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Guides - Marketings triggers

You here have the opportunity to send out marketing triggers to all of your customers or to customers who meet certain criteria only. If this guide does not answer your questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can contact us via the webpage, by e-mail, or by phone. Please note that this requires the purchase of the Marketing Add-On. See the seperate guide on the Marketing Add-On for more information.

Marketings triggers

Under 'Active trigger mails' you will be able to see all of your active trigger mails and you have the following options:

  • E-mail/SMS: You can see whether the trigger is set up to send as e-mail and/or SMS. 
  • Stats: By clicking 'Stats' you will be led to a page showing the statistics for the specific trigger. For more information see Statistics for marketing triggers.
  • Log: Here you will be able to see who have received the triggers, the date at which they received them as well as other information. In addition, you are able to export the information into a CSV file. 
  • Status: Here you will be able to see whether the trigger is still a draft or if it is active.
  • Date: The date shows when the trigger is set to be send out. 
  • Edit: By clicking 'Edit' you have the opportunity to edit the settings for a specific trigger. Read more under Edit marketing triggers
  • Delete: By putting a tick here and press update, you can delete the specific trigger. 
  • Deleted trigger mails: Here you will be able to see any deleted trigger mails.
  • Add new marketing trigger: Here you will be able to add new marketing triggers and also add a description. You can choose to create your own trigger or choose one of the two templates 'Happy birthday' or 'It has been a long time since we have seen you'. 


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