to book online, you must deactivate this feature. The feature is activated by default.
    • Activate own address: By ticking this box, it is possible to sign up as a user in your main customer group, i.e. your company. Deactivate this feature if visitors are not allowed to create themselves as users or if you only offer corporate customer booking.
    • Activate customer group "create password": By ticking this box, it becomes possible to sign up as a user by using a unique assigned password. If you have multiple customer groups (representing different corporate customer agreements), it can be an advantage to assign these a personal passwords for online booking. This unique password can be distributed to the employees of the company, who can then create themselves as users in the booking system. This feature is explained in the guide Corporate Customer Agreements.
    • Activate customer group selector: By ticking this box, it becomes possible to choose which customer group you want to be created in. If you have multiple customer groups and you want your customers to be able to choose which customer group (s)he is created in, the customer group selector should be activated. If you want customers to be able to choose your main customer group too (your company), 'own address included' should be activated. If you do not want all customer groups to be available, remove the tick in 'show all customer groups' and determine which customer groups your customers can choose in the customer group selector.
  • Login after selecting time, on confirm page: If this box is ticked, your customers will be able to select a time before logging in. In that connection you have the following options:
    • Show login in top on all pages: By ticking this box, it will always be possible to see, who you are logged in as in the top of the website.
    • Show create new customer: For this box, the same function as for ‘Activate customer group "create password”' applies.
    • Show login: Choose to let you customers see their login. By ticking ‘Activate create customer', you make it possible for customers to create a user. By ticking ‘Activate forgot password', you make it possible for customers to receive a new password in case they have forgotten it.
    • Give the customer a option page to create or login: If chosen your customers are given the option to create a login or login.

It is also possible to deactivate login. This means that you can give your customers permission to only log in with their e-mail address. It is accounted for whether a profile is already connected to a given e-mail address. If you wish to deactivate login, please contact the support.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes!

Under 'Notifications' you can change your notification settings, i.e. settings concerning the e-mails and SMSes you send. You have the following options:

  • E-mail reminders: You can send reminders to your customers about their appointments X hours before the appointment by e-mail. You have the option of sending up to two automatic reminders to the customer, and you can decide how long before the appointment they should be sent. The reminder feature is activated by ticking the box opposite the desired e-mail(s). Press ‘Update' and the reminders have been activated. You can change the content of the e-mails the customer receives under ‘Texts' (See Texts for more information).
  • Daily overview: You have the option of receiving an overview of bookings made on the following day. The daily overview is sent to the entered e-mail address(es) at around 1 AM so that it is ready in the morning. Tick the box ‘Daily overview', enter the e-mail address(es) that you want to receive the daily overview at (separate with comma (,)), and press ‘Update'. The daily overview feature has now been activated! By pressing the 'send now', you will receive an overview of today's bookings immediately.
  • SMS sender: You can enter a mobile number or a name that the SMSes sent via GECKO Booking will have as sender information. 
  • SMS reminder 1 and 2: You can send either one or two reminder(s) to your customers about their appointments X hours before the appointment by SMS. E.g. you can send a reminder by SMS to the customer 24 hours before the appointment and then again just 1 hour before. The reminder feature is activated by ticking the box and setting how many hours before the appointment the SMS should be sent. Press ‘Update' and the reminder feature has been activated. You can change the content of the SMS the customer receives under 'Texts' (See Texts for more information).
  • Send SMS notifikation/reminder 1 and 2 to: You can activate the separate services to your SMS reminder. In that way certain services will send a sms reminder 1, while others will send a sms reminder 2. This means that you can either select all services or remove the checkbox and select the individual services that you wish to send that sms reminder to.
  • Limit SMS reminders: Here you have the opportunity to limit the SMS reminders. You have two options: 1) you can limit to specific customer groups, and 2) you can limit so that only a reminder of the customer's first booking on a specific day will be sent.
  • Send password: You can allow your customers to receive their password by SMS by ticking the box 'Activate password on SMS at creation / forgotten password'. In addition, you can choose whether the password should be sent by both SMS and e-mail (Tick ‘Always send to both SMS and e-mail) or whether the customer can choose whether to receive a SMS or an e-mail with the password (Tick ‘Allow customer to choose SMS/e-mail').
  • SMS confirmation: You can choose whether to send a confirmation by SMS when a customer has completed a booking. The feature is activated by ticking the box and then pressing ‘Update'. The confirmation feature has now been activated. You can change the content of the SMS the customer receives under ‘Texts' (See Texts for more information).
  • SMS queue: You can determine a time interval in which SMS reminders are not sent to your customers. When the end of this interval has been reached, the system will automatically send the SMSes that have been queued, i.e. the SMSes that should have been sent in the entered interval. This feature can be used to ensure that your customers do not receive SMSes in the middle of the night if you have activated automatic SMS reminders e.g. 3 hours before the appointment. The interval could be from e.g. 23:00 to 6:30. Forgotten password and other SMS services that require that your customers receive the SMS immediately are not affected by this feature.

Please note that you can only send SMSes when the SMS Add-On has been activated. The add-on is free, and you only pay for the SMSes you send. All sent SMSes are archived in a SMS log which you can view by clicking ‘Show SMS log' (See SMS for more information).

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!

Under the tab 'Info boxes' you can activate up to three info boxes that will appear in the right side of the booking system, when they are activated. The boxes are 'Aktiv kunde''Sidste 5 kunder' (the last five profiles you have visited) and 'Dagens aftaler'. The order in which the three boxes appear on the page depends on the priority you give them. You prioritise the boxes by putting numbers in the spaces under 'Priority'. Furthermore, you should activate them by putting a tick in the box under 'Active'. You can also press 'Edit' after which you will get to a new page where you can edit the layout of every box. 

The box 'Aktiv kunde' will only be active on the following pages: News, Quick book, Calendar (simple, advanced, advanced 2.2, monthly view, resource calendar), Cash register, Customer profile and specific booking. The boxes 'Sidste 5 kunder' and 'Dagens aftaler' will appear on all pages in the system. 

A common option of all the boxes is that you can activate it, change the priority and insert a text in both the top and the bottom of the box. In addition, there are some corrections that are specific for each box which affect how the layout of the box and which information it includes. 

Under 'Edit' opposite 'Aktiv kunde' you can edit the following: 

  • Layout client information: Here you can edit the customer information that will be shown in the box. In this box you can use the substitution code [EDITIMPORTANTNOTE] insert a text box within the info box with the important note and a button used to update the note.  
  • Layout per appointment: Here you can edit the information that is available concerning the actual booking. E.g. the time, the date and the service. 

Under 'Edit' opposite 'Sidste 5 kunder' you can edit the following:

Client count: Here you can state the number of customers that you want should appear in the box. You can state more or less than the five that are chosen by default. 

Layout per client line: Here you can edit the actual layout of the box. 


Under 'Edit' opposite 'Dagens aftaler' you can edit the following:

Layout per appointment: Here you can edit the layout. You can insert substitution codes that insert information about the specific booking, e.g. time or service name. 

Booking status - filter: Here you can filter the appointments of the day based on their booking status. This means that you by ticking off a specific status e.g. 'Customer has arrived' can hide these specific bookings meaning they will not appear on the 'Dagens aftaler-list. 

Please note! You can also edit the booking status directly in the info box. By using the substitution code [BOOKINGSTATUSEDIT] you insert a dropdown box with a matching status icon on the left side. When you update a booking status in this box, the page will reload and the status will then be consistent with the status that appears in other spaces in the system. 

When you have edited the info boxes so they meet your needs, they will then appear like this: 

Info box 'Active customer': At the bottom of this box you will see a button called 'd.d'. When you press this it will insert the initials of the person who is logged in as well as todays date. The marker will start afer the inserted text and you will be ready to write the note. 

Info box 'Today's appointments': Here you will be able to choose more calendars without choosing between all or one. Under 'Calendars' you can tick off the desired calendars in the dropdown menu and these are then the calendars that will be shown. In addition, you can choose to show all or selected bookings in chronological order. Press the three vertical spots next to the drop down menu and tick off 'Show chronologically'. No calendar names will then be shown, but only bookings that are sorted chronologically. 

You can read more about the substitution codes that can be used to insert information about a customer or a specific booking


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