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Guides - Back-end: Quick book

Back-end: Quick book

Under 'Quick book' you can change settings that affect quick book. The settings are changed by ticking (the feature is activated) or unticking (the feature is disabled) the box opposite the setting you want to change. Afterwards, press ‘Update' located at the bottom of the page.

You have the following options:

  • Voucher payment: By activating this, you will be able to create bookings in quick book and simultaneously withdraw a pass from the customer's MultiPass/subscription voucher. You thereby avoid having to do it afterwards. Please note! In order to be able use voucher payment, when creating bookings, the voucher must be personalized to the customer and the service/class that is booked, must be attached to the voucher.
  • Create – Customer: You can determine whether a customer MUST be chosen before a quick booking can be made. This feature is disabled by default, i.e. quick bookings can be made without having a customer attached.
  • Create – Social security number: You can determine whether a social security number space should be shown when you create a new customer via quick book. In addition, you can determine whether a social security number MUST be entered before the customer can be created.
  • Create – Date of birth: You can determine whether a date of birth space should be shown when you create a new customer via quick book. In addition, you can determine whether a date of birth MUST be entered before the customer can be created.
  • Create – Gender: You can determine whether a gender space should be shown when you create a new customer via quick book. In addition, you can determine whether a gender MUST be entered before the customer can be created.
  • Create – Address: You can determine whether address spaces should be shown when you create a new customer via quick book. In addition, you can determine whether an address MUST be entered before the customer can be created.
  • Create – Telephone: You can determine whether a phone number or a mobile number must MUST be entered before the customer can be created.
  • Create – Newsletter: You can determine whether a 'Newsletter – Yes, please' tick box should be shown when you create a new customer via quick book. If you choose to do so, you can add the customer to the newsletter list when you create the customer. Please note that newsletters require the purchase of the Marketing Add-On.
  • Create - News SMS: You can determine whether a 'Newsletter SMS – Yes, please' tick box should be shown when you create a new customer via quick book. If you choose to do so, you can add the customer to the newsletter list when you create the customer. Please note that newsletters require the purchase of the Marketing Add-On.
  • Create - Created by: You ca determine whether a 'Created by employee' dropdown should appear when you create a new customer via quick book. 
  • Auto choose customer group: You can determine whether the default customer group (your own company) is chosen automatically unless another customer group is chosen actively or whether a customer group MUST be chosen before a booking can be made. The feature is activated by default, i.e. unless another customer group is chosen, the booking is automatically made in the default customer group.
  • Auto search all: You can determine whether to search for all services automatically if a service has not been chosen or whether a service MUST be chosen before a booking can be made. The feature is activated by default, i.e. if a service has not been chosen, all services are searched for.
  • Choose start time freely: By activating this feature, staff can choose a start time for the service freely. You can choose in which intervals start times will be offered. This means that if you choose e.g. 15 min intervals, staff will be offered a start time every 15 minutes. By default, the feature is not activated and the system attempts to optimise the placement of services so that you have the fewest possible 'gaps' in your calendar. If all start times are offered, the risk of gaps in the calendar is greater.
  • Show expired times: If ticked, the expired times of the day will not be shown.
  • Send confirmation email: Besides being able to send a confirmation e-mail to your customer, you here also have the opportunity to send an e-mail, when the customer's bookings have been changed. If this function is chosen, the booking system will automatically send the e-mail to the customer, when you have made the change within the booking system. You can also choose to send the e-mail manually, from the specific booking, where you simply have to press ‘confirm booking changed'. If you have set up your calendar to receive e-mails of new or deleted bookings, you will also receive e-mails regarding changes.
  • Remove from waiting list: If the booking is made from the waiting list, the signup will automatically be removed from the waiting list, if this box is ticked.
  • Show red times: Here you have the opportunity to activate that you can see booked times in quick book. You can also determine the information you wish to be able to see. In the box 'text on timeslot' you can choose to write a text that will appear on the timeslot in quick book. In the box 'hover text' you can add text and Substitution codes, which will appear when you hover the mouse over the booked times. The box 'text for classes' allows you to add details about the specific class/course, through the use of Substitution codes for classes. In the box 'text for customer in class' you will be able to add Substitution codes with e.g. the customer's name, so you can see which customer is booked for the class.

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!


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