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Guides - Specific booking

Specific booking

When a booking is shown in the calendar (both in the calendar views and the date elaborated view), you have the option of being transferred to the specific booking and a page, containing all information about this booking.

Booking information

At the top of the page you can view the booking and the information concerning this booking.
You have the following options:

  • Edit booking: Change the date of the booking or move customers from a class/course, while moving or deleting customers from the waiting list.
  • Copy booking: Copy the booking, e.g. if the customer wants to receive the same service every other week.
  • New booking: Get transferred to quick book, where you can book a new appointment for the customer.
  • Go to the cash register: Get transferred to the cash register and pay for the service. If the service has already been paid for, you can see a ‘paid'-symbol. By pressing this, you can view the receipt. Please note! This requires the purchase of the Cash Register Add-On.
  • Go to order: If the booking has been paid for online, you can go to the online order. Please note! This requires the purchase of the Online Payment Add-On.
  • Print appointment card: Print an appointment card, if this feature has been activated.

At the left of the page you can view information about the booking.
You have the following options:

  • Edit time: Change the time of the booking.
  • Mark booking completed: Complete an ongoing booking before it is finished. This feature is activated under Advanced settings. Back-end / general.
  • Service: Change the service.
  • Extra text: Add a message to the booking. This could be useful if the customer has made you aware of something, such as ‘The customer has a neck injury'.
  • No show: If the customer did not show up for the appointment, you can tick this box. Under the menu item ‘Customers' you can view statistics of the number of no show customers.
  • Status: If booking status has been activated, you can change the status of the booking.
  • Extra spaces: If the customer filled out any extra spaces when making the booking, you can see the customer's responses here.
  • Resources: If the booking of resources has been activated, you can see whether a resource has been booked.

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!
At the bottom left corner you can view a log of the changes made to this booking, including who made the changes and when they were made.

Customer information
At the bottom of the page, you can view information about the customer attached to the booking. If desired, you can edit this information. You also have the option of sending an e-mail or a SMS to the customer. You can choose between three different types of e-mails or SMSs containing either:

  1. A confirmation of the booking.
  2. A confirmation of a deletion of the booking.
  3. A confirmation of a change in the booking.

When you have chosen the desired type of message, press 'Go'. You will now be transferred to a page at which you can edit the text of the e-mail/SMS. Remember to press ‘Send message' when you have made the desired changes. The green check mark signifies that an e-mail/SMS has been sent to the customer. If you hoover the mouse over the check mark, you will be able to see when the message has been sent. Sent e-mails/SMSes will also appear in the log.

Please note! You can only send SMSes when the SMS Add-On has been activated. The add-on is free, and you only pay for the SMSes you send.

You also have the option of changing the customer. This is done by searching for the desired customer in the space opposite 'Change customer'. You can also create a new customer, who will automatically be attached to the booking regardless of whether another customer is already attached to the booking. The new customer will automatically overwrite the original. If no customer is attached to the booking, you can link a customer to the booking the same way.


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