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Guides - Class and course bookings in the calendar views

Class and course bookings in the calendar views

Like other bookings, class and course booking can be seen in the calendar views. If a booking is blue, the booking is a class/course booking.

In the simple daily view and in the weekly view, each customer booking is shown separately.
In the advanced daily view, a combined booking for all individual bookings will be shown. You can see the number of people who has signed up for the class and the number of people on the waiting list. Please note that this is the easiest way to see the number of waiting list registrations.

By pressing the letter icon that is shown on all class/course bookings, you can manually send e-mails and/or SMSes to the entire or part of a class and/or waiting list. How to send e-mails and SMSes is described in the guide Main guide.


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