Guides - Ressourcekalender
Med en ressourcekalender er det muligt nemt at skabe et overblik over de ressourcer, der bliver booket til jeres kunder.
The resource calendar gives you a total overview of the resources that have been booked by you. You will find it under 'Calendars' and then choose 'Resource calendar'. It is possible to move a resource around by clicking on the booking and move it to the the new time you wish to book. You can also delete a resource booking by choosing 'Go to resource' (the calendar icon). Here, you will find an overview of your bookings in a specific period and under 'Action' you can delete a resource. When you move or delete a resource it is only the resource that is moved/deleted and not the booking. On the resource it is possible to see for which booking the resource is booked and you can also see the information about the customer and the treatment. Via the icons you can also go to 'Resource', 'Cash register', 'Contact customer' and 'Customer information'.
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Please note! If you move or delete a resource, it is only the resource that is moved/deleted - not the actual booking. |
You create a resource booking directly in the calendar by clicking opposite the resource and time that you wish to book. Afterwards, you can choose to add a note to your booking and then choose 'Create booking'. You can e.g also choose to add that a certain resource is in for repairs and write for how long. This is then shown in the calendar, so you know that this resource can not be booked. |