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Guides - Substitution codes: cash register

Substitution codes: cash register

You can here see a list of the substitution codes that can be used to insert information about your cash register:

  • [CashRegisterId] is replaced by cash register's ID number.
  • [CashRegisterName] is replaced by the name of the cash register (relevant if you have several cash registers).
  • [openedTime] is replaced by the time the cash register was opened.
  • [closedTime] is replaced by the time the cash register was closed.
  • [openedBy] is replaced by the name of the person who opened the cash register.
  • [closedBy] is replaced by the name of the person who closed cash register.
  • [balanceMorning] is replaced by the cash balance entered in the morning.
  • [balanceNightCalculated] is replaced by the calculated cash balance in the evening, that is, what the system estimates there should be in the cash register when it is closed.
  • [balanceNight] is replaced by the counted cash balance in the evening. That is, the balance entered when the cash register is closed.
  • [difference] is replaced by a possible cash difference.
  • [salesTotal] is replaced by the total sales of the day.
  • [salesWithVATTotal] is replaced by the total sales of the day incl. VAT.
  • [salesWithoutVATTotal] is replaced by the total sales of the day excl. VAT.
  • [salesWithVATByGroup] is replaced by sales per item group incl. VAT.
  • [salesWithoutVATByGroup] is replaced by sales per item group excl. VAT.
  • [otherPaymentsTotal] is replaced by other payments in total. E.g. gift and discount vouchers.
  • [otherPaymentsByGroup] is replaced by other payments per group, e.g. gift vouchers.
  • [paymentsTotal] is replaced by payments in total.
  • [payoutTotal] is replaced by payouts in total.
  • [payoutByType] is replaced by payouts per type, e.g. bank.
  • [CASHREGISTERCOMPANYNAME] is replaced by the name of the company using the cash register.
  • [cashRegisterAccountRegNo] is replaced by the account registration number of the cash register. 
  • [cashRegisterAccountNo] is replaced by the account number of the cash register .
  • [ITEMDESCRIPTIONLONG] is replaced by the long item description is linked to service or gift card in cash register system.


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