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Guides - Go to cash register

Go to cash register

When you press the menu item 'Cash register', you will be transferred to the cash register itself in which you can receive payments from customers. You can also access the cash register by pressing the menu item ‘Go to cash register'. Please note that this requires that a cash register has been opened (See Open cash register for more information

In the cash register you can start a new receipt. If you have multiple cash registers, you can choose the cash register in which the payment should be registered (1). You can also choose which shop assistant receives the payment (2). You have the option of determining whether a shop assistant must be chosen before a payment can be completed. This is done under the settings of the cash register (See Cash register(s) for more information).

At the top left corner, you have the option of entering the voucher code of a voucher that should be used to make a payment (3). You can also choose to find the voucher, by searching for the receiver of the voucher (4). Please note that the use of barcodes must be activated under the settings of the cash register (See Cash register(s) for more information).

In the spaces 'Item number' (5) and 'Description' (6) you have the option of searching for an item in the item database. The item is inserted on the receipt by choosing the desired item on the list. By default, it is inserted that only one item of this type is purchased, however, in the space ‘Amount' (7) you can change the amount of items that the customer wishes to purchase. Next to the item lines (left) you will be able to see an icon (8) that indicates if the specific item line is transferred directly from a specific booking. If you hold the mouse over the icon. you can see further information about the booking. 
Under ‘Employee' (9) you also have the option of choosing which employee has serviced the customer in question. If the item is a service, the employee will be the person who performed the service. If the item is a regular product, the employee will be the person selling the item to the customer. Please note that the shop assistant and the employee can be the same person, however, this is not necessarily the case.

In the space 'Price' (10), the price of the item as defined under the settings of the item is inserted automatically. However, you have the option of giving a discount in the space 'Discount' (11). By default, the discount must be entered as a percentage discount, but you can determine that the discount should be entered in GBP under the settings of the cash register (See Cash register(s) for more information). Finally, in the space ‘Total' you can see the amount the customer should pay for the item which is determined by the spaces amount, price, and discount. If you do not want the option of editing in the 'Price', 'Discount', and 'Total' spaces, you can disable this feature under the settings of the cash register (See Cash register(s) for more information). You have the option of adding an unlimited number of item lines. By following the procedure explained above, you can add the desired number of items. Different items will be shown on different item lines. You can delete an item line by pressing the red cross (13). If the chosen item is part of a reward program, a small blue man (14) will appear next to the red cross. By moving the pointer over the man you can see how many points the customer will earn by purchasing the item and how many points the item costs. If the customer has earned enough points, it is also possible to use these points to purchase the item (See Earn and use points in the cash register for more information).

If you sell a voucher with automatic withdrawals, you will get the opportunity to enter the customer's payment information for future withdrawals, when completing the purchase (see Automatic withdrawals for more information).

If you wish to use a voucher it is important that you remember to check-mark the box ‘New – Use' (15), otherwise the voucher will not be used. In order to sell and simultaneously use a voucher, you need to activate it under Cash register(s).

Please note! Before services can be paid for via the cash register system, the services must be created as items. See Services as items for more information.

​You have the option of searching for the customer who is making the purchase (16). The search is performed across all of your customer databases. When you choose a customer in the search list, the customer's information is inserted automatically. If you change any of the information, the changes are saved when you complete the payment. You also have the option of creating a new customer without leaving the cash register by pressing ‘Create new customer?' (17). Linking a customer to a payment has many advantages, for instance, it enables you to see which purchases a particular customer has made (See Items purchased by a single customer for more information). In addition, you can see whether the customer has any valid vouchers that can be used to make a payment. If the customer wishes to use a voucher to make the payment, press 'Use' (18), after which the voucher information is inserted as the payment method. Finally, you can see how many points the customer has before and after the purchase. Please note that this requires that you have created and activated at least one reward program (See Reward programs for more information). 

Under 'Payment' you can choose which type of payment the customer wishes to use. The accepted types of payment must be activated by GECKO Booking. If you want to receive a particular type of payment not currently shown as a payment type, contact GECKO Booking and we will activate it free of charge. Enter the amount you receive from the customer opposite the desired payment type. For instance, if the customer must pay 1500 DKK (19) for a particular item but hands you 2000 DKK, you enter 2000 DKK in the Cash space (20). At the far right you can see whether change should be given to the customer. When you complete the receipt, you will be alerted of the fact that the customer should receive change (21). In addition, you will also be alerted if an insufficient amount has been entered.

Øverst over 'Kunde' ligger en dropdown menu med navnet 'Opret som' (22). Den indeværende bon kan nu oprettes som en faktura ved at vælge 'Faktura' i menuen. Bemærk at dette kræver, at brug af faktura er aktiveret. Dette gøres under 'Avancerede indstillinger' > 'Back-end' > 'Faktura' (Se den separate vejledning Generel vejledning for mere information). Du har desuden mulighed for at tilpasse indholdet af fakturaen ved at anvende erstatningskoder. Se mulighederne under Erstatningskoder. Derudover er der mulighed for at lave en splitbetaling (23). Dette kan gøres, hvis en kunde f.eks. skal betale 1500 kroner, men kun kan betale 1000 kroner og ønsker at få en faktura på resten af beløbet, eller hvis eksempelvis kommunen skal betale en del af regningen. Læs mere, om hvordan du laver delbetalinger .

Hvis du har aktiveret funktionen 'Opret bon som faktura' under de generelle indstillinger for kasseapparatet, har du her mulighed for at søge efter en allerede oprettet debitor i søgefeltet i midten af siden (24). Når du vælger debitoren i listen, indsættes debitorens informationer automatisk. Du har også mulighed for at oprette en ny debitor direkte i kassen ved at indtaste debitorens informationer i felterne. Du kan også vælge at oprette kunden som debitor (25), hvorved debitor informationerne vil blive udfyldt automatisk med informationerne fra kundeprofilen. Du knytter herved også kundeprofilen og debitoren til hinanden. Når du gennemfører bonnen, vil du foruden en kvittering have mulighed for at printe fakturaen. For mere information om debitorindbetaling se Debitoroversigt.

 You can have multiple uncompleted receipts at the same time, e.g. when two customers are being serviced simultaneously. Saving an uncompleted receipt is in GECKO Booking called to park a receipt. When you choose to park a receipt (26), you can retrieve it later and, if desired, link it to another receipt. All parked receipts can be viewed and retrieved (27). Press ‘Retrieve' opposite the parked receipt you wish to retrieve. The information registered on this receipt is then inserted on the current receipt regardless of whether this receipt is empty or contains information. You also have the option of deleting parked receipts. You can cancel the current receipt (28). You have the option of making outlays from the cash register, e.g. if cash is needed to purchase coffee at the company's expense. When you press ‘Outlay' (29), a pop-up window is opened. Enter the amount of the outlay, which shop assistant performs the outlay, and the reason behind the outlay. When you press ‘Register outlay', the outlay is counted in the cash register statement and the cash can be removed from the cash register. If you press this button 'Receipts in cash register' (30), you will be able to see a list of all the receipts completed in the cash register. If you have activated this option of no sale receipt, you can complete a no sale receipt in the cash register, i.e., complete a receipt without a purchase. An additional button labeled 'No sale receipt' (31) will therefore appear. Please note that this feature must be activated under the settings of the cash register (See Cash register(s) for more information).  A receipt is completed by pressing 'Complete'. If a balance remains, you will be alerted. The receipt is then saved and automatically printed on the connected printer. You will also have the option of e-mailing the receipt to the customer.

Please note! Changes made to the receipt are not saved until the receipt is parked or completed. However, if a receipt is completed you can reverse the receipt if you learn that it is incorrect or the customer wants to cancel a purchase. Find the receipt in the system under 'Cash register' -> 'Open cash register' if the receipt is in the open cash register or under 'Cash register' -> 'Statistics' -> 'Cash register statements' if the receipt belongs to a closed cash register. Click on the button 'Reverse receipt'. The amount will always be withdrawn from the open cash register.

As mentioned above, by pressing the button '+SPLIT' you will able to split an invoice between a customer and a debtor. 

When you have pressed this button you will see a pop up window in which you can create the actual split of the invoice. 

In the right in the pop up window you can set the conditions of the split so to speak. You can fill out the follwing:

EAN Att.: Here you choose between : Order number, reference number or license number according to agreement with the secondary debtor, relative to the specific customer.

Payment conditions: Here you can determine the time limit for payments for this specific invoice. You have to create the payment conditions before you will be able to choose them as an option here. See how you create these in the .

Create as: Here you have the possibility to choose what you want to create the invoice as. You can choose between a regular Invoice' and a 'Invoice (EAN via Truelink)'. The latter is used if you wish to send EAN invoices to the public sector directly from the cash register. Read more about the conditions [GUIDE_P709:here] and how you activate EAN invoices in this .

Text part 1: Here you can write a text that apply for the first part of the payment. The text will appear on the receipt/invoice of the debtor that was created via the split invoice. This could be e.g. 'Patient part' or something else that describes who the payer is. 

Text part 2: Here you can write a text that apply for the second part of the payment. The text will appear on the receipt/invoice of the customer. This could be e.g. 'Municipality part' or something else that describes who the payer is. 

Split type: Opposite 'Split type' you can determine if the part to be payed by the debtor should be stated by amount or by percentage of the total amount. 

Value: Based on your choice of 'Split type' above, at this point you should state the amount or the percentage of the total amount to be paid by the debtor. 

When you have created the split as desired, press 'Create split invoice'. Under 'Payment' in the cash register you will be able to see the amount left to be paid by the other payer. Now, complete the payment of the remaining amount by choosing the payment method to be used for this part of the payment. If you choose that this payment should also be created as an invoice, you will be able to see two invoices when the payment is complete.

Just as with regular receipts/invoices you can also park a split invoice by clicking on 'Park receipt'. When you retrieve it later on it will still include all the information that it had when you saved the invoice. 

The receipt might look like this:


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