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Guides - Substitution codes: Order

Substitution codes: Order

You can here see a list of the substitution codes that can be used to insert information about an online order, e.g. in texts in the category 'Online payment'.

  • [ORDERID] is replaced by the id number of the order.
  • [ORDERDATETIME] is replaced by the date and time of the completion of the order.
  • [orderTotalAmountRaw] is replaced by the total value of the order.
  • [EACH_BOOKING_BEGIN] and [EACH_BOOKING_END] this substitution code pair can be used in connection with substitution codes for specifik bookings. For instance, if more people are signed up for a specific booking and you want the order confirmation to contain the names of all the participants. Please note! Other substitution codes need to be written in between this substitution code pair. Everything in between this substitution code pair will be inserted for each specific booking associated with the booking.
  • [INVCOMPANY] is replaced by the invoicing company, i.e. the company name the customer has entered under 'Payment'.
  • [INVNAME] is replaced by the invoicing name, i.e. the name the customer has entered under 'Payment'.
  • [INVADDRESS] is replaced by the invoicing address, i.e. the address the customer has entered under 'Payment'.
  • [INVPOSTALCODE] is replaced by the invoicing postal code, i.e. the postal code the customer has entered under 'Payment'.
  • [INVCITY] is replaced by the invoicing city, i.e. the city the customer has entered under 'Payment'.
  • [INVCOUNTRY] is replaced by the invoicing country, i.e. the country the customer has entered under 'Payment'.
  • [INVTELEPHONE] is replaced by the invoicing telephone number, i.e. the telephone number the customer has entered under 'Payment'.
  • [INVFAX] is replaced by the invoicing fax number, i.e. the fax number the customer has entered under 'Payment'.
  • [INVVATNR] is replaced by the invoicing VAT number, i.e. the VAT number the customer has entered under 'Payment'.
  • [INVEMAIL] is replaced by the invoicing e-mail address, i.e. the e-mail address the customer has entered under 'Payment'.
  • [INVMESSAGE] is replaced by the message the customer has entered under 'Payment'.
  • [DELCOMPANY] is replaced by the delivering company, i.e. the name of the company the customer has entered under 'Delivery'.
  • [DELNAME] is replaced by the delivering name, i.e. the name the customer has entered under 'Delivery'.
  • [DELADDRESS] is replaced by the delivering address, i.e. the name the customer has entered under 'Delivery'.
  • [DELPOSTALCODE] is replaced by the delivering postal code, i.e. the postal code the customer has entered under 'Delivery'.
  • [DELCITY] is replaced by the delivering city, i.e. the city the customer has entered under 'Delivery'
  • [DELCOUNTRY] is replaced by the delivering country, i.e. the country the customer has entered under 'Delivery'.
  • [DELPHONE] is replaced by the delivering telephone number, i.e. the telephone number the customer has entered under 'Delivery'.


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