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Guides - Front-end: Choose time of day

Front-end: Choose time of day

Under 'Choose time of day' you can change settings that affect the look of the page where the customer has to choose a time for the booking. The settings are changed by ticking (the feature is activated) or unticking (the feature is disabled) the box opposite the setting you want to change. Afterwards, press ‘Update' located at the bottom of the page.

You have the following options:

  • Show red times: You can choose whether the customer can see which times have been booked already (does not apply to class/course bookings or customer-determined time/booking of premises).
  • Show booking content: By activating this feature you can insert Substitution codes, with information you wish to appear in frontend. Use ‘Text on date' if you wish a permanent text on the specific time. ‘Hover text' is the text that will appear through mouseover. The time or text shown follows the Settings for the specific service.
  • Combine all calendars: You can choose whether only one set of times should be shown as opposed to one set per calendar. If the feature is activated, all calendars are combined under one set of times and booking is done randomly in a calendar with an available time (does not apply to class/course bookings or customer-determined time/booking of premises). If you tick the box 'Show number of available appointments', the customer will be able to see the number of available calendars in the time slot in question. If a calendar represents something other than an employee, e.g. a class or a premise, the feature must remain disabled. Please note that if the calendar selector is active and the customer chooses a particular calendar, only available times in this particular calendar will be shown. However, if the customer does not choose a particular calendar, all available times will be shown together and not divided between the individual calendars. If you want a truly random booking in all calendars, this feature must be activated and the calendar selector must be disabled.
  • Choose start time freely: By activating this feature, the customer can choose a start time for the service freely. You can choose in which intervals start times will be offered. This means that if you choose e.g. 15 min intervals, the customer will be offered a start time every 15 minutes. By default, the feature is not activated and the system attempts to optimise the placement of services so that you have the fewest possible 'gaps' in your calendar. If all start times are offered, the risk of gaps in the calendar is greater.
  • Show expired times: If ticked, the expired times of the day will not be shown.
  • Show calendar with first available time at top: by activating this feature, the calendar with the first available time will be shown at the top, when the customer has to choose a time of the day.

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!


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