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Guides - Booking extra spaces

Booking extra spaces

Extra spaces enable you to obtain additional information about a customer when s(he) makes a booking, as extra spaces function as a sort of booking form. You decide the order and structure of the spaces, and you can make it mandatory for your customers to fill out the spaces before they can proceed with their bookings.

The spaces can be text spaces or options, where the customer has to answer by ticking a box. The customer's responses are added to each booking. An example could be that the customer approves that (s)he is liable to pay a fee if (s)he does not show up for the appointment.

Extra spaces can be created by clicking on 'Edit' under the 'Extra spaces'-column at the desired customer group on the customer group overview.

At the top of the page you can both see a list of all created extra spaces, and create new extra spaces. You do this by pressing the blue button 'Create new space'. 

To create a new space, you must enter the name of the space. The name functions as the question to be answered by the customer, e.g. 'If you do not show up for the appointment, you are liable to pay a fee (150 DKK). Do you accept?', 'Please enter your weight in kg' or 'Press here to read our terms'. Subsequently, choose what type the space should be:

  • Text line: The customer must answer the question by writing a text.
  • Radio-buttons (Yes/No): The customer must answer the question by choosing 'Yes' or 'No'.
  • Radio-buttons (Yes/No/Don't know): The customer must answer the question by choosing 'Yes', 'No', or 'Don't know'.
  • Checkbox: The customer must approve by ticking a box.
  • Numbers: The customer must answer the question by writing a number.
  • Drop-down list: The customer must answer the question by choosing an option from a list.
  • Upload file: The customer must uploade files to the specifc booking.
  • Combobox: The customer must choose an option you created or create one themselves.
  • Accept terms: The customer must accept various terms. 

You then need to enter the priority of the space. If you have created multiple spaces, the priorities determine the order in which the spaces are shown. The higher the priority of a space, the lower on the list it is shown. Which numbers are chosen as priorities are not important, as the booking system only cares about the priorities' relationship to each other. Extra spaces are automatically assigned a priority – the priority becomes higher for every created space. If the order of the spaces is not important to you, you do not need to change the priorities. You can change the priorities when you have created all desired spaces.

After setting the above, click on 'Create space' and the space has been created!

You can edit the created spaces:

  • Space name: Change the name of the space.
  • Active customer booking: Decide whether the space should be shown when a booking is made by customers online.
  • Active quick book: Decide whether the space should be shown when a booking is made by staff via quick book.
  • Active specific booking: Decide whether the space should be shown when you are editing a specific booking.
  • Priority: Change the priority of the space.
  • Delete: Delete the space.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes!

Please note that you cannot change the type of the space. Instead, you need to create and new space and delete the original.

In the column 'Settings', you can change the settings of the space by clicking on 'Edit' at the space you want to change the settings for.

No matter the type of space, you can decide if the space is required, meaning that the customer must fill it out to continue with the booking. By default, all spaces are set to be required. You can edit the text, presented to customers when (s)he has not filled out all spaces.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes.

In spaces of the type 'Numbers', you can choose an interval that the number the customer enters must be within by ticking ‘Min-Max values'. Subsequently, enter the desired interval and click on 'Update'. This could be used if you ask the customer to choose a number on a scale from 1 to 10. You can edit the text, presented to the customer when (s)he enters a number outside of the interval.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes.

In spaces of the type ‘Drop-down list', you can determine which options the customer can choose between. Enter the name of the option and click on ‘Create option'. The option has now been created and can be seen under the ‘Create new' space. Here, you can likewise delete an option by clicking on 'Delete'.

To make use of this type of space, you must create options. You create more options by repeating the above procedure.

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes.

In spaces of the type 'Combobox' you can create spaces for the customer group.

By ticking the box 'Personal options', spaces created by customers will be personal. Thus, a given space will only be visible to the specific customer, who created it. If the box is not ticked, other customers within the same customer group will be able to see the space.

Under 'Values / Options' you can create spaces such as Project A, Project B, etc., which will be valid for the entire customer group.

Spaces created by customers will also be visible here. You will be able to see, who created the space or who the space is locked to (if personal).

Remember to click on ‘Update' to save any changes.

In spaces of the type 'Accept terms' you can create spaces that can be used to get various terms accepted by your customer. 

In the large text space opposite 'Terms', you can write the specific terms. These terms can be saved directly in this text space. 

Opposite 'Link text' you should write a text, which in this context would typically be 'Press here to read our terms'. This link text will appear in your quick login, as the example to the right shows. The customer must then put a tick in the box opposite the link, in order to accept the these terms. Please note that there must be text in this space otherwise the link will not appear. 

At the bottom of the page you there will be an overview of different versions of your terms. In the overview you will be able to see when the different versions have been created as well as how many times it has been approved/accepted. By pressing 'Show' opposite a specific version, you will be able to see the customers, who have accepted the specific terms. Your system will automatically keep track of the different versions.  

Remember to click on 'Update' to save any changes. 


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