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Guides - Take calendar out of service

Take calendar out of service

By taking a calendar out of service, you close all working hours on a particular day in a particular calendar. You have the possibility to move bookings made on the given day in the given calendar to another calendar. You can take a calendar out of service via ' Date elaborated'.

At the top of the page, you can see what calendar you are about to take out of service and on which date it will be taken out of service.
By ticking the box ‘Show internal bookings?', you can decide whether bookings without a customer attached should be shown on the list of bookings.
By ticking the box ‘Respect working hours?', you can choose to only see calendars with available times on the time of the booking in the drop-down list of calendars.

At the bottom of the page, you can see a list of the bookings that are made on the calendar on the day that you are taking the calendar out of service; You can see the customer, who has booked the appointment, what service the customer has booked, as well as what time the booking is at. By clicking on the time, you will be transferred to the concrete booking, where you, for instance, can see the customer's information in case you need to contact the customer in connection with the rescheduling of the booking.

How to move bookings and take a calendar out of service?
To move a booking you need to, at the column 'Move to calendar', select the calendar that you wish to move the booking(s) to.

Please note! Classes/courses need to be moved manually. You do this by going to the concrete booking and clicking on 'Edit booking'.

When you have moved/deleted all the existing bookings, as well as any potential customers from the waiting list, it is possible to take the calendar out of service. Go to the calendar on that day and press 'Take out of service' at the upper right corner. The different checkboxes mean:

  • 'Close all available times': This checkbox is by default marked, as this mark is what takes the calendar out of service.
  • 'Tick "out of service"': By checking this, the calendar, which is taken out service, will not be shown in the calendar views on the day in question (this function must be activated under the 'Advanced settings' - see Back-end. Calendar views for more information).
  • 'Send marketing mail': This checkbox allows you to send an email to the customers, who will be moved/deleted, when the calendar is taken out of service. The email will be a template from the acquired Marketing module.

When you have marked the desired checkboxes, click on 'Update'. The calendar is now taken out of service on the chosen day.

Please note! If you have not moved all customer bookings on the day in question, the calendar cannot be taken out of service. The available times will be closed, but the customer bookings will remain. The same is the case for internal bookings. You will be able to see which times have been closed and which have not.

Please note! Customers, whose bookings are moved to a different calendar, are not automatically contacted about the move! If you want to contact the customers about the move, this must be done manually.


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