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Guides - Substitution codes: Icons

Substitution codes: Icons

Here, you can see a list of the substitution codes that can be used to insert icons on your bookings in the calendar versions: advanced 2.0 daily view and advanced 2.0 weekly view. The icons shown on a booking can, for example, be as follows:


The different substitution codes allow you to see and perform different actions directly from a booking:

  • [ICONIMPORTANTNOTE]: This icon indicates that the customer has left a note to the booking.
  • [ICONCUSTOMERINFO]: If you opt for this icon, you see all customer information by clicking on the booking.
  • [ICONSATISFACTION]: If you make use of questionnaires and satisfaction surveys, you can add this icon to bookings.
  • [ICONPRINTBOOKING]: By clicking on this icon you can print the booking.
  • [ICONCONTACTCUSTOMER]: By clicking on this icon you have the ability to contact the customer directly from the booking.
  • [ICONGOTOCUSTOMER]: This icon takes you directly to the customer's information.
  • [ICONGOTOBOOKING]: This icon directs you to the booking information.
  • [ICONPAYEDFOR]: This icon indicates that the customer has paid for the booking. By clicking on the icon, you are redirected to the receipt.
  • [ICONGOTOREGISTER]: This icon directs you to cash register.
  • [ICONONLINEPAYMENT]: This icon takes you to online payment.
  • [ICONVOUCHERPAYMENT]: This icon directs you to voucher payment.
  • [ICONDEBTORBALANCE]: This icon indicates if a customer is attached a debtor with an outstanding or a receivable.
  • [ICONCUSTOMERTAG_XXX]: This shows the icon for customer tags.

Click here to see where and how to insert substitution codes.


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