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Guides - Settings


You can edit the settings of each class/course. This can be done by pressing ‘Edit' under ‘Settings' opposite the desired service on the service overview. The settings are changed by ticking (the feature is activated) or unticking (the feature is disabled) the box opposite the setting you want to change. Afterwards, press ‘Update' located at the bottom of the page. Most settings found here are similar to those found in all other services. For an explanation of these settings, the reader is referred to the guide Main guide. However, you have additional options when the service is a class/course. These settings are listed under the tab ‘Class / course settings'.

You have the following options:

  • Class / course number of spot: You can determine the number of available spots in the class/course. If the service represents a class, the number of spots refers to the number of spots available each time. It is important that you remember to set the number of spots here, as it is inserted by default that the class consists of one spot only.
  • Allowed to book more of same?: You can determine whether a customer should be allowed to book multiple spots in the same class/course. As always, only one service can be booked at a time, but if this feature is activated, the customer can make multiple separate bookings of spots in the same class/course. This could be used if you want to enable your customers to book spots in the class/course for e.g. friends and acquaintances. If the feature is disabled, the customer can only book one spot in the same class/course. Naturally, the customer will still be able to book a spot in a class that is held at a different time.
  • Waiting list: You have the option of activating the use of a waiting list. If the waiting list has been activated, customers are offered to sign up on a waiting list if no spots remain in their desired class. Please note that this class waiting list is different from the regular service waiting list. As opposed to the last-mentioned manual waiting list, the class waiting list is automatic meaning that the customer is automatically notified if (s)he is assigned a spot in the class. In addition, an appointment is automatically booked for the customer. The spot is automatically assigned when another customer's booking is cancelled whether the customer cancels the booking him/herself or the booking is deleted by staff. In order to make the most of the waiting list feature, it is recommended that the SMS Add-On is purchased. The add-on itself is free and you only pay for the SMSes you send (See the guide SMS Add-On for more information). When you have activated the use of the class waiting list, you must enter the number of spot on the waiting list. In addition, you can choose to send SMS to user when he/she moves up the list and/or to send SMS to user when he/she is assigned a spot in the class/course. It is recommended that you as a minimum activate SMS notifications when a spot is assigned as the customer otherwise is not informed of his/her spot and booking. You can change the text of the SMS that is sent under ‘Texts' (See the guide Main guide for more information). You can see the number of waiting list registrations on the advanced daily view (See Class and course bookings in the calendar views for more information).
  • Signup more: You have the option to sign up more participants for a class/course at one time. This will make it easier for you ([g:36in quick book]) and for your customers to sign up more participants at once. You can also decide how many spots the customer should be able to book, just as you can decide whether to create a booking per. participant or just per. booking. In case you want to create a booking per. participant, you give the customer the opportunity to provide information about the other participants for whom the customer books an appointment. Using extra spaces, the name and phone number of the participants can be specified. On the other hand, if you only what to create one booking, the customer will therefore only be sent one total booking. 

Remember to press 'Update' in order to save any changes!

Please note! If you offer many classes/courses, you have the option of inserting a list of your classes and courses on your website. This can be done under 'Settings' > 'Insertion codes' > 'Class / course  - list' (See the guide Main guide for more information).


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