Guides - Booking of Resources
Once again, welcome to GECKO Booking!
Whether you have purchased the product or you are trying out our free demo, this guide will give you a thorough explanation of GECKO Booking?s resource booking feature. Many companies have several resources to keep track of and have particular resources that must be available before a particular service can be offered to a customer. Depending on the line of business, the resources could be e.g. hood hairs, projectors, massage couches, or company cars. With GECKO Booking you can keep track of your resources easily and resources can be booked automatically with the customer?s booking in order to ensure that the required resource is available. Booking of resources can also be used for bookings lasting multiple days, e.g. bookings of the company holiday home. If this guide does not answer your questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can contact us via the webpage, by e-mail, or by phone.