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Guides - Substitution codes: Customer

Substitution codes: Customer

You can here see a list of the substitution codes that can be used to insert information about a specific customer, e.g. in confirmation and reminder e-mails:

  • [CUSTOMERNAME] is replaced by the customer's name.
  • [CUSTOMERFIRSTNAME] is replaced by the customer's first name, i.e. the first name on the customer's profile.
  • [CUSTOMERMIDDLENAMES] is replaced by alle the customer's middlenames, i.e. all but the first and last name on the customer's profile.
  • [CUSTOMERLASTNAME] is replaced by the customer's surname, i.e. the last name on the customer's profile.
  • [CUSTOMERADDRESS] is replaced by the customer's address.
  • [CUSTOMERPOSTALCODE] is replaced by the customer's postal code.
  • [CUSTOMERCITY] is replaced by the customer's city.
  • [CUSTOMERTELEPHONE] is replaced by the customer's telephone number.
  • [CUSTOMERMOBILE] is replaced by the customer's mobile number.
  • [CUSTOMEREMAIL] is replaced by the customer's e-mail address.
  • Birthday:
    • Day:
      • [customerBirthdateDay] is replaced by the day without leading zero (e.g 6)
      • [customerBirthdateDay_DD] is replaced by the day with leading zero (e.g 06)
    • Month:
      • [customerBirthdateMonth] is replaced by the month without leading zero (e.g 7)
      • [customerBirthdateMonth_DD] is replaced with the month with leading zero (e.g 07)
    • Year:
      • [customerBirthdateMonth] is replaced by all digits in the year (e.g 2001)
    • Examples:
      • [customerBirthdateDay]/[customerBirthdateMonth]-[customerBirthdateYear] is replaced by 6/7-2001
      • [customerBirthdateYear]-[customerBirthdateMonth_MM]-[customerBirthdateDay_DD] is replaces by 2001-07-06
  • [CUSTOMERSSN] is replaced by the customer's social security number.
  • [CUSTOMERSSNDASH] is replaced by a hyphen in the customer's social security number. 
  • [CUSTOMERAGE] the age is calculated on the basis of the social security number or the date of birth that is given by the customer.  
  • [CUSTOMERSSNMASKED] is replaced by the customer's social security number where the last four digits are masked. 
  • [CUSTOMERPASSWORD] is replaced by ******.
  • [CUSTOMERNUMBER] is replaced by the customer's customer number.
  • [CUSTOMERGROUPDEFAULTCOUNTER] is replaced by the number of bookings you have assigned all customers in the customer group by default in the customer group counter. For more information about the customer group counter see Settings.
  • [CUSTOMERGROUPCOUNTERLEFT] is replaced by the number of bookings the customer has left in the customer group counter. For more information about the customer group counter see Settings.
  • [RFSXXX] is replaced by the fixed customer spaces. Read more about Record, fixed costumer spaces here.
  • [customer_missing_accept] is replaced by an icon if the customer has not accepted terms.
  • [customerFutureBookingsBegin] [customerFutureBookingsEnd] is replaced by all the customers future bookings incl the bookings from today. 
  • ​[customerFutureBookingsBegin_skipToday] [customerFutureBookingsEnd] is replaced by all bookings except for the bookings from today. 
  • [customerFutureBookingsBegin_skipCompleted] [customerFutureBookingsEnd] is replaced by all bookings except the completed bookings.
  • [CUSTOMER_DISCOUNT_GROUP_BEGIN] and [CUSTOMER_DISCOUNTGROUP_END] are required if you wish to search for a specific customer, who has been added to one or more active discount groups. If the customer is a member of one or more active discount groups, it will be possible to see a text between begin/end that is inserted with the help of the substitution codes below:
  • [CUSTOMER_DISCOUNTGROUP_PRIORITY_NAME] and [CUSTOMER_DISCOUNTGROUP_PRIORITY_DESCRIPTION] are replaced by the name/description of the active discount group(s) that the customer is a member of. If the customer is a member of more than one active discount group, the text from the group with the highest priority will be shown (i.e. the lowest number). 
  • [CUSTOMER_DISCOUNT_TOTAL] is replaced by the customer's total discount calculated in the cash register. This discount is not restricted by the customer being a member of a discount group or not. It is all the discount given in the cash register. 
  • [IMPORTANTNOTE] is replaced by the important note that has been written on the customer profile. 
  • [IMPORTANTNOTE_NOBREAK] is replaced by the important note that has been written on the customer profile. This does not include line break. 
  • [CALENDARPRIMARY] is replaced with the name of the primary therapist selected on the customer.
  • [CALENDARSECONDARY] is replaced with the name of the secondary therapist selected on the customer.
  • [CUSTOMERSEXVALUE] is replaced with the value of the selected sex on the customer. 0 = no sex selected, 1 = male, 2 = female.
  • [CUSTOMER_POINTS123] is replaced with the customer's points balance in the format 1,234.56 where 123 in the replacement code is the ID of the points program.
  • [CUSTOMER_POINTS_RAW123] is replaced with the customer's points balance in the format 1234.56 where 123 in the replacement code is the ID of the points program.
  • [WAITINGLISTURL] is replaced with a direct link to the page with the customer's booking waiting list entries. Ex. for use in the automatic waiting list email.


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