Guides - Booking extra spaces
Booking extra spaces
Extra spaces enable you to obtain additional information about a customer when s(he) makes a booking, as extra spaces function as a sort of booking form. You decide the order and structure of the spaces, and you can make it mandatory for your customers to fill out the spaces before they can proceed with their bookings. The spaces can be text spaces or options, where the customer has to answer by ticking a box. The customer's responses are added to each booking. An example could be that the customer approves that (s)he is liable to pay a fee if (s)he does not show up for the appointment. Extra spaces can be created by clicking on 'Edit' under the 'Extra spaces'-column at the desired customer group on the customer group overview. At the top of the page you can both see a list of all created extra spaces, and create new extra spaces. You do this by pressing the blue button 'Create new space'.
You then need to enter the priority of the space. If you have created multiple spaces, the priorities determine the order in which the spaces are shown. The higher the priority of a space, the lower on the list it is shown. Which numbers are chosen as priorities are not important, as the booking system only cares about the priorities' relationship to each other. Extra spaces are automatically assigned a priority – the priority becomes higher for every created space. If the order of the spaces is not important to you, you do not need to change the priorities. You can change the priorities when you have created all desired spaces.
Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes! |
To make use of this type of space, you must create options. You create more options by repeating the above procedure. Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes. |
By ticking the box 'Personal options', spaces created by customers will be personal. Thus, a given space will only be visible to the specific customer, who created it. If the box is not ticked, other customers within the same customer group will be able to see the space. Under 'Values / Options' you can create spaces such as Project A, Project B, etc., which will be valid for the entire customer group. Spaces created by customers will also be visible here. You will be able to see, who created the space or who the space is locked to (if personal). Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes. |
In spaces of the type 'Accept terms' you can create spaces that can be used to get various terms accepted by your customer. In the large text space opposite 'Terms', you can write the specific terms. These terms can be saved directly in this text space.
At the bottom of the page you there will be an overview of different versions of your terms. In the overview you will be able to see when the different versions have been created as well as how many times it has been approved/accepted. By pressing 'Show' opposite a specific version, you will be able to see the customers, who have accepted the specific terms. Your system will automatically keep track of the different versions. Remember to click on 'Update' to save any changes. |