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Guides - Customer tags

Customer tags

You have the opporunity to make customer tags. These customer tags allows you to group your customers in to several logical units. 

The customer tags is a kind of extra status that you can attatch to a customer. This could be e.g. 'They pay every time' or 'Write to customer in January' or other tags that you find useful. It is a tool that can be used to select your customers on the basis of these tags.

You create these tags under 'Settings' -> 'Customer tags'. Press 'Create new tag' and enter the name of the tag. Next, you can i.a. upload an icon to your tag. Finally, your tags will appear on a list as illustrated below. Here you can also prioritise the order of your tags. 

You can use the customer tabs mulitple places in your booking system:

  • You can use them when you wish to search for specific bookings. Then, you will be able to search for bookings made by customers with a specific customer tag. Read [GUIDE:59:here] for more information. 
  • Additionally, you can use them if you have purchased the marketing add-on. Then, you will be able to search for customers on the basis of their customers tags, if you e.g. only wish to send marketing material to customers who have specific tags - read more here
  • The last option of using the customer tags is if you wish to mass edit your customers. Then you will be able to tag or untag all customers in a specific customer group - read more here 

Please note! A customer can have several tags attatched at the same time. 

You can read how to create and use these customer tags in our FAQ .


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