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Guides - Manual booking of resources

Manual booking of resources

You create a resource booking directly in the resource calendar by clicking opposite the resource and time that you wish to book. Afterwards, you can choose to add a note to your booking and then choose 'Create booking'. You can e.g also choose to add that a certain resource is in for repairs and write for how long. This is then shown in the calendar, so you know that this resource can not be booked.

For more information about the resource calendar, read more in our GUIDE here

You can book a resource manually. Even though automatic booking of a resource is advisable when a certain service requires a particular resource in order to be performed, some resources are not linked to a specific service. Manual booking could be used if the resource is e.g. a company holiday home with no connection to a particular service. It is possible to book a resource manually for both short and longer periods of time – e.g. for multiple days.

By pressing 'Show / Book' opposite the desired resource on the resource overview, you can see a list of all bookings of the chosen resource. You also have the option of booking the resource manually.

If you want to see an overview of all bookings of the chosen resource, choose which period you want to see an overview of (date and time) and the list is updated automatically. On this list you can see both available times and booked appointments. Please note that if no bookings have been made in the chosen period, the list will remain blank and available times will not be shown. On this list you can see any remarks made to the booking, see which period the booking or the available time is made in, and you have the option of being transferred to the specific booking if an automatic booking of the resource has been made. In addition, you can see the status of the period (available or booked) and you have the option of performing an action with the time. If the time is available, you can press ‘Insert time' after which the available period is inserted above so that it can be booked easily. If the period is booked, you can delete the booking of the resource. Please note that if it is an automatic booking, the booking of the service is not deleted by deleting the booking of the resource.

At the top of the page you can make a manual booking of the resource. You can see which resource you are about to book and switch to another resource if you so desire. You then need to choose which period (date and time) you want to make the booking in and you have the option of writing a remark to the booking. Press ‘Book' and the resource has been booked in the chosen period!


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