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Guides - Substitution codes: Calendar 2.2

Substitution codes: Calendar 2.2

You can here see a list of the substitution codes that can be used to insert information on a specific booking:

[BOOKINGSTATUSCAL] is replaced by the status of the booking
[CALTIMESTAMP] is replaced by the time of the booking
[BOOKING_CHOOSEN_CALENDARNAME] is replaced by a specific calendar name if the customer has choosen a specific calendar and not 'All available' in frontend. 

Below are all the substitution codes that can be used to insert icons on a specific booking:

[ICONCUSTOMERTAG_65]: Shoe icons for specific customer tags - _x is replaced by the ID from the specific customer tag. 
[ICONCUSTOMERTAGS]: Show all icons for all the customer tags that has been created. 
[ICONIMPORTANTNOTE]: Show "Important note" icon when there has been written a note on the customer profile. 
[ICONGOTOREGISTER]: Show "Go to cash register" icon.
[ICONPAYEDFOR]: Show "Paid via cash register - show receipt" icon.
[ICONONLINEPAYMENT]: Show "Go to online payment" icon. 
[ICONCUSTOMERINFO]: This icon is shown when there are spaces on the customer profil that are not filled out. This is done under "Advanced settings". 
[ICONSATISFACTION]: Show the icon for "Customer satisfaction". 
[ICONPRINTBOOKING]: Show "Print appointment card" icon. 
[ICONCONTACTCUSTOMER]: Show "Contact customer" icon. 
[ICONGOTOCUSTOMER]: Show "Go to customer" icon. 
[ICONGOTOBOOKING]: Show "Go to concrete booking" icon. 
[ICONVOUCHERPAYMENT]: This icon is shown when the booking has been paid with vouchers. 


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