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Guides - Edit marketing triggers

Edit marketing triggers

Under ‘Trigger settings' you have the following opportunities:

  • Description: Here you can edit the description you wrote, when you added the trigger. 
  • Test e-mail/mobile no.: You have the opportunity to test the trigger before sending it, by sending it to yourself.
  • Send to: Here you can choose whether the trigger should be send as e-mail and/or SMS. Please note that the SMS module is required in order to send SMSes.  
  • Newsletter, no thank you: Here you can chose to send to all customers with an e-mail, not just the ones who have signed up for the newsletter.
  • Send date: Here you can determine when the trigger should be send. This could be a specific date and time such as 03/03/15 at 11 am. You can also simply choose a month, in which case the system will automatically send out a trigger to all who e.g. have birthday in the specific month.
  • Day(s) of week: Here you indicate which day(s) of the week you wish to send out the trigger.
  • Waiting period: Here you can determine that the same trigger may not be send to the same customer within X number of days, e.g. 30 days after the first trigger has been received.
  • Standby (spam period): Here you can determine that this trigger may not be send to customers, who already received a different trigger within X number of days.
  • Approval: In order to activate the trigger, remember to check mark this box.

Remember to press ‘Update' to save your changes!

  • E-mail subject: Here you should write the subject, which is included in the trigger, e.g. “Happy birthday!”
  • Text for e-mail/SMS: This is where you enter your trigger text, in either the e-mail or SMS box. You also have the opportunity to use substitution codes, such as the customer's and your company information. You can see the possible substitution codes next to the SMS textbox.

Please note! The substitution codes can only be used in the text boxes and not in the subject box.

Remember to press ‘Update' to save your changes!

PLEASE NOTE! The text box is only valid for the specific trigger. The content of the trigger will be transferred to the standard template for marketing triggers in Texts. If you wish to make changes to the standard content, like adding logo etc., this needs to be done in Texts.

Overall for trigger:

  • Criterion: You here have the opportunity to add a number of different criterions. These criterions can help you targeting your marketing, creating the best effect and happy customers. You add a new criterion by pressing ‘Add criterion'.
  • Estimated number of recipients e-mail/SMS: Here you can see an estimated overall number of recipients of the trigger. Please note that this includes ALL criteria.
  • A criterion must be met: If this box is ticked, only one of the chosen criterions has to be met in order to receive the trigger. This could e.g. be useful, if you wish new customers to receive the trigger, although they might not meet another criterion regarding buying behavior.
  • All criteria must be met: By ticking this box, all the chosen criteria must be met in order to receive the trigger.

The specific criterion:

Under each specific criterion you will, like above, be able to see an estimated number of recipients on both e-mail and SMS. Please note that these only apply to the specific criterion. Also, under each criterion you will be able to enter information that must be met in order to receive the trigger. Simultaneously, you have the opportunity to tick the ‘Reverse' box, in which case the system will send the trigger based on the opposite information and thereby exclude the chosen information. For example, if you in the criterion ‘Gender' choose ‘Women' and then tick ‘Reverse', the trigger will be send to ‘Men' and ‘Unknown'. I.e. women will be excluded. Finally, you can delete the criterion by ticking the ‘Delete' box and pressing ‘Update'.

  • Gender (1): Here you can target the trigger based on gender, meaning that you can choose only to send the trigger to e.g. women, if you have an offer on perfume for women.
  • Birthday (2): This criterion gives you the opportunity to target your marketing trigger based on your customers' birthdays. This criterion is connected to ‘date to send' in the top. You can choose plus/minus days/months. This means that, if you e.g. choose ‘date to send' as the 1. every month and plus days to 30 days, you can make sure that the trigger will be send out each month to all customers, who have birthdays, in the specific month.
  • Customer created within the period (13): Here you can choose to send out the trigger to customers who have been created within a certain period. This could for instance be if you wish to send out a welcome offer to all new customers.
  • Zip code interval (4): Here you can determine a zip code interval, if you e.g. wish only to send out the trigger in your local area and not the rest of the country. An example could be a zip code interval from 8000 to 8210. By ticking ‘Reverse' you can also exclude certain zip codes.
  • Customer has an appointment within the period (6): Here you can target the trigger towards customers, who have an appointment to any service within a certain period. This could e.g. be if you wish to make the customer aware of offers on certain items before (s)he comes in for his/her appointment. You can also choose to tick the ‘Reverse' box, in which case the trigger will only be send to customers, who do not have an appointment within the period.
  • Customer has an appointment within the period to chosen service (49): Here you can target the trigger towards customers, who have en appointment to a specific service, or one of several specifik services, within a certain period. This could be if you want to send an reminder after a certain service. If combined with the same criteria set as 'opposite', you can send triggers to customers who do not rebook.
  • Customer belongs to group (35): This criterion gives you the opportunity to determine that the trigger should be send to a specific customer group – or exclude customer groups by ticking the ‘Reverse' box.

The following criteria are based on buying behavior. Beside each criterion's specific options, they all have in common that you can base the trigger on how the customer has purchased the item. You will be able to set the criterion for customers who e.g. purchased the item through the cash register or ‘Ad hoc', such as online orders or orders that are not registered in the cash register. You can also choose ‘All', meaning that the trigger will be send to the customer, no matter how the item has been purchased.

  • 27 Buying behavior: Item no: Here you can target the trigger towards customers, who have purchased a specific item no. – or who has not purchased it, by ticking ‘Reverse'. This criterion can be useful, if you e.g. have an offer on a specific item, but only wish to communicate this to customers, who have not already purchased it.
  • 30 Buying behavior: Item no - within the period: Here you can choose (or exclude be ‘Reverse') an item no. in a specific period. This means that the trigger will be targeted towards customers, who have (or have not) purchased the item in the chosen period.
  • 34 Buying behavior: Item no(s) - within the period: For this criterion the same as for ‘Buying behavior: Item no - within the period' above applies. However, here you can add more item numbers.
  • 28 Buying behavior: Item group: Here you can target the trigger based on buying behavior of a specific item group. This means that the trigger will be send to customers, who have purchased items from the specific item group – or exclude these by ticking the ‘Reverse' box, thus sending the trigger to customers, who have not purchased an item within the item group.
  • 31 Buying behavior: Item group - within the period: For this criterion the same as for ‘Buying behavior: Item group' above applies. However, here you can also determine a period, which the items must have been purchased within.
  • 29 Buying behavior: sales: Here you can target the trigger based on sales. This means that you can choose sales of 500-1.000 DKK, meaning that the customer will receive the trigger if (s)he has purchased for an amount within the chosen interval. Moreover, you have the opportunity to add an item group, meaning that the sales must be for items within the chosen item group.
  • 32 Buying behavior: sales - within the period: For this criterion the same as for ‘Buying behavior: sales' above applies. However, here you can also add a period. You could e.g. determine that the sales must be within 14 days and, thereby, send the trigger, with a special offer to reward customers, who have purchased for the determined amount within the chosen period.

Remember to press ‘Update' to save your changes!

In order to be able to see the statistics, the cash-register module is required.

  • Add item/item group: Here you have the opportunity to add items/item groups, if you wish to see if the trigger has had an effect on the specific item/item group. Should you choose to add items/item groups, an additional column will appear in the statistics called ‘Sales selected'. If you wish to remove the item/item group, simply press the red button next to it. Please note! This is not a requirement in order to send out the trigger, but can be added at any time.


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