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Guides - Back-end: Customer

Back-end: Customer

Under 'Customer' you can change settings that affect the customer's profile. Please note that some of the settings require the purchase of the Encrypted Line / Record Add-On (See the guide Encrypted Line / Record Add-On for more information). It will be noted which settings are relevant for this add-on only. The settings are changed by ticking (the feature is activated) or unticking (the feature is disabled) the box opposite the setting you want to change. Afterwards, press ‘Update' located at the bottom of the page.

You have the following options:

  • Customer social security number: You can determine whether a social security number space should be shown under customer information.
  • Customer social security number unique: You can determine if a socil security number should be unique. This means that there must only be one customer profile with a certain social security number. 
  • Show contacts: You can activate the use of contacts which will enable you to enter your customers' contacts in the system (See Contacts for more information).
  • Customer date of birth: You can determine whether a date of birth space should be shown under customer information.
  • Customer gender: You can determine whether a gender space should be shown under customer information.
  • Customer group selector: You can determine whether a customer group selector should be shown under customer information. If this feature is activated, you can move the customer to another customer group under customer information.
  • Customer record - Archive: This setting is only relevant if you have purchased the Encrypted Line / Record Add-On. You can activate the possibility to archive journals. (See Create record for more information)
  • Customer record - Editor: This setting is only relevant if you have purchased the Encrypted Line / Record Add-On. You can activate an editor for your record groups. This means that you can make e.g. tables that enables you to create useful templates. Please note that this feature is already activated on new customers, but must be activated manually for customers, who already make use of records. 
  • Customer record - Sorting: This setting is only relevant if you have purchased the Encrypted Line / Record Add-On. You can determine whether the newest entries in the journal should be shown at the top or at the bottom.
  • Customer record – Delete entry: This setting is only relevant if you have purchased the Encrypted Line / Record Add-On. You can determine how long after an entry has been created that it can be deleted. Please note that after the chosen period has expired, it is no longer possible to delete the entry.
  • Customer record – Edit entry: This setting is only relevant if you have purchased the Encrypted Line / Record Add-On. You can determine how long after an entry has been created that it can be edited. Please note that after the chosen period has expired, it is no longer possible to edit the entry.
  • Print reservations: You can determine which information should be included when you print reservations from the customer information page. You can choose whether extra spaces and record spaces should be included – They are included by default. In addition, you can determine whether you only want to include the start time of the service and not the finish time.
  • Assign customer numbers automatically: You can determine whether your customers should be assigned customer numbers automatically.
  • Set next customer number: When you have activated automatic numbering of your customers, you can determine which number should be used the next time a customer is created. If you set the customer number at e.g. 1000, the next time a customer is created, (s)he will be assigned the number 1000, the next after that 1001, and so on.
  • Forms - Show deleted spaces: If you put a tick here, deleted spaces that was once filled out by the customer, will be included, when you export your data to a .csv file. Also, you can have a look at the guide about export of data here.  
  • Can share debtor: Put a tick here, if you want more customers to be able to share one debtor. This feature will then automatically be activated on all your debtors. You can not get more customers to share the same debtor unless you have activated this feature. At the same time, you can put a tick in 'Must be activated on each debtor'. This means that you yourself has to activate the feature on each debtor information and thereby choose which debtors you want that more customers should be able to share. For more information, read the FAQ . 
  • Secondary debtor: Activate the possibilty to add a secondary debtor on the customer. This debtor will be preselected on the customer when using split invoices in the cash register. (Read more about split invoices here)
  • Secondary debtor field name: Here you can set the name of the secondary debtor field on the customer. 
  • Secondary debtor group: If you select a debtor group you will limit the secondary debtor on the customer to only select debtors from the selected debtor group. (Read more about debtor groups here).
  • Primary/secondary therapist: If you put a tick here you choose whether you wish to connect a customer to a primary or a potential secondary therapist. If you choose this option, the chosen primary/secondary therapist will then appear in three different places in the system - such as on the customer profile, on a specific booking and in the cash register. You will be able to edit the therapist all three places. Opposite 'Primary therapist' you can choose 'All calendars' or a specific calendar. Opposite 'Secondary therapist' you can choose the same two calendars as above but also 'Only primary', which means that it is only the primary therapist that are choosen. 
  • Age alert icon: Here you can active an icon which will be shown on all customers younger than the age you set.

Remember to press ‘Update' in order to save any changes!


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