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Guides - Quick Book

Quick Book

Quick book allows you to book an appointment for a customer manually, e.g. if a customer is calling you or physically shows up to book an appointment. 

A booking via Quick book is bu default registred as an internal booking (not attached customer). This way, you can also use quick book for booking your employees, e.g. for an internal meeting.

However, you can also make a booking for a specific customer. This is done  either by booking an appointment for an existing customer through the ‘Search / switch customer' field, or by creating a new customer easily in the ‘Create new customer' ikon. 

If you have created multiple customer groups, you can choose which customer group you want to make the booking in. You then need to choose which service the customer wants to book, which calendar to book in (optional), and an interval in which the booking should be made (optional). If you have activated 'Signup more' in the settings for classes/courses, you will also have the opportunity to enter the number of spots that you wish to book for your customer.

When you have entered the information about the desired booking, the dates with available times that match the search criteria will be highlighted with green in the calendar. Choose a day in the calendar, and you can view the available times on that date. Choose an available time and press ‘Book time'. The appointment has now been booked, and you will be transferred to a page with information about the specific booking.

NB! When you book an appointment for a customer via quick book, the customer is not contacted automatically with a confirmation of the booked appointment. If you want to send a confirmation, you must contact the customer manually (see Contact customer for more information).


Please note! Only one service can by default be booked at a time in both quick book and online booking. However, it is possible to book service additions at the same time as the main service is booked. If you want to enable booking of multiple services at the same time, your main services must be created as service additions. This way, it is possible to book an unlimited number of services at the same time.

See Copy services to service additions for more information.


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