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Guides - Back-end: Calendar views

Back-end: Calendar views

Under 'Calendar views' you can change settings that affect how your calendars are shown. The settings are changed by ticking (the feature is activated) or unticking (the feature is disabled) the box opposite the setting you want to change. Afterwards, press ‘Update' located at the bottom of the page.

You have the following options:

  • Show only active calendars: If this box is ticked, only active calendars will be shown in the daily/weekly/monthly view. The calendars will, however, always be shown in the overview through employee/calendar login and direct link to the calendar. This function is by default not activated, meaning that inactive calendars are likewise shown.
  • Place restrictions when moving bookings: By ticking this box, you can here choose to place restrictions on the movement of bookings. This means that the booking can only be moved if time, resources, personnel, etc. permit it to be moved.
  • Show icon - Important note: You can determine whether an 'Important icon' should be shown on the bookings. The icon is shown when a note has been written on the booking or if an important note has been written on the customer profile of the customer to whom the booking belongs. The feature is activated by default.

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!

  • Daily view – Show available: You can determine whether available times, as defined under the workings hours of the calendar, are shown in the daily view. This feature is activated by default.
  • Daily view – Start times on same line: You can determine whether the same start times should be shown on the same line in the daily view. This provides a better overview of the bookings of the day. This feature is activated by default.
  • Weekly view – Show available: You can determine whether available times, as defined under the working hours of the calendar, are shown in the weekly view. This feature is activated by default.
  • Weekly/daily view – Remove ”Out of service”: If this feature is activated, calendars ticked as out of service will be removed from the calendar views on the day the calendar is taken out of service (See Take calendar out of service for more information).
  • Weekly/daily view – Calendar name: You can determine how many characters of a calendar name should be shown in the calendar views. The more characters are shown, the more chaotic the calendars views are. By default, the first 14 characters of the name are shown which provides a good overview.
  • Daily view – Box height: You can determine the height of the box that contains a booking or an available time. The setting only affects the box shown in the daily view. The height is defined in pixel, the default is 45 px.
  • Daily view – Box width: You can determine the width of the box that contains a booking or an available time. The setting only affects the box shown in the daily view. The width is defined in pixel, the default is 130 px.
  • Weekly view – Box height: You can determine the height of the box that contains a booking or an available time. The setting only affects the box shown in the weekly view. The height is defined in pixel, the default is 45 px.
  • Weekly view – Box width: You can determine the width of the box that contains a booking or an available time. The setting only affects the box shown in the weekly view. The width is defined in pixel, the default is 130 px.
  • Weekly/daily view – Box / Service: You can determine whether the name of the booked service should be shown in the booking box. By default, the name is not shown.
  • Weekly/daily view – Box / Service addition: You can determine whether service additions should be shown in the booking box. By default, service additions are not shown.
  • Weekly/daily view – Box / Customer group: You can determine whether the name of the customer group should be shown in the booking box. By default, the name is not shown.
  • Weekly/daily view – Box / Address: You can determine whether the customer's address should be shown in the booking box. By default, the address is not shown.
  • Weekly/daily view – Box / Contact: You can determine whether the customer's contact information should be shown in the booking box. By default, the contact information is not shown.
  • Weekly/daily view – Box / Extra spaces: You can determine whether extra spaces should be shown in the booking box. By default, extra spaces are not shown. For more information about extra spaces see Extra spaces.
  • Weekly/daily view – MO / Address: You can determine whether the customer's address should be shown in the Mouse-Over space that appears when you move the pointer over a booking. By default, the address is shown.
  • Weekly/daily view – MO / Contact: You can determine whether the customer's contact information should be shown in the Mouse-Over space that appears when you move the pointer over a booking. By default, the contact information is shown.
  • Weekly/daily view – MO / Extra spaces: You can determine whether extra spaces should be shown in the Mouse-Over space that appears when you move the pointer over a booking. By default, extra spaces are not shown.

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!

  • Set the shown time frame on the calendar: Here you choose which time frame you want to have shown in your calendar. The time frame range from 00 to 24 and you can e.g. choose only to show from 8 to 16. 
  • Snap to closest: There are three intervals avalilable, 5, 15 and 30 minutes. When you choose one interval you determine in which interval the booking should begin, whenever a new booking has been made directly in the calendar. If you choose the interval '15 min.' the starttime of the booking will be 10.00 if the pointer is between 10 and 10.15. So when choosing the 15 min. interval will make the booking snap to the nearest 15 min. interval. 
  • Resize interval: Here you can choose the how much a booking can be extended/reduced when using drag-to-resize. You can choose between 5 or 15 minute intervals. The 5 minute interval has been chosen by default. E.g. if a booking ends 09.10 and wish to extend this using the 15 minute drag-to-resize interval, the next time the booking will snap/move to is 09.25. 
  • Set text size: Set the text size of the bookings on the calendar. If this is empty, the standard size will be used. 
  • Set height of hours: Here you choose how high you want your hours to appear in your calendar.
  • Set width of booking: Here you choose how wide you want your bookings to appear.
  • Set height of calendar: Here you can choose how high you want the calendar to appear on the screen. 
  • Show text on work hours: If you mark this, you can widen the work hours in the calendar and make name of the work type visible as vertical text.
  • Edit time settings for auto-refresh: Here you enter an optional number of seconds to determine how often you want your calendar to automatically refresh.
  • Timestamps: Here you choose if you want the time to appear on a specific booking, when you create bookings in your calendar. 
  • Force movement on bookings: Here you choose if it should be possible to move a specific booking to another calendar, even though this calendar can not perform the service in question.  
  • Set the text shown on a booking: Here you enter what information you want to see on a given booking by copying a substitution code into the space between the already existing <div> and </div> columns, for example: <div class='cev__section'>[YDELSENAVN]</div>. (See Substitution codes for more information)
  • Set the text shown on the detail window: Here you enter what information you want to see in the detail-window that appears when you click on a booking. Enter an optional substitution code into the space between the existing <div> and </div> columns to set this.
  • Set the text shown for teams on the booking: In this box, you enter what information you want to see for teams on the booking. Insert an optional substitution code into the space between the existing <div> and </div> columns.
  • Set the text shown per team-member on a booking: Choose what information you want to appear for each team-member on a booking by inserting an optional substitution code into the space between the existing <div> and </div> columns.
  • Set the text shown for teams in the detail-window: Determine what information you want to see for teams in the detail-window that appears when you click on a given booking. Simply insert an optional substitution code into the space between the existing <div> and </div> columns to determine this.
  • Set the text shown per team-member in the detail-window: You can determine what information you want to see for each team-member in the detail-window, which appears when you click on a given booking, by inserting an optional substitution code into the space between the existing <div> and </div> columns.
  • Select which icons are shown on the booking: Here you choose what icons you want to see on a given booking. For more information about what icons and related substitution codes to insert, click here.
  • Show important note if there is a booking text: If you put a tick here, an 'important note' icon will be shown on the specific booking, as long as there is a booking text attacted to the booking. 

Please note! The above-mentioned boxes in the Advanced view 2.2 are by default already completed and set to display various information. Therefore, if you are happy with the information displayed in your calendar, you do not have to edit these boxes.

Please note that the more information shown in the booking box, the more chaotic it will be. Remember that you always have the option of being transferred to the specific booking to see all information about the booking in question (See Specific booking for more information).

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!


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