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Guides - Substitution codes: Invoice

Substitution codes: Invoice

You can here see a list of the substitution codes that can be used to insert information about invoices:

  • [CUSTOMERNAME] is replaced by the customer's name.
  • [CUSTOMERSSN] is replaced by the customer's social security number.
  • [CUSTOMERSSNMASKED] is replaced by the customer's social security number where the last four digits are masked. 
  • [RFSXXX] is replaced by the fixed customer spaces. Read more about Record, fixed costumer spaces here.
  • [CASHREGISTERCOMPANYNAME] is replaced by the name of your company as entered under the settings of the cash register.
  • [CASHREGISTERCOMPANYADDRESS] is replaced by the address of your company as entered under the settings of the cash register.
  • [CASHREGISTERCOMPANYPOSTALCODE] is replaced by the postal code of your company as entered under the settings of the cash register.
  • [CASHREGISTERCOMPANYCITY] is replaced by the city of your company as entered under the settings of the cash register.
  • [CASHREGISTERCOMPANYPHONE] is replaced by the phone number of your company as entered under the settings of the cash register.
  • [CASHREGISTERCOMPANYFAX] is replaced by the fax number of your company as entered under the settings of the cash register.
  • [CASHREGISTERCOMPANYVAT] is replaced by the VAT number of your company as entered under the settings of the cash register.
  • [cashRegisterAccountRegNo] is replaced by the invoice account register number as entered under the cash register's receipt and invoice information settings
  • [cashRegisterAccountNo] is replaced by the invoice account number as entered at the cash register's receipt and invoice information settings.
  • [cashRegisterExtraText] is replaced by the extra invoice text that is entered at the cash register's receipt and invoice information settings.
  • [DEBTORID] is replaced by the id of the debtor.
  • [DEBTORCOMPANYNAME] is replaced by the debtor's company name.
  • [DEBTORDEPARTMENT] is replaced by the debtor's department.
  • [DEBTORNAME] is replaced by the debtor's name.
  • [DEBTORADDRESS] is replaced by the debtor's address.
  • [DEBTORPOSTALCODE] is replaced by the debtor's postal code.
  • [DEBTORCITY] is replaced by the debtor's city.
  • [DEBTORPHONE] is replaced by the debtor's phone number.
  • [DEBTOREMAIL] is replaced by the debtor's e-mail address.
  • [DEBTORCOMPANYVAT] is replaced by the debtor's VAT number.
  • [DEBTOREAN] is replaced by the debtor's EAN number.
  • [INVOICEDATETIME] is replaced by the date and time of the invoice.
  • [INVOICEDATE] is replaced by the date of the invoice.
  • [INVOICETIME] is replaced by the time of the invoice.
  • [INVOICENO] is replaced by the invoice number of the invoice.
  • [TODAYSDATE] is replaced by today's date.
  • [PAGE] is replaced by the page number of the invoice.
  • [PAGETOTAL] is replaced by the total number of pages of the invoice.
  • [PaymentTypeDescription] is replaced by the text of the payment options.
  • [PaymentOptionExtraText] is replaced by the text of the payment options.
  • [PAYMENTCONDITION] is replaced by the payment terms of the invoice.
  • [DUEDATE] is replaced by the due date. 
    They can also be entered into a text block that is only displayed if payment terms have been selected. In this case, you can insert the following codes:
    Payment condition: [PAYMENTCONDITION]
    Due date: ​[DUEDATE]
  • [ExtraInvoiceText]: is replaced by an extra text/comment. 
  • [ShowEventSignup_begin] insert text [ShowEventSignup_end]: The text between the two substitution codes is only included in the invoice if the invoice is created via event. 
  • [NoShowEventSignup_begin] insert text [NoShowEventSignup_end]: The text between the two substitution codes is only included in the invoice if the invoice is not created via event. 


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