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Guides - Duplicates


You can search for duplicates in your customer database, i.e. customers with multiple customer profiles. If desired, you can merge these customers so you only have one customer profile per customer.

You can compare and merge customers under ‘Customers' -> ‘Duplicates'. By clicking on 'Duplicates?' at a particular customer group, the feature will search for duplicates in the customer group in question. If you click on ‘Find duplicates across customer groups', the feature will search for duplicates across all customer groups.

When you have clicked on one of the above options, you can see the first match where more than one customer is registered with the same e-mail, phone number, and/or name. Only one match is shown at a time in order to provide you with a simple overview, i.e. only one customer (the customer to the far left) and the match(es) that exist for this particular customer (to the right) are shown.

Subsequently, you need to determine whether the customers are in fact the same customer. If so, the customers can be merged by choosing ‘Yes, merge customers'. All information about past and future bookings, purchases, etc. is now merged. If the two customers are different, ‘No, different customers' must be chosen. By choosing ‘Do nothing', the decision as to whether to merge the customers or not can be postponed to a later time.

Match to the customer to the far left. If you choose to merge the customers, it is this customer that is retained. White spaces indicate that the same information is registered about both customers, whereas yellow spaces indicate that differences exist between the two customers. You can move information from the customer to the right to the customer to the left by clicking on the green arrow.

Remember to click on 'Save changes' to save your changes!

Please note! If you choose to merge the customers, the merge cannot be undone! The inactivated customer cannot be recreated.


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